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Everything posted by AlaMoi

  1. I really have to chuckle at some of this. it goes back to the condition of knife-nuts. "dished" stones - yup, they will not maintain a consistent angle. does it make a difference? see: how big is your dished. see: knife nuts. ....but it's toothed, Jim! anyone looked under magnification at those coarse, fine, finer, finest, mini-micro-nano serrations..... _after_ steeling a knife? it's sharp and does the job. it's not sharp enough for the job.
  2. what specific germies are you pasteurizing for? the "instant / fast kill" temperature varies salmonella - 131'F listeria - 158'F e-coli (the xx57 strain) - 160'F time-to-death at lower temps varies by bug. if you research 10-log reductions by temp for the specific bug, that may produce more results.
  3. run, don't walk, from this idea. nicotine is soluable in water. it's a pH thing. an old fashioned insecticide is tobacco steeped in water - multiple fatalities involved. nicotine is exceedingly readily absorbed thru skin/membranes. it affects the central nervious system and it can easily be lethal - we're talking milligram level amounts. I suppose there's a difference between a tobacco flavor and nicotine poisioning. without expert lab experience / analysis, I do not know how one can extract 'the flavor' without 'the nicotine' - nicotine is easily extracted by polar and non-polar solvents - meaning water, alcohol, ether, .... rafts of 'other'
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