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Everything posted by Lreda

  1. Lreda


    Chef, quick question, and maybe I should PM you. On 2nd thought I'm gonna. Edited: Because....
  2. Anyone go tonight? Curious how it went. Was if Philly a couple of years ago. Bad spot on the Today show. Looked like Belushi on SNL, Roker didn't help him with his samari act. I feel for all the chef's who appear at the end of the 9am slot. Only The Scotto's look good here. I need to be adopted by this family.
  3. Lreda


    Just to reiterate the questions of other posters, is this still in effect? Hoping it is for Sunday... ← Yes it is in effect, but you must mention it to receive the discount. ← Can you mention the discount when making a reservation? I wouldn't be apt to ask for a discount when either walking in or when receiving the bill. Thanks
  4. Morimoto's in Phila was great though it's been 2 years since we ate there. Although a good amount of of alcohol was involved that day. I look forward to trying the new site in Chelsea. Most assuredly, it will have a big city vibe. No diss at Philly. (Well, maybe my hatred of The Eagles)
  5. Loved Picasso when I dined here 4 years ago. Napa, with the late Jean-Louis Palladin was also excellent. Aureole was a disappointment. Well, flying in On Mar 23-26th. Booked the first night at Fix. Need suggestion for a foursome on Sat night and a solo dinner on Sunday. Leaning toward Nobu LV for the solo dinner.
  6. OK, this is getting good as I've confirmed with highlighting Kaister's name that he's the owner of Bula in Newton. Brad, anytime you'd like to call me a whiner to my face please stop down and do so. Badmouthing other owners personally in public just isn't something professionals do.
  7. you have got to be the biggest whiner I've heard on here.......!! ← Just to stroke the fire I received a PM stating that Kaister is a restaurant owner nearby. I've asked the person to PM me something to verify, henceforth why I haven't said which one.
  8. Thanks Lori, it was nice meeting you and seeing Jim again. I'll leave it at this as we'll be seen as owner patting each other on the back. Good luck at DD and see you soon. Lou
  9. You all know I couldn't keep quiet for long. Without a doubt this will cause me loss of revenue. 11 years ago when I opened I made my dining room non-smoking and allowed smoking in the bar with 4 booths for smokers allowed. I've spent $2500. on ventilation in the bar to make sure smoke didn't drift into the dining room. This will cost me revenue from the cigar mokers and cigarette smokers that will frequent less and when there stay shorter instead of going outside. The regulars who will be undetered and smoke outside will stay longer as they have to go outside which will now cause me to pay more overtime to bartenders. This without a doubt is a lose, lose situation for me.
  10. Monty Python, I'm a sick bastard. Do you all want to lose me?........... I have a day off tomorrow. I'm off to NYC, or maybe Frog & Peach. Sorry Betsy, I will make it there in the next couple of weeks, not that my opinion counts for much. Egullet seems too serious sometimes. Good night.
  11. Enough of this , Pull up An American Grill to the postings. Just messing with you. I just blew the under on the BCS game.
  12. Let me say that it wasn't Rosie that prompted me to say I've been told to keep my mouth shut but egullet policy says I'm not allowed to comment on policy by management. Can anyone say censorship? Please don't delete. I've been PM'd by many people and really want to comment but have been told not to. I hope I haven't broke the rules. A side note, if egullet would like to hear restaurant owners commenting, perhaps a little leverage should be allowed for those of us brave enough to comment on bad experiences had our places. Otherwise I'd say most of us will go underground and not respond. Henceforth, you'll all have a one-sided discussion without feedback from the people that run the place that you dine. I think you all want to here why we do what we do and why. Also, it's gives us a chance to make up for our mistakes. Let me say I don't know the F&P and have never dined there.
  13. I felt the same way but I've been told in so many words to keep my mouth shut.
  14. Most restaurants should. It makes for good business. People on expense accounts don't want to submit 2 bills from the same place for the same day.
  15. Or when I don't get to have fun on holiday's because I'm on the phone shuffling everyone's last minute changes. Had 3 stinking glasses of wine and that's it. Ask my fellow lush the dirty martini drinker, Stinger. Spent all morning and afternoon on the phone and chef'd out 200 dinners, went home and passed out. Got up this morning and made breakfast for the kids and then took care of them as I love to do. Just sat down a couple of hours ago. Happy New Year all.
  16. Because that's the way you phrased it, as if it were all done on the same day.
  17. Let me get this straight, you made reservations at 3 different places on one of the busiest nights of the year. Even with the courtesy of canceling you fail to give the other restaurants time to rebook. I don't mean to be disrespectful but I think that's lousy. Restaurants plan NY Eve for weeks, confirm, plan menus based on how many people we have booked and then order food based on how many we have reservations. Give that a little thought next time a holiday comes around.
  18. Thanks dude, glad you were able to join our regular NY Eve boozers. Look like you all had fun as all the men stumbled their way out to be driven home by the women. Glad you dug the short ribs, they've been popular. Let me know when we're going out for cocktails.
  19. Lreda


    Nice job there markymark. Also enjoyed your equation. Looks like the new GM in addition to not being a stand up person and is a bit of a sneak for posting under the illusion of being a customer.
  20. Lreda


    Obviously Ebberlyn wasn't all that concerned about comments here on egullet. I posted 4 hours and talked about the shortcomings and was actually being gentle and didn't want to gang up and no reponse posted. Let's see if PaulaJK's are taken care of. Rosie, did you ever contact the restaurant or go dine again after Ebberlyn's post?
  21. Lreda


    Gotta agree with you on that. A very good meal, especially with the BYOB and the savings by bringing our own , but I happen to be someone who wants to pair wine with what I'm eating and when you're at a BYOB you're not sure what food to pair with wine. and please don't tell me to look at the website because most BYOB's don't post specials, which I tend to eat on a 2nd visit after we've picked the menu apart.
  22. The Jefferson. Bar should be good at that time if you're dining alone. Otherwise, their quaint dining room should do you good. I think the address is 14th & Washington, I might be off by a block.
  23. Thanks for the interest, Lori. It was nice meeting Jim, interesting man. Hope to have you both for dinner soon.
  24. chefware.com
  25. Rosie, you do have a mean streak and a good memory.
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