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Posts posted by Duvel

  1. 1 hour ago, TicTac said:

    @Duvel - That is very ambitious of you (then again, clearly you are a rotisserie pro) as I have never even played with my rotisserie setting on my Napoleon.  Were the 2 sheet pans to diffuse the heat on the thinner parts of Thumper?


    And if you ever are in need of additional hare, just swing by my back yard, load up your BB gun of choice and have at 'em!


    (just not the one nestled beside my deck under its snow lodge, my kids love that little guy!)



    I do enjoy the rotisserie, but I bought only recently and am just discovering its versatility. This was the first time I tried rabbit, and it was by far the best rabbit I ever made.


    The sheet pans are used to moisten the meat (they are filled with white wine/water and sprigs of rosemary) and to catch drippings. They are placed under the whole rabbit. Just in the last 5 min I moved them towards the front of the rabbit to allow the thicker parts at the back get more direct heat and allow for a bit more browning.



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  2. Part IV of a Catalan „weekend“ (which might go on until King‘s day 😉) ...


    Today for lunch we had the spit-roasted rabbit. I bought a larger specimen (close to 2 kg), cleaned and marinated it in garlic, lemon and rosemary and send it to sleep for 2 days ...




    Skewered and tied to a spit ...




    First use of the BBQ this year. Roasted until core temperature of 58 oC in the thickest part of the rear legs ...





    Served with simple tomato salad with burrata and leftover maccarons (another Catalan comfort dish).



    It was incredibly moist !





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  3. In continuation of my „Catalan weekend“ efforts ...



    ... today‘s lunch was trout with almonds and bacon. Very simple - trout stuffed with lemon and baked in the oven; bacon & onions fried in butter, simmered with cream & bay leaf and tooped with roasted almond slivers. Fried fideua pasta from yesterday to accompany ...






    Happy faces around the table 🤗



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  4. 13 minutes ago, Katie Meadow said:

    I've never been able to detect the difference in taste when MSG is added to restaurant food. About twenty minutes later I know for sure one way or the other. No mistaking the symptoms for me. I don't eat a lot of Chinese restaurant food, partly because of that and partly because most of it doesn't seem that great. I make some dishes at home, admittedly a limited repertoire, and never wish they had more flavor. 


    The fact that some people are sensitive to MSG and others not never seems to figure into "scientific" judgments. All I know is that if it isn't the MSG it is something in the food that doesn't like me. My husband doesn't react to it, or perhaps he's just generally spacey.

    I am certainly not qualified to judge the effects of MSG on every individual. When it comes to taste it does make a difference, at least to me. If you want to try, I suggest the following experiment: Make a mixture of 60% salt, 20% sugar and 20% MSG and use this to flavor simple egg dishes instead of using 100% salt. Scrambled eggs, omelette, tortilla de patatas ... The outcome will be surprising(ly good) and I would be surprised if you feel any ill effect from the MSG. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, gfweb said:


    BBQ sauce and Mayo?

    Sure ... Mayo under that patty (providing lubrication & MSG) and BBQ on top (emulsifying the fried onions & adding some tang). It‘s „Arnau style“ ...

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  6. Since there is no “2nd dinner” thread (why not ?!), here a continuation of ...


    I opted for the burger “Arnau style” with a toasted brioche, kewpie, minced chuck, Hunts BBQ sauce, roasted onions & raclette cheese. Very, very good (especially from an IKEA plastic plate) ...




    Instead of MSG I used EtOH as a flavor enhancer (in the form of Kilbeggan Single Grain) ...



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  7. 11 minutes ago, KennethT said:

    I told my wife, for the sake of science, that we needed to try it with ground pork from Chinatown (who will make it from fatty pork rather than lean pork like my local supermarket) instead the chicken one time... for research purposes of course...

    For me the use of animal fats certainly “elevates” certain dishes. Potatoes & duck/chicken fat, latkes & lard, ... 


    But especially for Chinese food I consider a pinch of MSG required. Many years ago I studied in Dublin and had a Chinese girl in my shared apartment, who made fried rice every other day. It contained always just morsels of other things but was really good - she never wanted to share why. Until I discovered her bag of MSG in an old teabox ...

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  8. Just now, rotuts said:



    there are some very special people 


    near you and around you


    as well as around  many of us


    Im so pleased you appreciate them so deeply


    as we all might


    but , 


    Holly *^&%&*$%%   (&*%%%%(R(E)_R_


    you are able to deliver 


    very special plates of special food !


    w a few Dortmunders I hope !


    good for you


    and all the others here that have done the same !


