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Posts posted by Dakki

  1. dcarch, just beautiful work, as always.

    Blether, you've made my recurring problems with ensuring a constant supply of clean running water seem trivial in comparison to finding a local source for LAMB.

    Kim, I hope you brought enough of that brisket for the whole class. And by "the whole class" I mean "me."

  2. Kinda with you on this. I can see buying more books when (not really a question of if) I discover there's a new set of techniques I have to master, but as far as getting yet another fat, overpriced book I'll maybe cook a dozen recipes out of before deciding to go back to my lazy internet recipe searching ways, I'm pretty much done.

  3. So, a couple of drinks at a snackless bar underlined how important the finger food aspect of the whole pub experience is for me. And then I remembered all the day-old popcorn, greasy fritters, canned pate canapes and dried out crudite platters I've confronted over the years.

    Obviously better-quality versions of the above (and a few others like nuts, maybe potato chips and dip, etc) would be standard, but what if you wanted to get more creative with the snacks? What would you serve at a beer tasting, or a scotch tasting, or on mojito/manhattan/margarita night?

  4. What a good episode. I enjoyed the use of props in the other eps, but it always reminded me of Good Eats, maybe a bit too much.

    The powdered milk tip looks (to borrow Heston's favorite word) brilliant. I'll be trying it on a small batch of stock as soon as I accumulate enough bird trimmings. Chicken wings are expensive here.

    What's eG's consensus on making stock in a pressure cooker?

  5. Thank you, heidih. Yes, panfried (skillet fried?), the coating is 1/3 cornstarch, 2/3 white flour, heavy on the spices.

    I wish I could get duck and goose livers here. Even pork liver is not something you'll find in the local supermarkets.

  6. Tutto il mondo e' paese...not sure how to traslate. All the world is the same place?

    "The whole world is local," perhaps? A sentiment shared by certain grocers and restauranteurs. >_>

    Anyway, was going to make terrine de foies de volaille (aka chopped liver), got lazy and made some breaded chicken livers instead. Maybe tomorrow.


  7. I can't get enough of this show. For me it's like seeing a much, much FATTER guy with his shirt off at the beach....hard to look at, but I look like a lithe ninja next to him. It will be required viewing prior to being seated at one of my dinner parties...yes I will go that far to bandage my fractured self esteem.

    So, like "Semi-homemade"?

  8. A big part of my occasional trips up to Austin used to be a late-night visit to Katz's Deli for fried pickles, Reuben (corned beef please) and a slice of NY cheesecake. Imagine my disappointment when the place was shut down. Now I have to find a source for Reubens and a decent place to eat after midnight that isn't overrun with hipster trash.

    I feel your pain, Pierogi.

  9. Rediscovered the jar in the fridge after what, ten months?

    Allowing it to rest has changed the character of the sauce considerably. The "souped-up mustard" quality I noticed in the fresh sauce is gone, as is much of the vinegar harshness. What remains is a sweet, fruity, moderately hot sauce, with enough aroma from the spices to stay interesting. I'm liking it much better this time around.

  10. Glad to see RRO is making up for lost time on this thread.

    Grilling again. This time we sampled a simple slab of sirloin. Salted.


    Quesadillas, potatoes in foil (previously nestled in the coals) and some zucchini. Not pictured: Nopales (prickly pear cactus I think it's called).


    Terrible, terrible light, no post. I'm pretty happy with the new camera.

  11. The reason I'm asking about apertures and lens speeds and so on is that this camera has manual controls for those things on the body. That's the reason I retired the old one.

    I really don't want to get into the whole buying-a-whole-bunch-of-lenses-and-filters-and-whatnot-and-getting-married-to-a-brand thing, and even the old camera was a bit too bulky for me anyway. Of the pocket-sized ones with manual controls this one apparently has the better low light performance, as well as being rather less expensive. (I ended up blowing the putative savings on spare battery, cards, etc. anyway).

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