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Andrew Fenton

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Posts posted by Andrew Fenton

  1. Is that what Faith meant (on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) when she said she was 5-by-5???

    Nah, it's an old-tyme radio operators' phrase. From WordWizard.com:

    FIVE BY FIVE: Comes from military radio operators [was in use by time of Korean War (1950-53) and appeared in print in 1954 – see below and] who used the phrase to tell the person they were talking to how well they were being heard. There was a five point scale in two categories, strength of signal and clarity of transmission. A strong, clear signal was coming in ‘five by five,’ lesser signals would be judged with lesser numbers. An similar but less quantitative expression was ‘coming in loud and clear.’ Radio operators, pilots, the military, and others picked up the phrase and used it to characterize generally good circumstances. So when someone says everything is ‘five by five,’ things must be going well and they are doing fine.

    “The Canadian's main complaint was the American habit of asking repeatedly how the transmission was being received. The Canadian reply was the standard "I hear you loud and clear" . Americans, however, wanted an actual rating on the volume and clarity of their transmissions. The standard ‘loud and clear’ to an American had to be a ‘five by five’ or a ‘three by three’ depending on the reception. No one knew the exact reason for this habit.†<‘Thunder in the Morning Calm – Royal Canadian Navy in Korea 1950-1955’ by Edwards (1992)> <1954: “All right, testing, one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four.†“Five by five, Mr. Halloran!†from ‘Blackboard Jungle’ by E. Hunter page 33>

    Don't ask me why a teenage vampire slayer would be using obsolete slang like that. At least she didn't bust out with "Twenty-three skidoo!" or something...

  2. Isn't that just called the International Market?  When I get off my ass and actually cook something out of this south indian cookbook I have,  I plan on shopping there.

    I think that that's the name. It's pretty good for Indian groceries. And they even have a selection of Ethiopian products, including packaged injera.

  3. the frozen WCs, which were released in 98 according to their website (i could have swore it was before that!)

    word. It had to be before that. The only time I've ever been to WC was in 1990, when I was visiting Minneapolis. When we got back, my mom picked up some of the frozen burgers 'cause she liked them so much and there were no WC restaurants in Seattle.

  4. I went to Rio Grande a few weeks ago and thought it was only OK. Some decent nacho-y chips instead of chips/salsa, and a decent appetizer of taquitos. But the seafood wasn't all I could ask for. My friend had octopus in mole: rubbery and not a ton of flavor. I had a seafood cocktail (can't remember the Spanish name for it) with tiny (canned?) shrimp, mussels and fish. It wasn't awful, but didn't rock my world either; and now that there are so many options in that area, I probably won't go back.

  5. I like raw, cheap hot dogs.  I eat pre-sweetened breakfast cereal.  I enjoy fast food.  Fried baloney sandwiches are the bomb.  People put up with me anyway.

    Pre-sweetened breakfast cereal? That's cool.

    Fast food? Mais oui!

    Fried baloney? Balonerrific, sez I!

    But raw hot dogs? That just grosses me out. Glad you like 'em, though...

  6. I couldn't count how many times I saw an unconscious adjustment of 'gear' then these gals proceeding to garnish a cocktail with a lemon slice.  (Bending in bartending or minor salad prep in the course of serving is inevitable! --  I wasn't one with experience, just one who watched! YIKES)  :blink:

    I see. Well, that argues for complete nudity, then.

    I have no problem with that.

  7. Thong wearing women servers in a kitchen putting together the house salads with their bare hands!  :wacko:

    But the potential hygiene problem there is the hands: which as we all know, are the dirtiest part of the body, pretty much. That's why there are laws about servers having to wash their hands after going to the bathroom- even if they're wearing a burka. I don't understand why wearing (only) a thong would pose a problem.

    edit: tommy beat me to dat point! Damn you, Tommy!

  8. All of the various city health codes come into play with the skimpy bairly dressed server.  The Hooters in Cleveland they all wore natural coloured pantyhose stockings under their short shorts.  An adult club in Hollywood/Ft. Lauderdale that one of my male bartending coworkers went onto to work at during the winter months, the gals wear the lingerie with the bod mostly exposed and uncovered. :blink: These were servers and barstaff in contact with food and drink ingredients, not dancers!

    I wouldn't think that what a server wears or doesn't wear would have much effect on the cleanliness of the food. (That's assuming, of course, that they're just serving it. Now I'm told that in Thailand, they...)

  9. I'm a Heath bar Blizzard man myself. But what I really want to mention here is that there's an unbroken Law of Dairy Queen Size:

    The size of the local Dairy Queen is inversely proportional to the size of the town.

    Tiny towns have the big ol' DQs, with the brazier, even the playland. But DQs in cities are tiny. Sometimes just takeout, with no seating or anything.

  10. This was, I'm thinking, 1991 or 1992 maybe?

    A web search reveals that Tone Loc (!) was the spokesman. So that date would be just about right.

    Here's a photo of Cool Colt:


    It sounds like that might be not just the worst beer you ever tasted, but objectively the worst beer in the five thousand year history of the beverage. Somewhere, ancient Sumerians are rolling over in their graves, wishing they'd invented wine instead. Just to prevent the enormity of Cool Colt.

  11. There's really nothing like a sweet soda to cut through the grease of a cheesesteak or pork sandwich.  I'd rather have a wishniak with those meals than a beer, and that's really saying something.

    Ditto. It's like strawberry soda with KCMO barbecue: the only time I'd drink the stuff.

  12. Remember Melville's chapter in Moby Dick where the sailors are kneading whale sperm? :blink:

    You do know that the sperm in that chapter is spermaceti, not semen, right?

    That said, it's pretty hard to avoid cracking a smile when referring to "sperm whales." It's like "homo erectus."

  13. I have an ice cream maker, and I love it. Best wedding present I got (and getting presents, IMO, is the only real advantage over living in sin anyway...)

    My gadget desire is to get a smoker. Alas, it's just not feasible living in an apartment with no outdoor space... But the day after I move into a place with a yard, I'm getting one!

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