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Everything posted by Duvel

  1. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    Interesting. I had to google Bubbie‘s, but it seems it is „just“ a lacto-fermented pickle. We have plenty of those here, so you just take the leftover brine and pickle the boiled eggs in it ? For how long ? P.S.: Hardly a „poor man‘s“ substitute 🤗 - I‘d take those in a heartbeat
  2. At a cooking time of 2-3 min I would doubt it makes much of a difference.
  3. Correct, it is density of the medium. Water has a far higher density than steam, and it is basically the molecules that transfer the heat. So, the higher the amount of molecule, the higher the energy transfer (at the same heat level, of course).
  4. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Pizza & Movie night … Salami & mushrooms … Got our first three tomatoes today, soo … “Inverted“ pizza Margherita: buffalo Mozz with a healthy sprinkling of Parmigiano, three tomatoes and fresh bail, blitzed with oil and salt. I added more basil oil after taking the picture … Artichoke hearts & homemade Italian sausage … All enjoyed while watching Totoro. It never gets old …
  5. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Moussaka with a Greek-ish salad (that contained onions, cucumbers and peppers, too - but the owner of the pictured plate was a bit selective…).
  6. Fouch ? Doesn't sound very Chinese to me 😜
  7. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Very warm outside, so I opted for a sandwich. Marinated some chicken breasts with rosemary, lemon and olive oil and quickly grilled them. Made a sauce from tomatoes, anchovies, garlic and vinegar, rubbed some crusty bread with it and topped it with the chicken, Provolone, tomato and Mozz. Some quick pickled onions too … No complaints 🤗
  8. You can prick them with a knife to allow the overheated juices/fats to escape. Other than that, heating up slowly helps. If you intend to get a decent browning on the casing it will practically be impossible to keep the casing from splitting.
  9. Wow … that’s a perfect meal. Of course you had me already at the Dirty Martinis, but the Bouillabaisse, the Cassoulet, the lamb … what a lovely addition to a great trip. Thanks for sharing 🤗
  10. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    Leftovers turned into Mapo Tofu (100% dog-free) …
  11. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    I would imagine if you order that combo in the right parts of downtown Seoul you might get an entirely different dish …
  12. I fully subscribe to the description that the beans spend 30 sec at the peak temperature/peak pressure of the system, and that they are fully cooked to the liking of the individual consumer. What I try to figure out is what is the actual cooking time. @Anna N: you’ve made an excellent point on comparing the results with a blanch. That is submerging the beans into boiling water and keeping them there for some time to cook, before (likely) shocking them and serving. Cooking time will most likely be longer. @JoNorvelleWalker: my apologies - I have a very simplistic view on the world, and it based on thermodynamics: your cooking set-up will need to heat up. For me the best way to judge this is to know how much thermal mass has to be heated up before the cooking process starts. If your 4.5 kg Fissler heats up in just one minute to sustain a humid ~120oC cooking environment, I salute you on your heat source. I’d calculate also that time partially into the cooking time. If your Fissler is ok with shocking it under cold water to decrease the temperature rapudly and release the pressure within 10 sec I salute you and Fissler on a very sturdy piece of equipment. And I calculate that time into the cooking time as well. With that ~ 90 sec overall cooking time and the translation from a >100 oC pressure cook environment to a regular blanch (with better heat transfer) I’d think the 3-4 min I give green beans will usually end them up with a very similar bite & texture, which - as you asked for “what this had to do with the price of beans” - is all I tried to figure out. Many roads lead to Rome and I can now place your 30 sec beans into “my” cooking world. Thanks for that 🤗
  13. I do not know about the dimensions and the thermal mass of the Fissler pressure cooker. Assuming it is like the cheapo Amazon Basics one I am using it will take a certain timeframe (and significantly longer than the 30 seconds at peak temperature you are envisioning) to reach said peak temperature. How do you factor that cooking time (even at ambient pressure it’ll cook those beans) into your equation ? And how long is it (usually) ? How is the decompression (“release”) time factored in ? Maybe those beans get a lot more cooking time than advertised …
  14. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Squid, bacon & cheese
  15. Simply fantastic, @nickrey ! What a great spread, a great wine selection and a great society. Congratulations to you win as well - very well deserved 🤗
  16. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Quick weekday dinner - Okonomiyaki.
  17. Very cool ! Yes, you definitely need to tell us more 🤗
  18. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Seeeeee … it works 😜
  19. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    You want rabbit ... you want rabbit ... you want rabbit ...
  20. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Pizza & Movie night … While the rest of the family was enjoying the (moderately cool) insides of the house, the cook had to fire up the Ooni at 30 oC and wait patiently until it reached suitable temperatures, only equipped with a refreshing beverage. Tonight selection: Salami & mushrooms (who knew ?) Grilled eggplant and sweet ham Half salami & Gorgonzola (and one mushroom, sliced), the other half capers, olives & anchovies Salami & Gorgonzola is Umami Central … All enjoyed with Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness … 😜
  21. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    I know a certain someone here who will wholeheartedly agree with your choice 🤗
  22. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Ossobuco in bianco (e.g. the tomato-less variety, although I reduced the sauce quite some, so calling it bianco would be a stretch), served with the marrow bone and buttery mashed potatoes. Enjoyed al fresco …
  23. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    That does it. If you ever decide to write a vegetarian cookbook, consider me your first customer. Plus, I‘ll cook all of the recipes and stay vegetarian until I am done … so nice 🤗
  24. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    Perfect, @johnnyd, just perfect 🤗 !
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