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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. I like the dog bowls in place. Where dogs come first, there is love.
  2. Me, too. Ironically, for most of us sourcing some of these ingredients is not easy. Lamb tongues. Or have escalated in price. Oxtails. And look what some beans can cost!
  3. My experiences were mostly with Blum's in San Francisco. They did serve it quartered with a light shower of powdered sugar but, thankfully, no raspberry jam. I remember them also as barfood at Omar Khayyham.
  4. This was cold. There is textural interest with soft interior countered with crisp crusty parts. I usually like this on a hot morning in the country, but needs must and it was on hand on a cold city morning. Still delicious.
  5. Chili for supper last night -> obligatory cornbread -> cornbread with buttermilk for breakfast. A lovely, comforting bowl.
  6. Don't forget the Monte Cristo sandwich.
  7. Quite right! And I add a splash of Grand Marnier to the custard mix. 😆
  8. Like forest detritus, I prefer the more organic looks of a simple rolled cake. I don't want my creation to look like I bought it but rather than I put love and effort into it.
  9. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    The one reason we cruse through a local "Pic and Save" that sells salvage/excess inventory is that we fall over product that we never see in our urban carriage trade market. All kinds of unusual, possibly test products, that we hanker for when they're gone but can never find at normal retail.
  10. I got lost somewhere between what is and what was and if what was is now what you call ramen. But as long as each of us is able to source what he has in mind, it matters little. As the master said, "What's in a name?"
  11. A little clarification or obfuscation, depending on your point of view.
  12. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    Our reve was a boulangerie in the village of Bievre, southwest of Paris. An antique tool faire. Cold. Stood in line until I reached the counter and ordered a jambon-fromage. The ample woman behind the counter called out, "Marrrrie! Un jambon-fromage!" The baguette was ethereal, the ham correct and the cheese perfect. The next year, "Marrrrrie" seemed to have left, the sandwich okay but not more, and the next year the place was closed. Sometimes you can't go home again.
  13. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    I think Paul is underrated. Every product of theirs that I've tried has been excellent, baked on site -> very fresh.
  14. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    I'm on the next plane.
  15. I have been asked to create a binder of favorite and doable recipes for a 9 year old grandson. I'm going to include his favorite cheese sauce, Velveeta melted in milk to dunking consistency. Well, may as well be honest!
  16. I'm reminded of French hosts who told of visiting an American family. They were there for several days when their American host mentioned that they, the French, would probably enjoy some wine with dinner. "Well, yes, that would be lovely!" So they went to the state liquor store and found a bottle of wine. Outside, the wife said, "We should have some cheese with this wine." "How thoughtful of you!" So they went into a supermarket and asked their French friends, "What color do you prefer, yellow or blue?" The French people didn't understand, so it was explained, "Yellow can or blue can?" Ah. "Spray cheese,"
  17. I have been wondering how many people are thinking of stale saltines, which are, granted, a horrid thing. While fresh, first out of the tube, are a totally different animal.
  18. My Mame-like aunt used to amuse 5 year old me with a snack of several soda crackers on a saucer, topped with a spoon of canned milk and boiling water, sprinkle of sugar. She gave it some fanciful name and I thought it was wonderful. I'd go home and tell my mother who would shake her head in disgust. But I remember these "treats" as delicious to this day.
  19. Salt in my wound, my friend. Because we enjoyed them so much and I found them so useful in constructing "what's to eat when there's nothing to eat" dinners, I picked up few to feed the freezer every time I came across them. Then a week or so ago, dh announces that he's "getting kinda tired of dishes based on hot sausages." Okay. It'll take a couple of months to begin with them again.
  20. Townsend's creamed spinach was a downtown SF ladies' lunch favorite. My roommate and I used to meet maybe once a month over this ultimate comfort bowl. This recipe says "chop" but I remember it as a velvety puree.
  21. Lovely! Nice amount of black pepper. I'd have plopped the eggs on top of the bok choy, but I guess it all gets there eventually.
  22. Thanks for this, b_d. These names from the past bring back many memories as well as moist eyes as I realize how many are no longer with us.
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