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  1. @rotuts Please share your results. I have only cold smoked bacon. I recall many people starting out with a hot smoke, though. I am quite envious of the indoor smoker. My smoker setup requires quite a lot of babying in cold temperatures for best results. That said, Edward's is the only purchased bacon I have found comparable. Mass market brands don't get close.
  2. Hmmm.... I just smoked and sliced ten pounds of bacon last week. Was starting to wonder about the economy of this when paying $4.50/lb for the belly, given the work that goes in. Appreciate you giving me encouragement!
  3. I used to do this with reduced chicken stock. A few seconds with hot tap water and coaxing with a butter knife was generally enough to get my cubes free.
  4. Depending how you feel about ebay... https://www.ebay.com/itm/326385953392?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=izKFWE6gSX-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mlLJA92sQYO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media
  5. Have you checked this out? Looks like higher base price, but I think I recall everyone here being very pleased with it. I would be interested in hearing updates from those who have it too!
  6. Hmmmph! Just enough to make me want to come back to it with a university account! 😛
  7. Bernie's suggestion is the way I would go with good Blue Crab. Some sort of crab imperial. Or, alternatively, a cream of crab soup. Just make certain not to overwhelm the crab!
  8. It's a thing, but often shouldn't be. @Dr. Teeth, am I correct that blue crab is your crab of choice?
  9. I will not call myself a focaccia expert, but the LA bread is certainly not what I expect of focaccia. I'm curious what someone with more knowledge of the history of focaccia would say.
  10. Cashew chicken variations are common in my experience. Cannot say I have sought them out, but I can confidently say they are out there. (Most of my sampling is in Virginia and Maryland.)
  11. Pickle ice cream is one I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around. Salty, I presume? Dill, garlic?
  12. My last dehydration project came from a surplus of peppers. I dehydrated a bunch of sweet peppers (including bells) along with a few hot peppers. I dehydrated them until definitively crisp then ran them through the food processor. My inspiration was paprika. This is definitely not paprika. It does make a mighty fine addition to scrambled eggs though!
  13. Sounds like there will be whiskey.... Will you taste it?
  14. donk79

    Making Tempeh

    Always good to see you, Franci! I know that @gfron1 did get into making tempeh, and I am pretty sure served it at his restaurant. I haven't attempted it yet myself, but your post reminds me that I wanted to try it. Thank you for sharing!
  15. Not specifically Italian, and not currently active, but Alex French Guy has done some excellent deep dives on specific dishes, including some Italian dishes.
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