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Monica Bhide

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Monica Bhide

  1. Hey Di, that dinner looks so delicious.. I wish I lived closer (but only for the food, I dont miss that Boston snow!) Looking forward to reading more as you blog!
  2. I will really miss his writing. This is truly so very sad. I did not even know he was ill.
  3. Great news!! Congrats Chad. Looking forward to reading it.
  4. Monica Bhide


    I dont know the politics of the rating system but yes I was surprised that this place was a two. In my opinion they deserved a three.
  5. Monica Bhide


    There was something about being there.. it was almost magical. I dont say that lightly. I have eaten at many places, met many chefs and yet I felt a bit like I had walked into a dreamscape. From sipping lovely champagne while you wait for the table to the waitstaff performing ballet like movements when they serve you.. it was like a dream.. just beautiful.
  6. Monica Bhide


    I was at Daniel last week and I have to say that I had one of the best meals of my life. From the service to the food to the ambiance... everything was perfect. Everyone has a dream place that they have always wanted to go to and this one was mine. I had a great time. Thanks to the Chef and staff for the awesome work that they are doing!
  7. Nicely done. Congrats on the new book Steven.
  8. Ah yes, eggs.. if you can do akoori.. that would be awesome
  9. I am not going to be able to do any work now.. first Susan and now you!! GGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for it. i am thrilled you are blogging. I agree on the above choices that folks have listed. Looking forward to it.
  10. Great work Susan. I am getting hungry looking at all these pictures. Thanks for doing this.. what a pleasure it was to watch this unfold.
  11. I need to move to Florida :-) Awesome stuff Susan!
  12. I am so looking forward to this Susan!
  13. Thanks for fixing the links Sam
  14. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5083000343.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5083000317.html Steven? Others? I thought it was a very interesting piece.
  15. This is really an amazing list. Kudos to you for pulling this together.
  16. Supper Club used to be really good. I wonder what happened. Its too bad. Soup - I did a piece on Indian buffets for Virginia Living. If you are interested I can mail you a copy
  17. NO fair... pics of the crab legs please... Gosh they looked GREAT Dave.
  18. Those are some fantastic pictures Jason. I am getting hungry.
  19. That sounds so good. I hope you will post details about the crab fingers. Too bad you are not closer, I would have crashed your vacation.
  20. "A gaggle of artichokes" -- I LOVE IT
  21. I love donuts.. its my secret weapon against evil
  22. My goodness Dave -- wow. You should see the way I pack for a trip.. but perhaps its better if you dont LOL. It would make you gag. I cant wait for this blog to get started.
  23. DC's own Sudhir Seth is presenting today. I was invited to have my own booth and present and also sign books -- could not do it due to health reasons. would have been so wonderful! thanks to Joan Nathan for a great, really great, event.
  24. They do?? I had no idea. I think here is one near where we live. I will go check it out. My son will love that plus I think that they are quite reasonable. ... yes?
  25. I hope someone can help. I am not a good cake decorator!
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