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Andrew Fenton

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Posts posted by Andrew Fenton

  1. Bourbon?  I enjoy Woodford Reserve.  :wub:  Anyone else?

    That's my bourbon of choice, too.

    I also like Jack Daniel's: but less of a "sipping and enjoying" whiskey and more of a "getting trashed at a bar and waking up in another state" drink. I lay the blame for that solidly on my childhood adoration of Slash.

  2. Dang, gabe, that sounds good. And not just because it's almost noon and I haven't eaten yet today; also because I haven't had a good cassoulet in ages. It's a little bit ridiculous that even though I live two blocks from the Dark Horse I haven't eaten there yet. Gotta change that, ASAP.

  3. is the waitress cute? :biggrin:

    it'd be interesting if she lasts.

    i've heard of waitstaff not of a particular ethnicity working in

    particular ethnic restaurants.

    my cousin did it once.

    maybe she's using it to keep up her spanish.

    She was moderately cute. I think they brought her in to deal with their expanding gringo clientele. First time I've seen that, as far as I can remember.

  4. I double-Meh you back on the al pastor at TV. I've always found them to be terrific. But maybe I'm too laymanish when it comes to tacos. Do you have a secret spot for these beauties somewhere in CC, Sir Andrew?

    Secret spot? I wish!

    The tacos weren't terrible, just not as outrageously good as most of their other tacos are. I'm willing to try them again; in the past, I've gotten some meat that has seemed to come from the end of a batch (either very fatty or very dry) and I suspect that was the case with these.

  5. Has anyone tried the new "Weekend only" specialty taco?- Pork, Onion and Pineapple. Gotta git me some...

    The tacos al pastor? Meh. A little disappointing, to be honest. When I had them, they weren't too different from the regular carnitas, with just a little bit of pineapple. And they were kind of dry. They have some problems with consistency there, though, so your mileage may vary.

  6. El Azteca, feh. I used to go there (occasionally, during the pre- Lupe, Veracruzana, Plaza Garibaldi days); it's pretty generic Americanized Mexican. Not awful, but way outclassed by its competition.

    The best comparandum is with Plaza Garibaldi, in my opinion (that is to say, a restaurant, not a taqueria.) But PG is miles better.

    By the way: has anybody noticed the changes at La Veracruzana lately? Fancier menus (with some more expensive dishes), for one thing. And there was a non-Mexican waitress when I was there a couple of weeks back. (I think it was her first day: she really didn't know what she was doing...)

  7. with the exception of the Golden Monkey: I can't get into those fancy-schmancy spices...

    Golden Monkey also suffered from the same infection as the V10 ( in the large bottle ) -- it could have been a bad one.

    No, I've had it on a couple of occasions. Just don't care for it much, that's all.

  8. Novelty is quite good (especially for their fantastic $25 midweek prix fixe menu); I'm sure they'd do a good beer dinner.

    As for Victory beers, I like all that I've had (especially Hop Devil and that smooth drinkin' Prima Pils). Maybe with the exception of the Golden Monkey: I can't get into those fancy-schmancy spices...

  9. I may be breaching netiquette by talking about grammar but..

    Cannoli is plural. Cannolo is singular.

    Vorrei un cannolo siciliano per favore.

    Dammi 20 cannoli.

    Pshaw, rockhopper: I wouldn't order a "cannolo" at Isgro's any more than I'd order "due etti di prosciutto" at Di Bruno's. It's "half a pound of prozshoot", "two cannolis" and so on. When in South Philly, after all!

  10. Also worth a stop is the Western Sizzlin' at the Pooler Georgia I-95 exit (north of Savannah) for lunch - particularly for "Sunday supper" after church. Not so much for BBQ as for southern vegetables. There isn't a vegetable there that isn't made without some part of a pig. Not exactly vegan fare :).

    Isn't Western Sizzlin' a chain? I haven't been to one (and haven't heard very good things about them, honestly); does the Pooler location have a different menu or something?

    Anyway, lots of good opportunities for southern vegetables in Savannah...

  11. You've gotta be kidding! This is classic Carman, in all her glory. I adore her, and her food. What a terrific piece.

    No, I'm not kidding. I'm sure that many people will be charmed by this article; but while I believe Holly when he says it's not accurate, I nonetheless found it obnoxious.

  12. "Re: decline of McQuality, I say "Bring Back the Beef Tallow!""

    Exactly, almost. The changing of the French fries was the beginning of the downfall. I understand they have to sell to Hindus, who make up a fairly large portion of the population. However, if cows are sacred to Hindus, why are they going into a place that is known for its hamburgers? I don't go into a vegetarian restaurant and ask for a steak.

    I don't think that losing the tallow was done for the sake of Hindus (or more likely, vegetarians: there are many more of them than there Hindus in the US)- remember a year or two back when it turned out that the fry oil had some beef products in it? Rather, the switch was done for (dubious) health reasons.

    [by the way, welcome to eGullet! And here's a tip: when quoting text, use the QUOTE tags. Makes it easier to tell which ideas are yours, and which are the other guy's.]

  13. I can't add much to the lists already given, except to second the Ten Stone recommendation; went there recently and was entirely impressed. Good burgers, as well as an appetizer menu with items- in particular, their quesadilla- that can easily double as a meal. Plus it's a nice, cozy setup with friendly staff (but only a so-so jukebox, alas.) Plus they have a dart board.

    But for the food/beer tag team combo, you can't beat Monk's, can you?

  14. is it really that bad?  i think i remember stepping inside one briefly in vancouver, but don't really know much about them.

    JiB is pretty foul. Plus they had all those e. coli outbreaks a few years back. Plus they had those annoying ads with that annoying "Jack" character. I don't know which is worse.

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