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Hermann Morr

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  1. Well, the starting question was about sauce and i posted a recipe with sauce. Of course in the north you'll find meatballs made with leftover bollito, breaded, fried and served with salad.
  2. https://www.giallozafferano.com/recipes/meatballs-with-sauce.html Giallo Zafferano is an italian cooking site and they provide a translation. Notice the tomato sauce in the recipe is not thickened, no butter, sugar or anything, so i would not call it a gravy.
  3. Northern Italy is not the best place for Pizza, but as you will be passing through Piedmont, you might try Pizza al padellino: http://www.repubblica.it/sapori/2017/03/24/news/pizza_padellino_torino_ristoranti_storici-160041215/ Or pizza with Bagna Cauda ( not a light option ) In Liguria you will find local pizza-like focaccia: https://www.facarospauls.com/apps/italian-food-decoder/10799/pizzaladiera http://www.genovatoday.it/cucina/ricetta-pizza-andrea.html https://blog.giallozafferano.it/giustopergusto/pizzata-ligure-focaccia-di-recco/ " Pizzata " is a cheese stuffed focaccia di Recco, topped like a pizza
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA02tN-cyx0 Summer is coming, nothing better than a quick and easy bread salad.
  5. These quotes might shed some light on the matter: http://foodloversodyssey.com/2011/04/puglia-cheese-making-fresh-salento-cheese/ http://www.emiliaromagnaturismo.com/en/flavours/traditional-recipes/starters-en/raviggiolo-cheese-en.html http://www.cooksinfo.com/prescinseua-cheese
  6. I was thinking about a sunday gravy \ cassoulet hybrid. So wondered if it was plain hot dog or some smoked kind.
  7. Looks like a french twist to the italian recipe. Might be interesting to know what kind of hot dog was used.
  8. Ever seen this cooking technique ? A reference with pictures in italian language. Could'nt find any in english. http://cheprofumino.blogspot.it/2009/02/la-nostra-pizzasenza-forno.html
  9. Sorry i did'nt notice this thread in time. Should someone else need advice, i live in Parma.
  10. Now pasta machine time: make long sheets. Distribute bits of stuff over the sheets, fold and cut your cappelletti with the help of a tiny glass. Press the glass strongly or the edges won't seal perfectly.
  11. For the pasta dough you need 1 kg all-purpose flour, 200 grams semolina and eight eggs. Mix all toghether, add a few water and salt, knead. Kneading will take some time, 20 minutes minimum, italian cookin doesn't require expensive ingredients, but is labour intensive. Once in a while cut the dough to see how it is inside. When you find tiny bubbles it's done.
  12. For the stuff you need 150 grams ground bread ( 5 oz. ), 150 grams ground parmesan, two eggs, pinch of megnut and your stracotto juice. Mix bread, cheese, eggs and megnut in a bowl, pour the warm juice and knead with your hands till you have a firm and uniform dough. Parmesan cheese should be at least 30 months old to have the right texture.
  13. Cover the pot and let it simmer. You can use a common lid, but true parmesan grandmums cover their stracotto pots with a clay dish with a thin crack running through the middle and fill it with wine and sweet spices, like cinnamom and clover. In theory the evaporating wine should penetrate through the crack and diffuse the spices scent in your simmering pot. Simmering does'nt have to happen all the same day, tradition is starting friday with all the preps, simmering a few time, then turning off the fire and starting again saturday morning. At last the meat should be falling apart as you touch it with a fork. Once it's done separate the clean juice with a sieve. The solid vegetable bits and a small part of the juice will season the stracotto meat, serve it with polenta or tagliatelle noodles. Or mash if you just can't live without. The liquid part will be the flavour of your cappelletti stuff.
  14. Start heating some olive oil in a pot and sweating finely cut onion, carrot, celery and garlic. Add a couple bay leaves, one rosemary branch, sage. Brown the meat. You may use just beef or add more meats to your liking, like a quarter capon, a pork rib, a sausage. Once the meat is browned pour a glass of still red wine, let it dry, cover with water or stock, adjust salt and turn fire to minimum.
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