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Posts posted by Robenco15

  1. That's exactly the one I bought. Very solid with 2 mm copper (well, I guess 1.8 mm copper and 0.2 mm stainless steel -- and the additional magnetic steel at the bottom for induction) but not unwieldy or exceedingly heavy.



    I have looked at the Siemens, the Miele and the Gaggenheim ones. Between 3000 and 4500 Euro are the prices I have seen. That's down 1000 bucks compared to a year and a half ago. We'd like to have a new by the years end ideally, so I don't have the time to wait for prices to descend further. The good thing is that these seem to be the second generation free zone cook-tops; I have nothing against being an early adapter but am not too keen on running into the quirks of brand new electronics in a kitchen bought for 10+ years.



    So that copper induction pan really benefits from the copper? I thought induction pans benefit from the actual induction process and a bonus of using induction is that the cheap pans like the IKEA pans works just as well since you are using induction and not a flame. Pretty sure the guys at ChefSteps just use cheaper well built pans as they only cook on induction. I know a bunch of people who switched to induction and were thrilled they could just buy cheaper pans and still get wonderful results due to the induction cooktop.


    Maybe I am way off base though.

  2. Hi Everyone,


    Just wanted to alert those who would be interested in this pan. I just purchased it and still can't believe the price I paid.


    You can get it here for $290 after tax and shipping - http://www.previninc.com/shop/Mauviel-Copper-Fry%20Pans.html


    Still a lot to spend on a pan, but the best price by over $100 I've seen anywhere. Just wanted to pass it along to maybe the one or two people who would be interested. Or the one or two people who didn't know they needed it until just now.


    This pan has 2.5mm of copper so it is the real deal. Not the table presentation version. I ordered it Saturday and it arrived yesterday. Absolutely fantastic.


    If you're a fan of Matfer Bourgeat, as I am for everything but their fry pans, then I've found this place has the best prices for their stuff, with or without lids - http://www.culinarycookware.com/matfer-bourgeat-copper-cookware.html


    Hope this is helpful!


    edit: just realized how this may look. I am in no way affiliated with either of these companies. Just like saving myself money and hopefully others.

    • Like 2
  3. On quick glance and off the top of my head, The Bouchon Bakery cookbook is much more thorough in terms of variety of recipes and standard pastries, etc. Dominique's book is very specific to his own unique creations and very intense. I'd say the hardest recipe in Bouchon Bakery is maybe as hard as the fifth hardest recipe in Dominique's book. By hard I mean a lot of things like steps, duration to complete the recipe, and how difficult it might be to execute it.


    But I haven't cooked a ton out of the Bouchon Bakery either so not sure how accurate that may be. The biggest difference is Bouchon Bakery really has every standard french baking recipe in it. Breads, sweets, all of the above. Dominique's book has mostly sweet things of his own design that he sells at his shop. There are some overlap of recipes with Bouchon Bakery but most of the recipes in Dominique's book are really unique to him. I'd say Bouchon Bakery would give you a wonderful education in baking, etc. and Dominique's book would show you how to really execute 3 Michelin starred pastries, or whatever you'd call Dominique's genius creations.


    I am not familiar with Elements of Dessert, sorry.

  4. Just picked this up. Really like it. Great essays and insights in the first 50 or so pages. Then three sets of recipes organized by beginner, intermediate, advanced. The beginner section isn't too bad and the intermediate section would probably pose some real challenges but nothing too insane. The advanced section is incredible. Some of those recipes go on for pages but I'd say everything is doable given you have the equipment, time, and a way to source the ingredients.

    The last small part is some basic techniques. This has pictures too to show the process of laminating a dough, etc. which i found useful as I don't know a ton about baking.

    I'd pick it up if you are even mildly interested in baking and Ansel's recipes. He is an absolute genius and this has to have some of the most creative dishes (pastries, etc.) I've ever seen. I wasn't as familiar with his stuff so some of it really blew my mind.

  5. The Waring blender may be a very good device but I really have to laugh at how they advertise it. They claim it's 3.5 hp but go on to say it's 1560 Watts which calculates out to  just a little more than 2 hp of electrical usage! If it was truly 3.5 hp it couldn't run plugged into a conventional household or commercial receptacle, it would require a special electrical feed! Not that they are alone in doing this but not engineering type people don't realize that what they are saying is a complete joke. Horsepower is 745.7 watts no matter how you calculate it.