    Happy New Year to you all


    R and MC

    Thank you for your kind words 🙏


    No Dortmunder today, but I’ll make sure to have some for the upcoming weeks ...

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  9. Due to the Covid situation we haven’t been able to visit my parents-in-law the whole year 2020, and of course not for this year’s Kings day either. So - naturally - my wife feels a bit down. The little one and me decided for a Catalan weekend to cheer her up an devised the following menu options:



    1) Spit-roasted rabbit

    2) Trout with almonds (and bacon)

    3) Fideua “home-style”

    4) Pork sausage with garlicky white beans

    5) Hamburger “Arnau style”




    0) Mixed starters


    My wife opted for 3) tonight with the obligatory starters, of course.


    Starters (berberechos, Iberico, Manchego, Fuet sausage, croissant with foie gras, potato crisps, cashews)




    Fideuà (with squid, shrimps, mussels). And off-dry Scheurebe from a local vineyard to go with it ...




    Tomorrow the rabbit & the trout have been requested ...

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  10. Leftover (unsliced) beef neck from yesterday’s hotpot, pounded flat with my bare knuckles (more workouts this year !), salt & pepper, cornstarch dusting & flash fried. Served on a rewarmed roll with BBQ sauce, copious barely softened onions and some Chipotle Tabasco. Served on IKEA childrens plastic plate. A good breakfast/brunch/lunch to start into 2021 - kind of expectation management 😉




    Happy New Year everyone - may it be a happy & healthy one !

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  11. NYE dinner ... hotpot with the usual fixings.





    Served with a lovely sake from a dear Japanese friend.




    A tiny bit of egg porn ...




    Plus plenty of leftovers for the new year 🤗



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  12. 10 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:

    @Duvel why does previously frozen fish not work?


    The best way I can describe it is that it doesn’t hold the water properly. During steaming, significant amounts of liquid was expelled from the fishcakes, which in return turned brittle. It is similar to a meatloaf. I should have upped the cornstarch amount and stirred the mixture for longer time to compensate and create more binding/ water retention. But ...

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  13. Tonight’s dinner started actually at tomorrow’s dinner: I started to make Chikuwa - Japanese fishcakes - and deviated from my usual recipe by using previously frozen fish. It should have been clear to me that this wouldn’t work, but ...




    Like my professor used to say: You don’t have time to do it proper, but obviously you always have time to do it again 😶


    I decided to call it a day and make some take-out style “Chinese” fried noodles. Topped with Laoganma chili crisp. Foolproof. And accompanied by a (tiny bit strong) highball ...




    All good. And when the family asked for “what’s next” I used the quart of hot oil to make some Taiwanese Night Market pork. A pound of pork neck disappeared faster than it was cooked (or photographed). Quality save 🥳



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  14. 1 hour ago, Ann_T said:

    Made dinner for breakfast again this morning.

    I admire Moe‘s (and yours) dedication to go to work after that. I would probably get a whiskey highball, enjoy and call it a day 😉

    • Haha 5
  15. Use it.


    Firstly, a blackened pancake is not a good temperature indicator.


    Then, perfluorinated polymers are very sturdy and do not really undergo many decomposition reactions at higher temperatures, but rather start to depolymerise at 600 oC+. This you would have noticed 😉 ...

    Lastly, only at prolonged heating above 250 oC you could see some “creeping” in the polymer and thinning out the polymer layer, if you had some heavy stuff in your pan. Again, that blackened pancake won’t qualify.


    So, I’d continue to use it.



  16. There would be three steps that could help you, if you do not want to spend an extra day drying the surface in the fridge:

    1) scoring the skin after SV (smaller squares preferred) to help the rendered fat “escape” the skin. 
    2) Brush with saltwater to help drawing surface moisture out during the crisping up.

    3) Heat with a broiler at full whack, but plenty of space to your roast. The infrared will heat through the skin layer, render the fat and pop up the skin. It will take 10~15 min, so some distance is required. Heat carryover into the meat is minimal.


    Hope this helps (next time) ... 

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  17. 15 minutes ago, Susanwusan said:

    Hi.  I want to make a beef in beer pie - what sort of beer would work best, that would be available from an English supermarket.

    It depends a bit on your preferences, but in general a full-bodied and only lightly hopped beer would be a good choice. So, a brown ale would do fine - Newcastle brown ale is available near you ?

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