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Richard Kilgore

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Richard Kilgore

  1. Good to have cobbler power back on again, Suvir?

    I made another peach and blueberry cobler in the nine inch EH pie dish using Varmit's recipie with slight modifications: nutmeg instead of cinnamin, more cream with the buttermilk (and no milk), cooked the fruit a little hotter and longer by 5 minutes. It turned out great.

    BTW, W-S has the nine inch pie dishes in lemon and lime colors on sale in stores for $16 (were something like an over-priced $32).

  2. Nightscotsman --- Thanks. I'll give it a try soon. Perhaps if I processed half of it to a paste and half a little less and then combined them it would give me what I am looking for.

    Aurora --- The crust was medium thick and more like shortbread. Yes, the lemon and pistachio turn out to be a great combination.

    I'll talk to the chef next time I am there. They were swamped yesterday, so I did not at the time.

  3. Today I had a slice of Lemon Pistachio Tart at a local shop. Wonderful, wonderful. There was a layer of pistachio between the lemon and the pastry, but not sure how they did the pistachio layer. Anyone know of a recipe or an idea of how to do it?

  4. Suvir --- Your link solved the mystery for me. ( How does he get 8 - 9 cups of fruit in that thing?) I have a couple of the 9 inch EH pie dishes, not the 12 inch.

    I had to chip the left over dough-sludge out of the pie dish from last night's mis-adventure. I stuffed it in the disposal, flipped the switch, and ducked when it threw it back at me.

  5. I did the Paula Deen Cobbler this evening and changed a few things, some of which worked and some obviously did not, since the batter never rose through the fruit while baking. First, I cut the recipie in half, guessing at the quantity for one of the Emile Henry deep die dishes Suvir mentioned. I am not too good at estimating yet, and I forgot about the RLB chart in The Pie and Pastry Bible; four cups of fruit would have been just fine. Anyway, I used 1 1/2 cups peaches and 1/2 cup blue berries. I used natural brown sugar, which should not have been a problem should it? I thought the batter looked a little thin, so added more flour. Why I thought I should know what is thin and what is not is beyond me. So the batter did not rise through the fruit. It stayed glued to the bottom, resulting in a thick, dumpling-like quality. Was it good anyway? Yes, ideed, topped with whip cream. If I do four or five versions of cobbler and their near cousins over the next week or two I may get it right. Love that research.

    Thanks again.

  6. Thanks for starting this thread, Suvir. Great stuff from you, Varmit and Tana. I am going to do a cobbler tonight, and was wondering if I substitute "Heavy Whipping Cream" for Heavy Cream", if it will make much of a difference. My understanding is that Whipping Cream has a little more fat than Heavy Cream, but do I need to do anything different?

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