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Everything posted by SweetSymphonybyM

  1. Okay, got this set up for the airbrush https://spraygunner.com/grex-tritium-tg-micro-spray-gun-set-with-0-7mm-nozzle/, a moisture trap, and am now trying to decide between these two compressors: https://www.homedepot.com/p/California-Air-Tools-10-Gal-2-0-HP-Ultra-Quiet-and-Oil-Free-Electric-Air-Compressor-10020C/206644539 and https://www.lowes.com/pd/DEWALT-15-Gallon-Single-Stage-Portable-Electric-Vertical-Air-Compressor/1058157 . Husband is going to pick up the necessary connectors once everything arrives and he checks his garage inventory. Thank you so much for all the help! I'm sure I'll be back once everything arrives and I actually try to use it)). Jim, are you still very satisfied with the CakeSafe spraying booth? Does one still wear a mask and has to clean up the are around after spraying?
  2. Q&As on Lowes recommend at least a 30 gallon for HLVP - maybe it's for longer painting than just molds
  3. Would the compressor you mention (the one on amazon) be enough for a spray gun? In one of the posts in this thread you mention it should be at least 13 gallons for a spray gun, which is why I was looking at the larger capacity ones.
  4. Air brush https://www.amazon.com/Tritium-TG-Gravity-Piston-Trigger-SprayGunner/dp/B07XF8QCZG/ref=asc_df_B07XF8QCZG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385339539041&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4784383194043475620&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9060248&hvtargid=pla-826417404411&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=81510837554&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=385339539041&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4784383194043475620&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9060248&hvtargid=pla-826417404411 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002XQ2K5W/?coliid=I344P1GFT0676E&colid=3HL56SQONPWSP&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  5. Or, if the compressors above aren't powerful/large enough for a a good spray gun, how about this one? https://www.homedepot.com/p/California-Air-Tools-20-Gal-2-0-HP-Ultra-Quiet-and-Oil-Free-Electric-Air-Compressor-20020/312624543
  6. Does the compressor have to be oilless? For some reason I have it in my hand that it was recommended in this thread that the compressor be oilless... So, I need the Grex Tritium airbrush, the .7mm needle conversion kit, a larger cup, a moisture trap, hose, all the required connectors, and which of the below compressors would work very well if I choose to upgrade to a spray gun down the road? https://www.homedepot.com/p/California-Air-Tools-10-Gal-2-0-HP-Ultra-Quiet-and-Oil-Free-Electric-Air-Compressor-10020C/206644539 https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-20-Gal-Vertical-Electric-Powered-Silent-Air-Compressor-3332013/311273546 https://www.homedepot.com/p/California-Air-Tools-8-0-Gal-1-0-HP-Aluminum-Air-Tank-Ultra-Quiet-and-Oil-Free-Portable-Electric-Lightweight-Air-Compressor-8010A/309826554
  7. Sorry, I meant an online course by Andrey Kanakin in partnership with Vladislav Pancha. Got Andreys mixed-up.
  8. At this point I've discovered that I might not do with choices so well). I've been trying to decide on a chamber vacuum for two months now, and even with pressure from hubs to make a choice in time for my birthday, I still can't make up my mind)). So, I really wouldn't mind paying for a kit just to avoid making all the selections)). I'm almost ready to pay for an online class on bonbon decorating with Chef Dubovik just so I can learn about his set up in detail)). Thank you for your advice, I will search for the videos you mentioned. If an airbrush can do velveting with success, that will definitely make choosing easier.
  9. Will the airbrush be able to do velveting? Chef Rubber CS told my yesterday that it should handle it with no problem. Are there any places that sell kits for chocolatiers? The idea of finding all the connectors, moisture traps, etc. is daunting What is the difference between a gravity and suction cups for cocoa butter spraying?
