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Everything posted by Ashen

  1. Ashen

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 6)

    yes, that's true. My husband is totally addicted to that kimchi, no matter what's on the menu, the kimchi jar is there! But he cannot have his salame and jamon without red wine This could be a topic of its own. "What condiment does your husband/fiance/son-in-law insist on using inappropriately?" Sriracha/tabasco or Ranch dressing would probably lead the list. My wife asked me if I wanted a salami sandwich for lunch awhile back. I took one bit and as much as I try to not turn down anything someone has gone to the trouble of making me, I had to stop as she had put mayonaise on the panino *I still shudder just thinking of it. * I still get chills when I notice her making her own sandwiches this way.
  2. Ashen

    Breakfast! 2013

    awesome.. is that the one just a few mins down the road from Trader joe's in Amherst? I noticed it on the drive a few weeks back.
  3. ultra sperse - using it for thickening and sauces but also want to try a few experiments using it in pizza dough as a conditioner to modify texture.
  4. most of the the northern Italian dishes I cook are passed down from my Nonna. my favourite being this. spezzatino and grilled polenta. this spezzatino was a bit looser than I generally serve it, but still very good sopped up with the grilled polenta.
  5. I believe Dcarch is correct. It would also explain the prominent use by date. interesting article about carbon monoxide in map packaging here. https://www.uoguelph.ca/foodsafetynetwork/carbon-monoxide-and-meat
  6. I like eating it like this. http://i1021.photobucket.com/albums/af332/QuirkyCookery/2009%20-%2008/103_0110.jpg The hotdog makes it easier to fork and twirl.
  7. Grill cheese is a double diagonal cut , to give four small triangles. It means many more corners to dip into ketchup or tomato soup.
  8. Ashen

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 5)

