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Everything posted by FeChef

  1. So your going to dodge the question of how you know what a stinkbug taste like then?
  2. Curious minds want to know how you know what stinkbug taste like? That said, I dont use cilantro enough to bother growing it. Its so cheap at farmers markets and places like Aldi's and Bottom dollar. ( $0.50 per bunch ) I get them at 3 (LARGE) bunches for US$1 at my local Chinese grocers. :-) If i bought 3 bunches for $1, two and a half bunches would spoil 3 weeks later.
  3. I have tried this. It might just be my oven, but it never browns to my satisfaction before the inside gets too hot (an overcooked inside is a travesty). What I did last year was smoke to temp at about 225 and then put the roast directly over hardwood charcoal "propped up" to about 1/2 inch or so below the grate (I use the Weber baskets designed for indirect to prop up the coals). It will start a fire instantly, so you got to have the lid ready and your sh*t together, but man was it good! Stay away from anything that will burn. All that fat smoke rivaled the wood smoke for flavor.Interesting. I don't know if I would be brave enough to use the BBQ at the end, given your description re fire, but presumably, one could pan sear the outside of the meat at the end, instead of using the oven on high heat or the barbecue. You can get better results using a blow torch rather then pan searing at the end. I dont have a link but ad hoc at home used a blow torch at the end to get that nice crust without over cooking the outer edges of the prime rib.
  4. Curious minds want to know how you know what stinkbug taste like? That said, I dont use cilantro enough to bother growing it. Its so cheap at farmers markets and places like Aldi's and Bottom dollar. ( $0.50 per bunch )
  5. I havent seen the episode, but did they have the rib roast at room temp before freezing the outside, or was the rib roast previously frozen? I might have to try this with a blow torch then finish it off in my PID controlled rottiserie oven.
  6. In my area you cant even find Flap or Hanger steaks. Im almost certain that by the time we see them in grocery stores in my area they will be as expensive as skirt and flank which goes for on average $8.99/lb for select and choice grade.
  7. The roast only gets longer not much wider. Think of it like a 1 inch thick steak. Lets say it weighs 1 lb and takes 14 minutes to broil. Now add another 1 inch 1 lb steak in the pan and tell me how long to cook those steaks that are now 2 lb total weight.
  8. You are better off. In my neck of the woods "london broil" goes for around $2.47/lb. We use it for jerky but on occasion I marinate one and throw it on the searing burner for a few minutes per side. Its good if you dont go past medium rare but is carboard any more done then that. Sirloin is a more forgiving cut and more flavor too.
  9. "london broil" is far from flank steak. Its a very lean cut that can be really tough if overcooked past medium rare. Its most commonly used for beef jerky since its cheap and lean.
  10. I agree, they add great flavor to beef stew and also make a robust beef stock aswell.
  11. I'll chime in here and say that a good marinated "london broil" can be just as good as a sirloin and half the cost too. Providing you dont over cook it past medium rare.
  12. FeChef

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 2)

    Dinner for Cinco De Mayo.
  13. I really dont know what you are expecting. You say how you want something with flavor, yet every cut we suggest is too fatty for you. You need to realize that fat = flavor, and if you dont want something seasoned or brined, dont expect much flavor in a lean cut.
  14. I would steam them to the desired texture then shock in ice water, then put them in a ziplock bag and use a straw to suck out the air before re-therming in the sous vide. But why 70c (158F) ? If everything else is cooked a day ahead you could just retherm everything to 125F for an hour and plate all at the same time.
  15. What i do is buy a pork shoulder (boston butt) and debone and trim away the large chunks of fat and connective tissue making sure to keep it still intact. Then truss it up with some butchers twine and rotisserie it but you could roast it in the oven or whatever method you want. This will blow any tenderloin or chop away. If your not handy with a knife, ask your butcher to debone and trim away the large pieces of fat and connective tissue. If you rally want take it to a whole other level and are crazy like me give this a read.http://forums.egullet.org/topic/144216-pork-reconstructed/?p=1903682
  16. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    Well, in my area, I can get a whole choice NY strip loin for $3.97-$4.97/lb atleast twice a month they go on sale. Choice ribeye is usually $6.99/lb already nicely trimmed and cut thick packages at samsclub. Sometimes they have them $5.99/lb. Select grade whole beef tenderloins are $6.95/lb at a local cash and carry.
  17. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    Ok heres my opinion. As far as flavor it doesnt even come close to a ribeye or NY strip(which i can get for almost 1/2 the cost). Flavor and tenderness is about equal to select grade filet mignon which i can get for about about 2 dollars more per pound then what i payed (on sale even) and not have to deal with all the work i went through to shape it into a filet. That said, I dont see what is so great about this cut. Maybe 10 years ago when this cut was $2.99/lb it seemed like a good deal, but normal everyday price of $6.99-$8.99/lb they can keep it. I really was expecting more flavor but it just wasnt there. To compare this to rib cap is a joke. With rib cap you get that nice bit of fat around the cap that gets nice and charred on my searing burner. /rant
  18. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    You were wrong. And dont even say it wasnt tight enough, I even used a sushi mat to make sure it was rolled up as tight as possible. Next time i know to cut and stack.
  19. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    Heres an update. rolled up tight went in the meat chiller tonight.
  20. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    Just the wife and I, my son might eat a few bites but will probably ask for a hot dog or chicken fingers...lol
  21. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    Rotuts, I have had it before at a steakhouse either applebee's or TGI fridays or something. It was good, but nothing to brag about. I honestly always considered to be equal to a sirloin steak but ever since i started useing sous vide I kept reading people raving about how good flat iron steak is sous vide so I figured i would give it a try now that i came across a good deal since there was a $3 off coupon sticker which brought it down to $5.50/lb which is still kinda high in my area since i can get lower grade choice NY strip for $3.97/lb maybe two times a month they always go on sale.
  22. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    Rotuts heres a pic of the package. I peeled some of the sticker off to get a better look at the middle. Its hard to tell if theres a tendon, if there is, its very small or it was removed and theres a tiny bit still in there. My guess is it was and should have been removed to be labeled as a steak. Atleast thats what i was told years ago.
  23. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    Heres the thing...I have sous vide many different cuts of beef and in my opinion/taste the only cut i liked after 24 hours was chuck roast. Top round was in my opinion/taste best at 12 hours. Rib roast at 10 hours. And any tender steak between 2-6 hours depending on how thick they are. That said, Ive cooked short ribs twice, once at 48 hours and again at 24 hours and i thought they were disgusting in texture. They were about 1 1/2 inch thick.
  24. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    I havent opened the cryovac package yet. It should have the tendon removed since it is labeled as a steak. I can tell you that looking from the top of the package, i see no tendon running down it. If its still in there for some reason i will cut it out and just sprinkle some TG in the cut before rolling it up.
  25. FeChef

    Flatiron steak

    Interesting...I was thinking of chilling overnight then slicing right before adding to the water oven. My main concern is the log would be more then 3 inches in girth, maybe more and 4 hours would not be long enough to get the center up to 132F.
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