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Andrew Fenton

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Posts posted by Andrew Fenton

  1. I like deviled ham. The kind that comes in a can. On white bread, with Miracle Whip. :blush:

    I haven't eaten deviled ham in ages. But I used to love it! I think it'd be too salty for me now; which is a shame, because I'm trying to up my consumption of satanic foods.

  2. Damn. Why don't you sell mail order?

    I was gonna say that! Maybe you could start? I bet lots of folks on egullet would be interested.

    I'll second that. Lots of great stuff there, that as far as I know isn't available in my area. I'd love to experiment with heirloom beans...

  3. I mixed up a batch of this (sugar, cinnamon, clementine zest- be sure to wash the clementines first) a month ago. I've kept it in the fridge and it has stayed good all that time.

    In addition to toast, it works great in oatmeal.

  4. Great topic. On the issue of bean freshness, Aliza Green's The Bean Bible has an interesting comment:

    Look for harvest dates that may be included on bean bags and boxes.  I've seen this done with a very special kind of large white bean from Spain, favas de Huelga, which are packed in their own numbered cloth bag, with controlled origin (like Cognac or Champagne) and date of harvest tagged.

    Which is fine, I suppose, but while may be best to use beans from the current season's crop, most beans sold in the US don't have a harvest date. I bought a bag of blackeye peas the other day; it has a sell by date (12/9/04), but as you say, that doesn't mean much.

  5. Herb, were you around in the late 80s/early 90s? Before Penn cracked down on underage drinking (around 1991 or 92 IIRC), the Palladium was packed every night with students--and when the weather was nice the whole patio area was crammed full as well.

    Ah yes, that would have been the "Get-Laidium."

  6. Lots of good information there, vigna. I completely agree with you about what a shame it is that the Palladium is being turned into classrooms. It was a beautiful room and a great place to go for a drink: either outside when the weather permitted, or by the fire in the winter. Here is a link to the Daily Pennsylvanian article you cited; note the sad picture of the space as it now exists, with carpets and fluorescent lights.

    But I do have to take issue with one li'l point you make:

    The one truck that serves consistently high quality food, in my opinion, is the vegetarian truck on Spruce and at "36th" in front of the Wistar Institute -- especially good are the hot soups.

    My experience has been different: nothing there is horrible, but nothing is very good either. And worse, it all tastes more or less the same: as if they have a big vat of textured vegetable protein that they turn one day into "meatballs" and the next into "stroganoff." It's very popular, though; my guess is because it's the one place where vegetarians can order anything from the menu. But maybe I'm missing something- what do you like there?

    Welcome to eGullet, by the way! (Hey, better late than never...)

  7. Very interesting. Tony Luke's was my top of mind choice too. And bottom of mind, as it turns out.

    I'd follow Herb's menu almost exactly. Only instead of a chicken cutlet from Tony Luke's, I'd get the veal cutlet with rabe.

    And instead of the sausage sandwich, I'd head over to Bassett's in Reading Terminal Market for a scoop of their chocolate malt ice cream. Ooh, that's good ice cream!

  8. I love cheese, but I found one I actually don't like. Cabrales. I got it at the Formaggio Kitchen in Cambridge and I'd been wanting to try it for a while. It doesn't do anything for me. It's like spreadable soap.

    This reminds me of my worst cheese experience ever: "Käse mit Musik". I had it at a restaurant outside of Frankfurt: it's a strong cheese (Limburger, I think) marinated, and served with raw onions. It's "mit Musik" because of the gas you'll have afterwards.

    Truly awful; the most overpoweringly stinky (and salty) cheese I've ever encountered, like something pried from the devil's crotch. I couldn't eat more than a couple of bites. And I like stinky cheese!

  9. Pico de Gallo (which is now open)

    Has anybody eaten there yet? I walked by today and checked out the menu. Carnitas plate- good. All you can eat menudo on weekends- VERY good! I may have to get stinking drunk on Saturday night, just so I can go there on Sunday and properly enjoy the tripey goodness.

  10. I'm willing to believe that there's sexism in kitchens- in the UK or anywhere else- but it's not clear from this article. Lots of bullying/hazing (which, in the absence of a control group, might or might not be evidence of sexism) and some second-hand comments. There were plenty of reasons for the author's treatment (being a newbie, bringing along a camera crew), and one comment that verged on explicit sexism.

    Or does a kitchen's boys-club atmosphere add up to de facto sexism?

    I do love this quote:

    This is a man so passionate and hungry for fine food that he once shot off two of his own toes while out game hunting.

    Seems like a bad move; there's not much meat on toes. Hard to make them into "fine food."

  11. Hi, now I'm craving mexican and it's SO COLD out so I don't feel like going down the market, and Pico de Gallo (which is now open) doesn't open till 3.

    I shoulda never read this thread.

    Methinks that the Taqueria delivers!...

    I don't know if Veracruzana delivers, but La Lupe definitely does. Never tried it, though.

  12. It was great fun- both the wonderful food and the company- and as Katie said, I'd happily make the drive any time. Many thanks to the organizers for a lovely evening.

    As to my favorite dish, I'll take a possibly contrarian position and vote for the flounder in tofu skins. Simple, succulent and juicy; and really like nothing I've ever had. Delightful.

    Now it's time to go digest...

  13. What does ISTR mean?

    "I seem to recall."

    As to Mad4Mex: my experiences there have all been pretty bad. As in "undercooked beans in my burrito" bad. It's a pretty decent place to drink- there are always tons of Penn undergrads there, doing that- and they have some okay bar food. I've had some decent nachos there; but you have to try pretty damn hard to screw up nachos.

  14. I've DJ'ed for over 15 years. I can name that tune in 3 notes. I went diving for a manager, who could not be found. By the time I got back to the table, the bride was fuming, and the groom was about to hurt himself to try to keep from laughing.

    Priceless. :biggrin:

    Also shows that if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, marry someone with a sense of humor!

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