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Andrew Fenton

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Posts posted by Andrew Fenton

  1. This is sick. Do these idiots realize they're eating at McDonalds?

    My guess is that somebody's looking for a job.

    Never eaten at Chipotle, but it looks pretty good, and if it'll spread CA-style burritos around the country, then I salute 'em. Besides- Niman Ranch pork at a fast food chain? Who'da thunk it...

  2. The whole notion of a secret recipe (ancient family or otherwise) strikes me as silly.

    it's clearly not silly to others. and it sounds like those people have given it considerable thought.

    You're right; it's not fair for me to dump on others' family traditions.

  3. Jubilee would be terrific. I missed out on a tasting of their chocolates earlier in the fall, but Beth went and thought they were amazingly good.

    BUT... I didn't get my slacker butt into gear soon enough: according to their website, it's too late for Xmas delivery. I'd like a Philly product (instead of those fancy-dancy furrin chocklits), so I'll head over to Miel this weekend, I think.

  4. When I was there on Saturday, the individual pastries were running $4-$5.75 or so.  I might could check again on my way home today.  Any specifics?

    That's pretty much the same pricing in the Cherry Hill store. The same individual small pastries roll out at $7.00 at Food Source in Bryn Mawr. The quality is well worth the trip to Jersy and CC. Seems we're paying for access in the 'burbs.

    I went by this afternoon and noted that they also have a good selection of smaller, cheaper pastries; e.g. cheese danishes for $1. A lousy buck! At that price, you can't afford not to buy them.

  5. I was dating this great guy in High school, and wanted to impress him mother.  So I made a Cranberry quickbread mix from the box, and passed it off as my own...

    Kim, what a terrific story!

    Put me down as another member of the Sharing Club. Since I don't cook for a living, and I'm not in one of those "who's got the best pie at the church social?" competitive situations, I'm happy to share recipes. The whole notion of a secret recipe (ancient family or otherwise) strikes me as silly.

    Let's remember, too, that often asking for recipes isn't about actually making the recipe; it's a way to praise your friend's cooking. I've asked for recipes that I've been pretty sure I'd never cook, and I'm sure I've given out recipes that were never made.

  6. I've run out of ideas for a present for my dad; and when this happens, it's time for the Old Faithful of holiday gifts: a box of chocolates.

    Where should I get them in Philly? I'm tempted to go to Miel, just because I can. And I've never been to Le Bec Fin's pastry shop (and if nothing else, that name would impress my folks.) But I'm open for suggestions.

  7. I have to agree with fresco here. It is time more than money that is needed to learn how to really cook.

    Right. It's surely not a coincidence that it's my friends (broke grad students) who like to cook and are good at it, while my wife's friends (lawyers) who, if they're interested in food at all, like to have it in a restaurant.

  8. How do they make the patty melt? Do they put the cheese/burger on toast, or put it on bread and then grill it? Seems like an odd combination of cooking techniques. Also, it looks like there's some white sauce on the patty melt (and maybe burger): what is it?

    That fried zucchini looks awe. some.

  9. Holly, I'm with you. I like to have coffee- or at a minimum, water, but coffee's better- with dessert, for exactly the same reason. Without an unsweet chaser, most desserts quickly get too cloying for me to enjoy.

    I've never been hassled about it in Europe: but then, they probably just assume I'm an ugly American. A debonair international man of mystery like you, it comes as a surprise, I guess.

  10. Oct. 14-22, Phuket, Thailand: Phuket Vegetarian Festival. During a 10-day period of a vegetarian diet only, men pierce their tongues with metal rods, sprint across red-hot charcoals and climb ladders with rungs of blades, all to purify themselves and ask for mercy from the gods.

    Proof that not eating meat will drive you crazy.

  11. Since I got no organizational skillz, the only things I'm never out of are the things I never use. That box of kasha in the back of the cabinet will soon celebrate its third anniversary as an inhabitant of my apartment. I suspect that the tub of margarine lurking in my fridge has been receiving mail for months now. But I have a hard time keeping a constant supply of, say, flour.

  12. Is this "malt beverage" as in lite beer, or "malt beverage" as in those Smirnoff Ice things? If the latter, it could taste okay, I guess. But 1% alcohol is kind of weird: why even bother making it alcoholic at all?

    Edit: Crud. Posted without seeing that there was a link, which answers those questions. But I do like the name of the other "beer-tasting" beverage: "Barbi Can." Perfect for appealing to the under-12 market; I applaud their foresight.

  13. I have just finished off a tin of Trader Joe's peppermint bark that was outstanding: peppermint-infused dark chocolate, white chocolate and small candy-cane chunks on top. My only regret is that I went nearly thirty years on this planet before discovering this amazing confection...

  14. I'm going to be in Seattle over the holidays; from reading the NW board, it looks like if I'm going to get sushi at one place in Seattle, Mashiko is the spot. Is that about right? (I have to say, I'm intrigued by the notion of sushi in West Seattle. Hell, I'm intrigued by even going to West Seattle, for the first time in probably a decade...)

  15. If you're talking takeout, I'd say that just about any place in Chinatown would let you eat at home. Just call them.

    For delivery, our go-to place is Pagoda, next to the Ritz East. They do some pretty good things with noodles, and know from duck. I don't know how wide their delivery range is, though.

    A shame about Penang, although I always found that their food didn't translate too well to delivery.

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