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Andrew Fenton

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Posts posted by Andrew Fenton

  1. Here's a passive-aggressive trick that's good fun.  When I'm on, say, the train, trying to read, and the guy next to me starts talking REALLY LOUD on his cell, I just start reading out loud AT THE SAME VOLUME.  Just keep going; don't even meet his eyes...

    Andrew, this is absolutely brilliant! I hope you don't mind if I borrow the technique.

    'Course not! I confess that I didn't come up with the idea myself; but I can't remember who I borrowed it from.

  2. Tacqueria Moroleone is an awesome, cheap Mexican restaurant. The best molcajete I've ever had was eaten there.

    I'm told that there are other great Mexican places in and around Kennett Square, but I don't know the area. (If you make any discoveries, please report them!)

  3. I've been hearing about that damn McCormick & Schmick's happy hour deal for years now and have never gotten my lazy self over there for some drinking. I blame my liver for trying to dissuade me; I need to tell it to just shut up and do what it's told.

  4. There's a brief article about finger limes in the current issue of GQ magazine (not available online, alas): the caption is something like "The Best Fruit In the Universe".

    Anyway, they're available by mail order for $44 a pound: ouch. Also, they're beginning to be cultivated in the US. The first fruits should be available in 2006 or so...

  5. Here's a passive-aggressive trick that's good fun. When I'm on, say, the train, trying to read, and the guy next to me starts talking REALLY LOUD on his cell, I just start reading out loud AT THE SAME VOLUME. Just keep going; don't even meet his eyes...

  6. By the way, I've been trying to find those (flavor pops?) popsicles that come as flourescent "fruity" liquid in sectioned bags that you stick in the freezer, whatever they're called. They're not a regional thing, are they?

    Do you mean Otter Pops? I vaguely remember these. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen these in a while.

    There are a few different brands, of which Otter Pops are the undisputed champion. Six zippy flavors: all are exemplary (especially Little Orphan Orange and the inexplicable Louie Blue Raspberry- why blue?) Except, that is, for the foul chemical burn of Pancho Punch.

    Summer 1990: I must have consumed my weight in Otter Pops.

  7. personally one of the things i hate is when the menu reads like a damien hirst art piece

    Forgive the ignorance, but is that a good piece of art?

    I'm guessing it means a menu that describes animals pickled in formaldehyde. Which I agree would be pretty nasty.

  8. Not too much to add, except that I could eat those huevos every day and be a happy boy.

    Also that, as noticed I've in the past, service was reasonably quick. Well, except at the end, after our table had been cleared. I think that they forgot about us, and maybe thought we'd paid already: Herb had to flag down a server to give us our check. That may be because we were outside, and kind of out of sight. Anyway, the food service was as fast as I could ask for.

  9. I do the salt-over-the-shoulder thing too. Gotta hit that devil in the eye, I guess.

    As mentioned earlier, hoppin' John and greens on New Years; that's a good one. But it demonstrates just how porous the line is between superstition and tradition.

  10. That's a good question, and it occurs to me that I've never seen the sweet, sweet bread at market before. It must be available somewhere; I mean, you see it on menus sometimes. I'll ask around- will try the folks at Reading Terminal if I get the chance, and definitely the Meadow Run folks at market on Tuesday- and find a source or know the reason why not.

  11. Neat article, Katie. Thanks for passing it on.

    As to Washington Square: I walked by this afternoon, and popped my head in to look at the menu. To be honest, I couldn't get excited about it. I don't really buy the overall theme: I'm not particularly convinced by "street food", especially when it's served off the street, and at fancy sit-down restaurant prices. The menu seems just like a list of random stuff; whether it tastes good or not, I don't know. I do know that the "small plates" concept, if it works, looks like a license to print money: I can see how it'd be very easy to rack up a big food bill there...

  12. It sounds strange but one of my favorite summer salads is watermelon and red onion with watercress and pinenuts. Soak the thin-sliced red onion in ice water for a least 1/2 hr. before using in the salad to take some of the bite away. A simple red wine vinaigrette is all you need if all the ingredients are impecably fresh.

    Oh yeah, that's good. Watermelon and feta, red onion, fresh mint, a little lime juice, black pepper: that's a great variation on the theme as well. Perfect for hot summer days.

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