    Fair enough and good point about advertising. I'm not very up on all of the electrical information, etc but your info is definitely correct.

    My point was that the Waring is more powerful, which it still is. It puts out more watts than any vitamix or vita-prep (is "puts out" the correct way of daying that?). Then it has the benefit of having a 3.5hp motor which, from my limited understanding, will allow it to run longer without overheating and last longer overall.

  6. Aren't blenders more than about how "powerful" they are?


    I'm sure this is a good choice, Robenco15.  Do you use it in a commercial environment?  If so, how many drinks a day do you blend?


    I don't use it in a commerical environment, just at home. I like it because it can do anything I need it to. It isn't all about power, but I assume it can do everything any good blender, like a Vitamix, can, plus push a little more. If you ever need to liquify anything, it can do that better than any other one.


    Also, the jar is great and if done right (which I am still doing my best to perfect) you won't ever need a tamper for anything products as they get pulled down and whatnot. I honestly have no experience with a Vitamix, I just wanted him to see that there were more things out there than a Vitamix (and in my opinion better) that did fall within his given budget. Vitamix blenders are great, but they also do a lot of marketing that makes them look like the only option out there. Kinda reminds me of Bose audio equipment. Bose is good, but not that amazing, yet due to their marketing people rarely realize there are many more options out there (usually better and cheaper). The only difference here though, and I'll definitely concede this,is  a Vitamix is a great product compared to most blenders.


    Here is a video about the Waring Xtreme. Maybe it will answer your question better than I am able to?


    • Like 1
  7. Which model of the Vitamix do you recommend?


    Thank you


    I disagree completely with raising your budget, aside from one thing.


    First, get the Waring Xtreme with variable speed control. Much cheaper than a Vitamix, more powerfrul than a Vitamix, and within your budget.


    However, if you want those dials like the Vitamix 750 has (soup, smoothie, etc) then I guess you should go with that one as I don't think Waring makes a blender with those features, but research, maybe they do. Not sure it would be in your budget and I'm not sure the Vitamix 750 is in your budget.


    My Waring Xtreme is absolutely amazing. Here is where I got it from.



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  8. If I am reading this correctly, chill it after it is done (meaning pull it as if you were going to eat it at that moment, but chill it instead). Then reheat it in the bath one degree celcius under temperature (will probably take a few hours for it to come up to temp). If you just cook it another 24 hours the texture will probably get screwed up.

  9. I'm talking about science here, not about anybody's merits. You wanna risk your health at the popularity of some cooks, go ahead. But I don't want to see such a profile here in a public forum where people can follow it without any further justification for what clearly is a food safety risk. I know perfectly well who ChefSteps are, I follow them since they started. I was likely the first person to receive and read the MC volumes in Spain. I teach sous-vide classes, and food safety is a key issue for me. 54ºC for 72 hours without any additional safety measures is not guaranteed to be safe for what we know from Baldwin and MC, so it deserves furher justification. Period.

    And I am also surprised that ChefSteps put that profile without any additional comment about safety in that page. I will later ask directly in their page.

    Whatever man. You have your opinions and I have mine. Chefsteps and Douglas Baldwin are more than enough for me to cook for 72hrs at 54C.

    I have no idea if this is useful information or not for you, but I pre-sear my ribs before cooking to eliminate all surface bacteria. I also am not putting anybody elses health in danger by reposting from a reputable source with scientific backing. Since you read Modernist Cuisine, I would hope you'd understand that saying they are just some popular "cooks" is innacurate and a bit rude.

    Please contact ChefSteps though. I's be interested in hearing what those cooks have to say, either way. Truly.

    • Like 2
  10. I'm a little lithuanian too, but we don't do kielbasa on thanksgiving. We do kielbasa on christmas and easter I think. Cool.

    My family HAS to have the chopped up giblets and next in the gravy. Last year I strained them out after they gave all of their flavor up and my grandmother stormed back into the kitchen and took them from the strainer and put them back in the gravy. So weird.

