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Everything posted by FeChef

  1. Yeah sorry. I was referring to large eggs. in my tests, 5 minutes wasnt enough to hard boil the whites. Ive had Quail before, but never had or even seen a quail egg so no idea how big they are.
  2. Hi there, I disagree and say you're being too cautious As I requoted here -- http://egullet.org/p1907543 -- it seems perfectly safe and prudent to cook items from a frozen state. Do you have any published information to the contrary? No i must have not got the memo that stated i needed published information to have an opinion But If your so confident on cooking straight from frozen, im sure you wouldnt mind cooking a frozen 3" chuck roast to 131F from frozen for 24 hours. Let me know how it turns out.
  3. I believe turmeric is used to give it that nice yellowish orange color. I never had FR that was brown. If it came out brown i would say i didnt order FR w/brown rice and send it back. Also, I like the white FR you get at japanese habachi restaurants. Everyone that ive been to usually justs adds eggs, a few veggies, pork or shrimp, and a garlic butter sauce. Nothing to turn it brown.
  4. If you want the yoke raw but the white hard boiled i would just get a pot of water to a rolling boil and add the eggs straight from the fridge and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then immediatley chill in ice water to stop the cooking process. You may want to test one egg at a time between 7-10 minutes to find the sweet spot.
  5. Im sure others will disagree, or say im being to cautious, but I always thaw meats/poultry,fish in a bucket of cold water for 30 min per pound to thaw, then i SV. Its the safest way to thaw and cook.
  6. +1 on the pearl river. I like the pearl river mushroom dark soy sauce. Makes an awesome steak marinade and goes good in my general tso sauce recipe.
  7. On my Chef's Series, its about 7.5" from the bracket to the bottom of the housing, the bottom of the heating element recessed maybe 1/8" up from the bottom of the housing. Omar Thank you.
  8. Again, whats the maximum depth the polyscience can drop into a container?
  9. If you boil the eggs straight from fridge for 5 min first then sv, you can retain the egg white. My first attempt was from reading that seatle food geek blog a few years ago and i used large eggs and found just using the yoke to be too small. If i was to use just the joke i would go with jumbo eggs.(which i never buy)
  10. FeChef

    A Good Thick Slice?

    I would think a good thick slice is inbetween a one and two tbsp.
  11. Even if i trusted the enamel to be food grade safe, im pretty sure it would chip off when fastening the pump and heating element onto the bracket. But yeah your right hot pink would probably produce the best results.
  12. I built my own SV setup so i cant comment on the SideKIC but i can tell you from experience that over time plastics will degrade from prolonged high temps. Also any metal that is not Stainless steel will either rust or degrade aswell. Even if the metal doesnt submerge in the water bath the steam rising will get in and cause it to rust. An example of metal degrading is aluminum. I had to make a bracket out of aluminum 1/4 inch aluminum strip and even though aluminum doesnt rust, I started to get calcium build up on it within one 24 hour session. The calcium clings to it like a magnet would to metal. After brushing off all the calcium, there was pits in the aluminum bracket. I probably wont get much more use out of the bracket and will have to special order some 1/4 strip in stainless steel for long term use.
  13. I do like how those polyscience units screw onto containers. Whats the overall depth that the heating element drops into a container? My SV rigs element can drop 12 inches.
  14. FeChef

    Superbowl – 2013

    That sounds interesting. Im very picky with tomatoes in my chili. I always use fresh when its harvest time, and in a pinch i use good quality can crushed tomatoes and a few fresh from the grocery store. But i never heard of using reconstituted chiles. Are these chiles mild as to not add heat? I prefer to add powders for the heat level. Oh yeah and chili would not be complete without adding beer.
  15. FeChef

    Superbowl – 2013

    Wow im definitely on the wrong forum for superbowl season food.
  16. How long do you SV them to reheat? around 15 minutes
  17. Like nickrey said, its about texture, and also temperature. With SV you can obtain same tenderness at lower temperatures and less juice loss. Also you dont have to tend to a smoker for 12+ hours since most meats dont need more then 4 hours of smoke.
  18. Yes I roast asparagus in the oven with some olive oil and salt and pepper @ 400F for 15 minutes. I then chill and re-therm in the SV when ready to serve. Worked great for me.
  19. I dont know. I dont claim to be an expert on pasteurization. If it wasnt the temp, then some how bacteria was introduced. Maybe the bacteria was already there before it was freezed and i just didnt see or smell it until it was cooked. I will always be sceptical about it, and probably wont take any chances. Not much is worse then waisting money on expensive cuts of meats, waiting 48-72 hours to eat it just to find out it got spoiled. Not to mention all the other items prepared for the dish. Its very disappointing to say the least.
  20. My theory was that because it was frozen, and the water temp was low (132F) that it may have stayed in the danger zone for too long and spoiled. I bought the product fresh and froze it myself and i dont recall it smelling bad before freezing it.
  21. Im am going to disagree with you. I have had a bad experience with SVing something raw from frozen to a low temperature like 132F medium rare. After 48 hours it smelled like fecal matter. And had to be thrown away. I find nothing wrong with re-therming someting frozen that had been cooked, but i will never SV anything raw in a frozen state ever again.
  22. try defrosting it in cold water for a few hours instead of overnight in the fridge. In a ziplock or vacuum bag of course. Or you could add sea salt to the cold water and brine it as it defrosts.
  23. +1 on both. I have even had the smoke smell penetrate through two bags. Also in all of my test i found that when pre smoking, as the juices draw out from the meats, it pulls out the smoke and mixes with the juices creating basicly liquid smoke. The end result was very artifical like as if you would have just poured liquid smoke in the bag before SV cooking. On top of that, when you post SV you have no bark so you have to give it an artifical bark aswell which is not the same as a bark being made by smoking.
  24. You could definitely smoke that brisket. It may fall apart though. What i would do is thaw it in a bucket of cold water and then add back into the SV to retherm it to 133F for about 2 hours then smoke it as i do. Yes I rub it after SV with brown sugar, paprika,chili powder,onion powder,garlic powder, sea salt, and cumin. I then use a spray bottle filled with pressed apple juice and spray it every hour or so. Using a spray bottle vs a mop keeps your rub on your meat. Depends what texture you want. If going straight SV i would go for 155F for 24 hours. It will be in the border of slice and shredd.
  25. I dont like smoked corned beef, but i do SV brisket then smoke. I like a brisket that can still be sliced yet tender and juicy. I SV at 132F for 12 hours and then smoke for 4-5 hours at 200F till internal temp reaches between 155F and 165F. Really temp depends on how defined the bark is, if it has good bark at 155F i pull it then, if not i'll let ride to 165F. It still comes out just and tender and juicy. If you want a more fall apart that you can barely slice, go for 24 hours at 132F then smoke as listed above.
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