    something quick after what felt like a longer than usual 12 hr shift at work. not pretty but very tasty. homemade peameal bacon, fried cut up leftover baked potato , sunny side up egg. ( it broke going on the plate but I can't claim to care much, taking a picture almost didn't happen as it is. lol )
  9. very simple to make actually.. my wife's East Indian friend gave us this recipe . I use a pizza stone that has been preheat to 500F for at least 30 mins. I would imagine a cast iron pan would work well too. 3-4 Cups white flour ½ tsp yeast ½ tsp salt yogurt ( high fat natural is best. 6% or higher) Mix the dry together first. add enough yogurt to make a smooth dough. you don't want the dough to to be sticky or gooey. Roll out and form. Bake 500 for about 5 minutes. you can brush with melted ghee if you wish , garlic flavoured is good too or sprinkle with onion seed/nigella aka Kalonji after brushing with the ghee
  10. there is a version with imperial measurements as well. I was looking at it at costco yesterday.
  11. lee valley tools has an adjustable angle guide for use with waterstones that is about 13$ canadian.. They do ship to the usa. Their waterstones are really reasonable too, compared to buying from high end knife shops or online specialty places. The company mostly focuses on woodworking tools but they carry a variety of different brands of water stones, king, norton,sigma, bester/imanishi as well as diamond plates and honing and stropping items. just google lee valley tools and look in their online woodworking cataloge starting around page 128
  12. the Gunn's Hill Five Brothers has become my favourite cheese .. If you are ever driving past woodstock on the 401, it is well worth while to stop at the farm store . If you are lucky enough , he might have just finished making cheese curds . They are the squeakiest I have ever eaten , as well as being very tasty.
  13. Does the balloon method work well? I have heard of it but have never tried it..
  14. Barilla has a bronze die extruded range called Voiello . Divella has a red package range of products that are teflon die extruded and a green label range that is bronze die extruded . A head to head between the bronze and teflon versions of the same company might help you figure out if it makes any real difference to you. A little research may show that your favourite brand also does a bronze die version. I tend to think the drying temperatures are they real key in differences betwen the mass producers and the smaller "artisinal" ones moreso than the bronze dies. . I read an article recently that explained that most mass market pasta is force dried at a higher temp and this produces a mailard effect which is why the mass market stuff is a darker yellow colour. If this is the case then the teflon and bronze die versions from large producers might have less differences than the small artisinal companies. It would give a better straight up comparison on strictly the differences between the dies though. This blog has some interesting info on bronze die pasta and good pictures of side by side comparison of colour and outside texture of dried pasta. The bronze die pasta does look rougher than the teflon die pasta. http://www.azeliaskitchen.net/bronze-die-pasta-and-a-little-pasta-history/ If the difference is worth the cost and effort to find it is only something you can decide .
  15. Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science free online course can be audited or there is a certificate option from harvard edX program starts october 8 2013 some of the people who will be teaching content include Harold Mcgee, Nathan Myhrvold, José Andrés, David Chang https://www.edx.org/course/harvard-university/spu27x/science-cooking-haute-cuisine/639
  16. I am partial to divella. The red bag is fine by me but bronze die extruded is also available in a green bag. More important than brand is how it is cooked and sauced imo A very interesting article about that here http://www.nytimes.com/1997/09/17/dining/italy-truth-about-pasta-italians-know-that-less-more-call-for-return-basics.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm I was interested to learn that it is possible to visually spot pasta that is dried at high heat vs low heat drying. The difference is down to Maillard reaction and imparts its own flavour.
  17. Your point being? I am merely pointing out that many of these types of news stories are spun to create greater controversy.. It is the same thing in reverse to the whole christian boycott of starbucks because the CEO is supposedly anti-traditional marriage and doesn't want their business. Very few people actually took the time to find out exactly what is said, instead they relied on the inflammatory spin to base their outrage on. Sometimes I think without facebook and twitter no one would know what to be outraged about next. . That you appeared to tie his voicing those sentiments to his being in a Catholic country, implying that in a Catholic country (i.e. any Catholic country) his sentiments of a family as he defined it was normal and definitive, and that same-sex married couples would not be accepted. If so, that would be incorrect. As for what he actually said, it *has* been reported on and carefully described, word for word, in far more places than Twitter and Facebook. Including on Snopes.com. All you have to do is look around. Your logic doesn't follow. The civil laws of italy or those other countries are a moot point. The canonical law of the roman catholic church is very clear on the articles of faith for catholicism. In a country that is ~96% catholic , hearing that an italian male from a prominent bussiness family will only use representations of the traditional family in his companies advertising is about as shocking as being told water is wet, or that rice is often eaten in asia. The information is as glaringly obvious as the sun in the sky at noon on a clear day.
  18. Your point being? I am merely pointing out that many of these types of news stories are spun to create greater controversy.. It is the same thing in reverse to the whole christian boycott of starbucks because the CEO is supposedly anti-traditional marriage and doesn't want their business. Very few people actually took the time to find out exactly what is said, instead they relied on the inflammatory spin to base their outrage on. Sometimes I think without facebook and twitter no one would know what to be outraged about next. .
  19. the reports seem a bit inflammatory in regards to what he actually said. In a largely Catholic country saying during a radio interview , "the concept of the sacred family remains one of the basic values of the company." in regards how you will advertise in the future, seems a safe business move even if it is shortsighted. The way it is being spun in the reporting I have seen, makes it seem like he went out of his way to say he doesn't want gay people to eat his pasta. .
  20. I see that wiltshire doesn't seem to be sold in the USA but will still put it out there for anyone else that ends up looking through this thread for ideas. I would recommend a wiltshire steel contour cooks knife. it looks like the third knife down on this link. http://www.wiltshire-online.com/index.php?main_page=document_general_info&cPath=62_63_70&products_id=629 My wife has very small hands, and loves it because it is light, has a fine edge, has no bolster and a comfortable handle. very affordable.. I think we picked ours up 5 yrs ago for under 10$ . It takes a good edge and holds it reasonably well. If I am not using my shuns , it is the one I will grab ahead of the medium range henckel we were given as a wedding present.
  21. Causes and treatment of hypertension aren't universal so I can only speak to my own experience with diet modification. I greatly reduced sodium intake and cut out caffiene fror more than a month when my doctor and I first considered putting me on meds. My BP didn't budge at all.. I was a bit shocked that there wasn't even a small improvement but my doctor told me that family history was pointing to genetic predisposition. We tried a ACE inhibitor at first and that worked well . Dry cough side effect though so had to switch to a ARBS inhibitor and it has worked very well. At this point I think the only dietary improvement that would help , would be to lose weight. Reducing fat accumulation around the kidneys might improve their function and reduce the overproduction of angiotensin-converting enzyme. It is unlikely that any dietary intervention will permenantly overcome my genetic predisposition though. Just out of curiosity has anyone else ever experienced the persistent dry cough side effect from your meds? It took me way longer than it should have to realize it was a hypertension med sideeffect.
  22. Ashen

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 4)

    I love doing hassleback potatoes... just out of curiosity did you freehand the cuts or use the chopsticks on either side trick?
  23. Ashen

    Breakfast! 2013

    Creamy Scrambled eggs on cracked wheat toast and a Big mug of coffee. Perfect for a lazy rainy Saturday
  24. wow.. I love this quote.. " “The realm of the irreplaceable is no place to count cost,” he wrote in “Supper of the Lamb”, a metaphysical treatise on cooking published in 1967 and popular ever since. " I will have to find Supper of the Lamb now.
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