  11. Shocked at that profile. 54,5ºC is considered the minimum temperature for long cooking periods, and then to get it you usually apply a water temperature at least 0,5ºC higher. At 54ºC Clostridium perfringens is not guaranteed to die (see Douglas Baldwin's guide). I also see in the comments for that page that they are using nitrites, which may justify using that temperature as it provides extra safety (I don't know whether it takes care of perfringens but given that it takes care of other Clostridium like botulinum, it may do), but most people following that profile will not, and that is not a good idea.



    I'm not going to get into this too much as this is not the thread for it and I don't have the time. ChefSteps is made up of some of the most knowledgeable chef's in the world and at the forefront of sous vide cooking, etc. They are the guys who wrote and researched the Modernist Cuisine volumes. I would trust the guys at ChefSteps with anything food related. Their community, which I am an active member of, is also probably one of the best and easily the most exciting food community around right now. If they say 54C for 72hrs., then I'm doing 54C for 72hrs and not giving it a second thought. My only issues I ever have is that since I use Ziplock bags I worry about bag leaks, but so far I'm 2 for 2 and probably 3 for 3 by dinner tonight. I don't know much about nitrites, but from what I know they use it specifically keep the red color of the ribs nice and bright.


    By the way, Douglas Baldwin now WORKS for ChefSteps.

    • Like 1
  12. Host's note: This topic was split from the Dinner 2014 (Part 5) topic.

    Rotuts -- 144. I actually did a whole piece, which is going to be dinner tonight....

    72 hours at 54C (130F) is absolutely incredible. Currently doing that now. A bag might have leaked, but I'm letting them go and see how it turns out.

    Check this out - http://www.chefsteps.com/activities/short-ribs-time-and-temp

  13. Sorry, if that was something shot for this discussion I didn't realize. It looked like one of the many technique videos from the web, and I thought it was just being linked. 


    All good. I was just using it to demonstrate the ease and safety of the horizontal cut with a sharp knife. The technique was definitely sloppy and inconsistent.

  14. I think a lot of what we chill is what our mothers did and it's a carryover from childhood. 



    I think that is basically the answer. I could probably take out most of the things on my fridge door, but I don't and won't. I also wouldn't know where to put the newly unrefrigerated things! Everything has a place in my kitchen. All of a sudden the ketchup doesn't go on the fridge door? I wouldn't know what to do...

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  15. Read this a few weeks about putting tomatoes in the fridge. - http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/09/why-you-should-refrigerate-tomatoes.html

    I recently stopped putting garlic in the fridge, but besides that I basically put everything in the fridge. No negative side effects yet and everything lasts.

    Edit: I don't refrigerate canola, olive, or peanut oil, but I do grapeseed and safflower. That doesn't last as long at room temperature and I don't use it all of the time. Sure it gets cloudy, but Ingive it a shake and then out it in a hot pan. Goes back to normal and works perfectly.

  16. Videos like that are impressive on first glance because of the speed. It's when you pause them and take a look at the aftermath you can see the skills of the person. It doesn't take much to machete a vegetable into a million chunks of completely different sizes and shapes. There's nothing wrong with this if you're doing something that requires little precision, like putting the onions into a stock or sauce... but it makes for a lousy technique demo. 


    If you want to show a skill, show it slowly. Then show it fast if you want to impress, but be honest and zoom in on the result (which is what prep is actually about).


    You didn't honestly think that was supposed to be a demonstration of tecnique, did you? Of course it isn't. I posted to show that it really isn't that hard to add the horizontal cut if you have a sharp knife and it isn't dangerous at all if you know where to put your left hand. It also doesn't add any additional time. I was reading earlier posts about people not doing the horizontal cuts because they feared cutting themselves.

  17. The only reason I can think of for spending 3 days on it is to give the dough time to develop more flavor. When I use a laminated yeast dough for cinnamon buns, I usually make the dough in the morning, laminate it that afternoon and use it that evening or the next morning.


    I'd also give it three days because Dominique Ansel says so.

  18. I'm not a huge sweets person or baker so spending three days on something that will only really be good for about a day seems a bit much. I'd gladly spend three days making a stock or sauce as that can obviously be frozen and used a little at a time. But for a doughnut? I'd probably do it once, tops.

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