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Everything posted by guajolote

  1. Well, you can tell that bartender that he's full of it. There are several pubs I can think of in London (the Coach & Horses in Wellington St being the most centrally located), that get the real stuff from Dublin. BTW, did you fine Texan explain how long it took to import his casks, and how they were stored? Just interested to know how the yeast survived the transatlantic voyage. Yes, of course.
  2. After the great Vermouth thread, I'd would like to get you coctail geeks to teach me more about bitters. I have only had angastora. Thanks
  3. Isn't this called a Perfect Manhattan (without the vanilla infusion)? It sounds great. Is the vanilla bourbon "too much" if you don't dilute it with regular bourbon? Do you use the vanilla bourbon for any other drinks?
  4. Use four star restaurant language to describe fast food.
  5. I had an idea for a t-shirt inspired by John Belushi's "COLLEGE" t-shirt in Animal House. What if the T-shirt just said "PORK"?
  6. What did you eat while you were there? Any fresh fish? Who did the cooking? I love these reports .
  7. guajolote

    Goats du Roam

    I think the rose is by far the best. I've had a couple bottles of the red, but there are preferable Cotes du Rhones at the same price.
  8. guajolote

    Summer beer

    Yeah for Solsun, uhh, Oberon. That 3rd Coast Ale is mighty good too.
  9. Wow, you still have strawberries? I love those gold pattypan squashes.
  10. Ronnie's going to be bummed. Julie told me secretly last week that you were going to Bennigan's . Matthew, how did you find the link (I never knew a restaurant could be a network ) Great wine list, I've been drinking that Torrontes from Argentina all summer.
  11. Anyone been to Spring recently? We're going in two weeks. Any recommended dishes? How's the wine list? Do they have a website? I know they used to but I can't find it. A really weird story about this building. It used to be a Russian Bath House, but it sat vacant for many years. Whenever you would walk by there would be a cool breeze coming out of it.
  12. guajolote

    Goats du Roam

    Here's an interesting article about Goats du Roam made by the Fairview winery in South Africa: http://www.fairview.co.za/htmls/insahltgo.html
  13. You'll have to buy a duck to take care of the slugs now.
  14. I was close, it was Leonardo. I knew it was one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  15. Info on Frederik Meijer Botanical Gardens & Sculpture Park What's the deal with that big horse? Wasn't it based on drawings done by Michaelangelo? It's amazing, something like 40 feet tall.
  16. Here's another one I forgot about: We could take a tour of "The Center for Free Enterprise" at Amway.
  17. I gave Matthew a bunch of ideas and he didn't post them . OK, I'll admit the fish ladder idea was kind of lame. Here's some possibilities: Picnic on Lake Michigan Dunes Outing to Botanical Garden and Dinner Apple picking and Hayride Saugatuck / Winery Tour - There's a beuatiful winery in Fennville, 40 miles south of Grand Rapids. The wine kinda sucks though. To bad we missed the Ionia Free Fair, I think Ted Nugent played this year. GR Also has a great and cheap (I mean really cheap) Farmer's Market
  18. The one on the right has been exposed to oxygen. The other ones will turn red as soon as you open them.
  19. We had two 8oz. Wagyu sirloins last night. I bought this cut because it is what I make most often at home. There wasn't very much marbling. I was thoroughly underwhelmed by the taste. It was good, but the $7.99/lb prime sirloin I get in Chicago was better.
  20. Fedex ships everything through Memphis (they may use one other airport too). Don't stay at an airport hotel in Memphis like I did.
  21. They just started serving food. The mussels were good, but I make better ones. Excellent frites. Nero, we may take you up on that babysitting offer - I'll talk it over with Elizabeth.
  22. I arrived earlier than the downtown crew and got to meet Paul o'Vendage, his lovely wife, and there adorable little boy. He (the boy, not Paul) has the cutest curly hair. Carema and Auxerrois (sp?) showed up a few minutes later, it turned out that Carema and Paul's wife had worked at a restaurant together a couple of years ago. Hobbes also came, he is quite nervous about starting his new job today (good luck Hobbes!). We spent a lot of time talking about wine, and I even learned a few things. The evening was a lot of fun, especially the lawyer-bashing . The cheese was left over from the party, I gave it to a homeless guy on the way home.
  23. I hope everyone is going, because I'm leaving in 20 minutes with a lot of cheese.
  24. Salt the slugs!!! Get Iris to work. I've never seen them though, at least until Saturday. I've heard that a bowl full of beer will attract and kill them.
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