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  1. Moore Bros. is a rarity, but at least it's possible in states without Big Brother. That said, while the overwhelming majority of LCB clerks know little about what they sell a few do. And the LCB holds classes for employees who want to learn more about wine. Alas, these folks are hard to find. My largest complaint is lack of breadth in stock. Aquavit by special order only, and even then I can't get even by SLO what's stocked by most NJ stores; same goes for eau de vies.
  2. The frozen Alaska cod filet is a perfect fish for deep frying, whether whole filets or cut into fingers or nuggets. Meaty, holds shape without flaking, yet tender in the mouth and mild sweet in flavor. It's plain tasting, but that's what you want for fish and chips.
  3. Much better cheesesteak article here: http://www.gq.com/story/alan-richman-10-best-cheesesteaks-in-philadelphia
  4. Before Kanella, before Village Belle, and before (don't know name) was in the space there was Tivoli. It was short-lived, but the only place this side of Wisconsin where you could get smorrebord, the classic open/faced sandwich of Copenhagen. Alas, the owner ran off in the middle of the night. I found out when I called to make a reservation and the landlord answered. He wanted to know if I knew where his tenant could be found! Some of Joncarl's specialties are refinements of some of Tivoli's dishes, especially the herring.
  5. gweb: I concur. Went once for their old late night dessert buffet, food was OK, ambience just too big. Tea and fine dining need intimacy.
  6. I have aLebanese-Italian friend here in center city Phila., and we regularly make trip to Norma's for kibbie nayeh (advanced order required). Newish pizza joint in Haddonfield, , Angelo's, is superb. Owners a wild bread baker, related to Sarcone's clan -- even makes his own bagels for Sunday morning !
  7. A basic glaze recipe is 1-1/2 cups confectioners sugar and 3-4 tablespoons milk or water and, if you wish, 2 teaspoons vanilla or another extract. If you really want that apple flavor but want the glaze to set keep to this sugar-liquid ratio.
  8. rlibkind

    Barnsley Chop

    I did start it by briefly searing the fat cap side, but mostly pan cooked on the two broad sides. I don't know about any "advantage" to this cut, though I think the bigger cut is less likely to overlook/dry out that two separate loin chops. A whole deboned saddle as you described (roasted, I presume) certainly would be tasty. Of course, I'm rather indiscriminate when it comes to lamb. I'll pretty much eat any cut cooked in just about any way. Shanks, breast, leg, neck, shoulder. I do draw the line at most offal, except when it's disguised by a master of charcuterie.
  9. rlibkind

    Barnsley Chop

    Enjoyed this Barnsley Chop (after cooking) for my Sunday dinner, along with grilled tomato and pan-fried potatoes. I cooked it medium (still tinges of pink). Incredibly lamb-y thanks to that gorgeous rim of delicious fat. You won't find this cut in any supermarket I know, but a good butcher who handles lamb can do it. It's just two loin chops from opposite sides of the saddle. This one I obtained from Nick Macri, proprietor of La Divisa Meats at Philadelphia's Readjng Terminal Market, who took over the stall from Craig Rogers of Border Springs Lamb Farm, Patrick Springs, VA, who supplies Nick (who also sells some great pork and is a master of charcuterie). The Barnsley Chop is quintessentially English and originated, or so legend has it, in the town of the same name in South Yorkshire.
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/14/dining/how-red-wing-became-william-f-buckley-jrs-favorite-peanut-butter.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share
  11. rlibkind

    The Perfect Burger

    I only cook it this with beef I grind immediately before cooking.
  12. rlibkind

    The Perfect Burger

    Chuck, 80%, cooked like a "Pittsburgh Rare" steak, i.e., charred on exterior, but center square centimeter warm but still raw.
  13. For iced coffee I've been using coarse grind with a weight ratio of 1:10, overnight in the refrigerator (12 hours). Filtered after removing from fridge in the a.m. before addition of milk, simple syrup and a few ice cubes. I generally just make enough for a 12-15 fl. Oz. serving: 40-45 grams ground coffee, 400-450 grams water.
  14. For what type of use? General cooking or specific recipe, health needs, etc. there's no one answer to the question.
  15. Shoulder chops are a wonderful cut, but not served cold as noted by others. Too late for your party, but for future reference: skewer cubed meat (with as much of the fat as you can tolerate),, season with freshly coarse-ground cumin, salt, cayenne, black pepper, then grill over medium fire ( it will only take a couple of minutes)..
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