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Everything posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. Thank you for all the advice! I have carefully prepared the fruit (stored 4 in my fruit bowl) annnnnd... 1 bag was sent with the MIL and the rest to the mine with my hub... I wish I had half the patience and dedication you all do!
  2. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Chili for us tonight in anticipation of precipitation. It went wide 😔.
  3. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Roast chicken. Pan Gravy, Veg & Yorkies for us. Chicken was in for 10 minutes too long I think.
  4. Okay. Who hung the invisible 'This Girl can't say no to huge amounts of things she can't use' sign around my neck? Pulled up at the drive through car wash in the big smoke today, a man approached my window as I went to tap and go. I lowered it a gap, expecting to be told it was out of order, and he said 'Do you like Mandarins?' Now what?!?
  5. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Sorry to put an end to the beautiful pictures. Bangers N Mash do not photo all that well. Especially when ones husband drops a bombshell as you go to make the Gravy. Apparently the sinner prefers Tomato Ketchup!?!? After all these years 🤯. Yeah so after the photo, I scooped the peas to the side and puddled him some Ketchup. Off to ponder how bad my Gravy is!
  6. I don't have the heart to tell him kitchenware is the one place I adore colour. My wardrobe & coffee may be as black as my soul but... 😁 When I called him to thank he said " The one in the link you sent me last year was orange but that didn't seem like you.." 🤦‍♀️ Ps: Scared to use. Still in box.
  7. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Hmmm.. perhaps I'll try this next time. Seeing as it's a Bona Fide Aussie recipe 😁
  8. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Mine wouldn't either. It's basically just a thick Bechamel with wholegrain Mustard. But I sub out maybe 1/4 of the milk with the cornmeat cooking liquid (which I use a fair bit of Malt Vinegar in). It's not something I grew up with so I'm feeling my way! Constantly battling with the husbands childhood memories of how it should be!
  9. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Corned Meat & Mustard Sauce tonight. Excuse the rough carving I hate doing it but the Mr is absent. My Corned Beef is... inconsistent, this leaned toward the bad side. I've come to the conclusion that the reason is that I'm not in control of the 'Corning'. Large containers and a bigger fridge may be in my future. Sides were boring old steamed veg.
  10. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Oven Baked Chicken Thigh Burgers. Aioli, slaw, pickles and 'American Style' Bacon & Cheese slice from Costco. Slaw is Vegetables. It counts.
  11. I'm not a flower person. Today I am thankful for that. My husband had this delivered to my work 🙂😁. 26cm Satin Black. Now to work out what he has done....
  12. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    I'm at a work thing. I am not a big fan of raw Salmon or BBQ sauce. There is no mini bar or room service. Send help! I'm also not supposed to be on my phone. All pictures will be dodgy.
  13. I like Maccas too. I'll own my shame. I am aware I am not supposed to. But I do. 🤷‍♀️ However its not somewhere I go to try 'new things'. I like 4 things - and I pick them because thats the exact taste I want at that time. Its a thing that's consistent across continents (usually) and as a formerly fussy to extreme eater it helped! One of the, 4 I only eat in the UK. First time I got a sausage muffin in Aus I was sick. There was nothing wrong with it but the sausage they use is beef and it tasted just wrong enough for my brain to think I had been food poisoned. 😂🤦‍♀️
  14. This topic really made me think 🤔. At first my answer was Offal. But then I remembered I have eaten Liver on a mixed grill in Majorca, just to try, and I love certain specific Patè. I would also do alot to be able to have my Nan's steak and kidney pudding again. So I can't say I would avoid offal. I am scared of Shellfish but last week I tried Scallops (loved em). And I adore Scampi (battered deepfried, pub style). I always say I'll never eat a Horse/Dog/Cat because of social norms, but I wouldn't have said I would eat crocodile before last week. I guess my answer depends on the day. Nothing is solid. Probably no bugs.
  15. A guy at work asked if I liked Snow Peas. 5 hours later.... Anyone got any recipes using 10 kg of Snow Peas ?!
  16. I love a Rib Eye for a tasty steak or a Sirloin if i'm after taste but less fat. I also love beef cheeks, pain in the butt too prepare, but I love the sort of unctuous quality they give to stews - hard to find unfrozen here though. I love the taste and value of a roasted lamb shoulder - but I can't carve it suitably for my slab loving carnivores so tend to go for a leg.
  17. I know this thing has its own topic but it also fits here. I have driven thousands of kilometres in the last few weeks. Mcdonalds happened. More than once 🤦‍♀️. On some of the less discerning food pages I watch on social media, the Filet-O-Fish has a cult like following. So the *Sh!t Foodie* in me decided to try. Dear God No. Why? Sweet. Messy. Cheesy 'Fish'. Hot tartar. An abomination. (And I love a fish finger sandwich when I'm in the mood to relive Uni). This is after my, hubs and kidlets bite. Didn't find the right cult for me on this day. 😂
  18. Tempura Prawn & Avo. Breakfast of 6 year old Champions. Muma has 24 hours left in civilization before its back to the dust.
  19. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    I can't find the topic for 'I'm just gonna eat chips and nuts and drink wine this evening & this is the most substantial thing I had'. So Dinner it is. Banana & Vanilla Bean Oreo & Bubble Gum Yup I did let my child eat something that colour. Yup. I am regretting it now.
  20. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    I love your honesty, sarcasm & linguistic skills so much I just spent 10 minutes consulting the Oxford and Cambridge Dictionaries trying to work out if I spelled spicy wrong 😂
  21. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Briefly home before the road trip continues South. Found a forgotten Pumpkin in the Larder. So a simple Spicy Soup for dinner.
  22. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Fortunately I detest Rum so I do remember! It was what I consider standard spring roll stuffing + couple lumps of meat. Cabbage, Carrot, Bean Sprouts - if there was anything else it didn't jump out. I'm going to add: My family are visiting - it's not just the usual 2.5 of us 😂
  23. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Dinner out tonight. At a place called Fish D'vine. We are not really seafood aficionados, however the Bar in this place has Australia's largest collection of Rum... Unfortunately the Rum aficionado the trip was designed for managed to stand on a broken glass bottle whilst taking out the bin 🤦‍♀️. I patched him the best I could so we could make dinner but I expect there will be a trip to a flesh seamstress in the AM. Just enough Rum was consumed to make it through the night. Scallops, Chorizo & Cauli Puree Crocodile Spring Rolls Salmon Sashimi Tempura Tiger Prawns Seafood Pasta Ocean Basket Red Throat Emp & Feta Salad Macadamia Crust Barra w/ Rattatouille Fish N Chips (Spanish Mackeral) Little Dude had Calamari Big Wounded Dude had 2x All rum Long Island Ice Teas... for medicinal purposes 😁🤢 And no one hit me over the 'don't touch it let me lean over and take a picture' rule. Winning.
  24. CantCookStillTry

    Dinner 2019

    Everyone said they were okay for dinner again. I didn't believe them. I hate waste so took a 2kg bag of taytos on holiday with me. Dinner / Drink Snack Roasties.
  25. The Big Breakky of the Holiday. Guilt Easer.
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