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Everything posted by Duvel

  1. At lunch the beef broth was done and served with some of the meat, little Maultaschen, veggies and egg pancake. I know he loves that stuff and he ate a lot ☺️
  2. Breakfast with some local sausages I purchased in the morning, proper coffee (not that hospital murky water) and bread rolls … Mettbrötchen, of course. Remember: meat is king !
  3. When I arrived at night, I set up a hige pot of beef broth. Shin, breast, all veggies - you name it - to simmer over night. In the meantime, he got a snack of Weisswurst, that I brought from my local butcher and a Brezel. It was an easy start …
  4. In the last week, both my parents had to be hospitalized. They had just finished with „their“ Corona infection (from a lovely multiday boat trip on the Rhone on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary), when my father just couldn‘t get moving anymore. One ambulance and many tests later acute anemia was diagnosed, together with a benign cause and he stayed 5 days in hospital. One day after his admission, my mom suffered a herniated disc, resulting in 9 days hospital admission. Visits in hospitals are still very much regulated, so on the day of my fathers hospital discharge I drove up there to take care of him a bit. As hospital food isn‘t that great and he couldn’t eat for some days due to some „invasive“ examinations, he was quite weak and in dire need of some proper food, that should be caloric, red meat centered (for extra iron) and lastly something he‘d eat even though he doesn’t feel like eating. So, this is his „anemia recovery“ food, Duvel edition …
  5. Unfortunately, my parents had both a short stint at (two different) hospitals last week, so I can contribute at least the breakfast and dinner in those establishments (no need for two pictures each, as they were identical …). The theme here is „Vollkost“, so no dietary restrictions - although it might be hard to believe from the pictures 😉 Breakfast Dinner
  6. Good that you can get proper stuff delivered now - hope it helps with your recovery. I haven’t seen so much fresh peppers in gōng bǎo jī dīng - it that a “regional” deviation ?
  7. Yeah … it’s a thing here as well, for the last year or so. Marketed as more digestible, fewer calories, less heartburn - you name it. I haven’t gotten around to try it yet, but there are frozen ones on offer and they seem to be pretty popular ☺️
  8. Duvel


    So sorry … I did not mean to belittle your tastes. So far, I haven’t considered pimping up my Leberwurst rye, but I will give your suggestions a try 🤗
  9. Duvel


    I need to express my utter surprise on this whole subject: as a German I do not fully grasp the necessity to augment a slice of sourdough rye, buttered and topped with a thick smear of Leberwurst with anything … I understand there might be some things that could complement a liver product (such as fried apples, caramelized onions, mango chutney), but only if the Leberwurst lacks something from the beginning … I think I buy some tomorrow.
  10. Yeap - and if you do it right no need for hospital anymore.
  11. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    That’s an interesting bun … can you describe it ?
  12. I was wondering about that … what would be the resulting temperature of that drink ..? I mean they chill the vodka and soju and then top it off with the hot sake ? Or is it a warm drink ?
  13. I think from a „moving on“ perspective, both Taiwan and Hong Kong developed faster than the mainland for the better part of the second half of the last century. But I fully get your point !
  14. I can only report from the two Chinese locations I have lived in, Taiwan and Hong Kong: in both territories, bamboo steamers are used at the night markets and in (traditional) restaurants for cooking. Some steel-reinforced bamboo, some just plain. Take Din Tai Fung for example, where in the open (well, window-encased) kitchen you can see legions of those being stacked, steamed and then being served. As a side note: in both locations kitchen supply stores carry then aplenty as well. That’s where I got most of mine, and with a bit of hygiene so far they do pretty well …
  15. Well - although the Durch wouldn’t admit it their food culture is not much different to the Northern German one - so think there are plenty advertisements and they will center on convenience foods (e.g. bitterballen, sausages, …), most of McDonalds / other chains, other food chains depicting „regular“ square meals, food delivery ads - even pasta with meat sauce. I‘d say definitely more than Oscar Mayer wieners !
  16. Very shortsighted answer ! Of course all those cows, sheeps and piglets on the other side of the dike will take up significant volume, hence the rising water level will rise even faster* 😜 --- * unless they are - of course - fat heritage breeds, in which case they will float. Hence my recommendation to focus on those instead of banning all critters ...
  17. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    A drop of blood is the “je ne sais pas quoi” of my famous Lasagna … really, you grate all those cheeses yourself ?!
  18. Without the explanation, it looks like it is shaped from two pounds of butter. Which I would respect. As I do your cake approach. And yet the question in my brain lingers: why ?! (tl;dr: good job 👍)
  19. Maybe they go the Ramen way, make the soup the traditional way and partially dehydrate it. As I said, severals good quality Ramen varieties are available (cf. Ichiran, …), which are produced that way. Regardless, as fresh Luosifen are not an option here and you continue to praise this dish (😜), I have no other chance than to give this very package a try. If your friend in the US is correct, it should be the least unauthentic 😉
  20. That would be my expectation, but there are decent Ramen products out there. So maybe this one gives at least a bit of that flavor profile … I think it might be the one your friend (from upthread) referred to ..?
  21. I found this package in Newcastle‘s Chinatown in the beginning of this week. It seemed to be the most popular of the choices they had … I will give it a try in the not too distant future.
  22. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    First pizza & movie night after the holidays … Family-style, 3/4 mushroom & sausage and 1/4 curried SV chicken breast & mango (leftovers, clearly). Plus a Duvel IPA 🤗 Enjoyed while watching Riverdance …
  23. Duvel


    I know every market has its peculiar demands, but Chicken Broccoli Cheddar Sausage 😱
  24. Duvel


    Could you provide a picture of Leberwurst with mushrooms ? I have not encountered that variety and am very curious, especially if it is a European product …
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