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Everything posted by nyc

  1. This is fantastic stuff!! You folks are diabolically brilliant. Thank you. I have missed this place. Neal
  2. I've been challenged to create a cake or cookies using coca cola. So far, all I've been able to find is the traditional Southern cake version (with miniature marshmallows), which seems a bit over the top. I think a cookie version would be very cool. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks. Neal
  3. <<My favourite recipe has cocoa and bittersweet chocolate...>> That sounds really good. Do you feel like sharing the recipe?
  4. nyc

    Snap Crackle Pop

    Allan, You say simple physics. I say sensory symphony. I say Potato. You say passionate embrace of glutenin and gliadin. It's all rock and roll to me. Thanks for making science so accessible. nyc
  5. nyc

    Sympathy Cake?

    Hi, Melissa, Here are the links (I also stumbled across a few for Funeral Pie). Also, does anyone have the recipe for "Aunt Naomi's Chocolate Fudge Cake" mentioned in the article on sustenance and solace? (Chocolate is known as "The Other Vitamin C" around here. Especially when it's paired with cinnamon.) Amish Funeral Cake http://www.recipegoldmine.com/regionalamish/amish199.html (topped with a broiled brown-sugar crust and nuts.) Cajun Funeral Cake http://www.realcajunrecipes.com/recipes/221.rcr Wet Chocolate Cake "Funeral Cake" http://www.mountain-breeze.com/kitchen/meltoncb/132.html Raisin/Rosina Or "Funeral" Pie http://recipes.chef2chef.net/recipe-archive/21/116977.shtml http://www.recipesource.com/text/baked-goo...ies/raisin1.txt Thanks again. Neal
  6. nyc

    Sympathy Cake?

    In case I haven't mentioned it often enough or enthusiastically enough, you people rock! "Funeral cake" is the phrase that pays. I poked around a little and I found a Cajun and an Amish version, which I'm happy to share. I would put them in a posting, but I'm not sure what the policy is. (I'm especially confused because I know that the copyright law grants personal use of copyrighted materials, especially with what is known as fair use and attribution.) So if you're interested, just let me know and I'll send what I've found. Thank you again for your support and generosity with your knowledge and expertise. Neal
  7. This might sound obvious, but has anyone ever heard of a traditional sympathy cake? Maybe something like an Amish Sympathy Cake. A friend's father passed away recently and I'd like to honor her father (who was a fan of my desserts), comfort her and I'd like to avoid making a cake that could possibly be mistaken for festive. Also, has anyone ever made an officially designated sympathy cake? Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
  8. nyc

    Snap Crackle Pop

    That, my friend, is the sound of happy bread, "singing" gloriously about becoming a baguette. I'm sure there's a more technical answer to follow, involving the maillard reaction and rapidly cooling starches, gelatinization, etc. But in the meantime, enjoy the music.
  9. This group is the best! Unlike the gingerbread I've had in the U.S., it isn't spongy or too gingery. It's the balance and the texture, which is firm but not hard. More toward the panforte end of the scale (with angel food cake at the other end). <<I have a few of their cute little tins from past trips to Grasmere. One most go there, park the car and simply follow your nose. The aroma from the bakery permeates the air for miles around.>> That's exactly how my folks found it. Though no one mentioned a tin. Hmmm. Thank you for the response. I'll get to work on it -- as soon as I figure out what "hard" margarine is. Neal
  10. My folks sent me some seriously wonderful gingerbread they discovered in the Lake District of England (Grasmere to be precise). Apparently, it inspired Wordsworth to wax poetic. Does anyone know anything about Sarah Nelson's Celebrated Grasmere Gingerbread? Does anyone have a recipe for it? Thanks. Neal
  11. nyc

    Kiwi Fruit

    As usual, the group came up with very stimulating ideas. The creative logjam has been broken! Thank you. P.S. I've got some mycryo. How do you use the stuff? Neal
  12. nyc

    Kiwi Fruit

    I just received the gift of nearly a kilogram of Cap Fruit kiwi puree. At first, I thought: fruit charlotte! Then I realized that the acid eats the gelatin in the mousse. The disappointment has boggled my mind. Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions or a gentle, inspirational whack on the side of the head for the puree? Thanks. Neal
  13. Farmer's Market Season also means easier access to perfectly fresh produce and fabulous bread from Bennison's in Evanston. If you've had it, you know what I'm talking about. If not, treat yourself. I know this might sound like a plug. But it really isn't. It's about great bread and the farmer's market foodstuffs we look forward to. If I've committed a faux pas, I apologize. Susan H. Loomis ("On Rue Tatin") got me going with her favorite market treat: fresh French bread, with European butter, fresh radishes and a pinch of sea salt. I can make loaves and pounds of radishes disappear. And, I know it's awesome bread for several reasons. First, I've baked there for a couple years. But don't just take my word for it. The lead baker, Jory Downer, is a Certified Master Baker, hardcore bread guy and member of the U.S. Coupe de Monde Team for 2005. We're talking world class bread here. Literally. Bennison's bread is available at the Evanston and Wilmette Farmer's Markets and the Green City Market. This will be their second season at the Green City Market. Enjoy. nyc
  14. The love of my life is in agony. She was slicing habaneros barehanded. Now she's in agony. Does anyone have any tried and true treatments? Thanks.
  15. I was likely distracted in pastry class when baking with raspberry jam was discussed. Can anyone explain the difference between "regular" and baking jam and the practical reasons why we make the distinction? I'm working on a raspberry bar and I don't want the critical commentary to include raspberries (if you know what I mean). Thanks. NYC
  16. nyc

    Truffle Oil

    A colleague and I have to do a cooking demo using truffle oil. Does anyone have simple recipes for an appetizer, a side or even a dessert? We tried it with figs and the unanimous conclusion was: yuck! (And that was generous.) As ever, your suggestions, tips, recommendations and more are warmly welcomed. Thank you. NYC
  17. nyc


    I'm embarrassed to admit this, but what's EVOO?
  18. nyc


    Wow! What an inspired (and generous) response from everyone. Now my problem is mooching more eggplant so I can try all of the ideas. I don't know if I know you all well enough to say this, (but I hope I do): you're my kind of people. Thank you. NYC
  19. nyc


    I've just become the happy recipient of a flat of beautiful baby eggplants. I'm trying to break out of the lasagna/ratatouille rut. In my brief time here, you all seem to take food to the utmost in flavorful. So I hope you won't mind if ask for your thoughts on favorite preparations and recipes? Thanks. NYC
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