  10. Yay, they were able to cancel the airbrush kit part of my order! Even though the cs yesterday said it would be shipped same day... I really need a specific recommendation on a super quiet compressor that can easily handle a spray gun if I choose to upgrade in the future, and an excellent air brush that can spray the 50/50 choc mixture for velveting. I just want to finally have it and forget the pain of choosing one... Price isn't as much of an issue, as easy of use and best tool for the job. The reason I ultimately gave up on the idea of Fuji, were all the reviews that mentioned so much overspray and inability for finer detail
  11. It still doesn't show as shipped, I might be able to cancel it.
  12. No, please tell me the whole terrible truth, better to know than to stay in blissful ignorance ...the compressor is nowhere near worth its money, I won't be able to spray chocolate mix with this, and the compressor won't handle an actual spray gun to assist in spraying the choc mix? Yes, I do realize that, but considering just HOW MUCH chocolate I eat...the color might accumulate rather fast)))
  13. Accordign to chef rubber CS, the Zen line is their natural colors + shimmer.
  14. Okay, you have me worried... 😬
  15. Yes, the purchase has been paid for). Thank you for the reference re: natural cocoa butters, I will review.
  16. Hi everybody, my name's Maryna and I'm a kitchen appliance addict. 😔 After a year of lusting after the Fuji system recommended by Kerry, and going back and forth between completely convincing myself I don't need it at all (not sure I'm into colored bonbons because of the unsafety of edible paint) - to I needed it yesterday, how can I produce quality chocolates (mind you, I'm a home enthusiast, doing around 6 molds per month, at best) without spraying cocoa butter. As a complete novice to sprayers and compressors, I would spend countless hours researching/reading forums every time the urge to purchase a system would strike, scribbling down systems/configurations to get on pieces of paper that are now found in random places all over house, only to forget most of the information learned during after convincing myself that I don't need it... Well, yesterday all of this culminated into a completely researchless purchase on ChefRubber's website - being in a state of upsetness at my SO, I justified purchasing the Ultimate Cocoa Butter Spraying Kit + the natural cocoa butter colors. Then the morning came...and with it, buyer's remorse))....Questions for you guys: Why is that compressor so expensive being of such a small capacity? Does anybody know the ingredients in the natural cocoa butter line? Are they truly natural and safe? Is that a "true" spray gun, or should I just call it an airbrush? Will it be able to spray 50/50 mixture for velveting easily? Jim, glad to hear your feedback on the spray box! Became interested in it a couple of pages back and am now convinced I'm in URGENT need of one))...definitely going on my Christmas wish list!) Sometimes I think my full-time job exists for the sole purpose of supporting my addiction(((...my poor, poor husband....😪
  17. Ummm...I'm not sure how low it goes to shock freeze, but the instruction manual says it freezes the product to 0F and "upon termination of the cycle, the preservation phase at -4F automatically begins"
  18. Can you expend a bit? What do you mean by "siphon"? Like an iSi type one?
  19. And I actually spoke with their San Francisco location/distribution center just now - they are out of the older models of Freddy (they are expecting approval to sell the new version in the U.S. beginning of 2021). For those interested in a chamber vacuum seal drawer - they still have some ZEROs left in two sizes.
  20. Not sure of the exact model number, they have pictures of it with different display styles on their website - mine is the one with a square display with three circles on each side. https://irinoxhomeusa.com/products
  21. Any feedback/opinions on https://polyscienceculinary.com/collections/nav-commercial-vacuum-sealer/products/the-mx2-chamber-vacuum-sealer MX2 vacuum sealer? I've also seen it under the brand name "minipack"
  22. I have an Irinox Freddy...have finally installed a plug to be able to use it four months ago. I enjoy it greatly, but the display is a pain - pictures of the display on the newer model seem to make much more sense. User resources available are very limited, still at a loss as to how to do maintenance cleaning on it... I lucked out when I bought mine - I contacted them to inquire about warranty work in my area, they forwarded my question to a higher up in their distribution center in CA who offered a promo code because they had a lot in stock at the time. Kinda wish I waited for the newer model, but at that price the older one worked out very well
  23. Yay, I received my new toy yesterday. I haven't unpacked it yet, but plant to start my first batch of silk tonight. The only cocoa butter I have at home, is a jar of Mycryo that has been sitting in the fridge for almost a year. Its about 4 months past its best by date. Is it still usable? If so, at what temp does the EzTemper need to be for Mycryo?
  24. My two favorite whites are Callebaut Velvet and Valrhona Waina.
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