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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Yep. That's the truth. Somebody that can't play guitar worth a shit gets a good buzz on and they think they're Clapton or Hendrix. I used to play pretty good and there were times I'd be recording stuff just messing around drunk, stoned, or most likely both, and think I was cooking. Sure felt like it. Listen back the next day and go, "Oh man, you gotta get your shit together."
  2. Jaymes, I love you too. But Rachel's got a point. And anyhow I think since Varmint started this, it ought to reflect that. Even though I probably won't make it, I'm for, "Varmint's Pig Pickin." And if the profits of tee shirt sales go to benefit the cost of the whole thing, I'll buy one. (Medium.) Then I can say, " I missed it, but it sure was great."
  3. Yeah. It's a cop-out to blame the boss, the working conditions, or anything but yourself when you lose it like Dempsey did. Like Harry Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Hard words, but true.
  4. How about (lettering), "Varmint's Pig Pickin' 2003"? It's how the whole thing started.
  5. To get back to Dempsey - Had he given any sign of being drunk or stoned at work?
  6. Maybe Cuba has the namesake of this forum - "The Ministry of Rum." Or at least a ministry of distilleries that could point you in the right direction. Say hi to Fidel.. and bring back some cigars.
  7. Right. You're going to march down to the bank and say I want to open a restaurant. I want to change the system. Lux, have you ever been down to the street?
  8. I hope it's good, clean, drugstore quality crystal.
  9. Liberals don't start - or participate in - revolutions. To get back to Ramsay and Dempsey. Except for Bourdain there probably isn't anyone reading this more experienced than I am when it comes to drugs. The kind you get on the street. That was a long time ago, but I know the scene. From that, I'll hazard that it wasn't drugs that led to this sad affair. Somebody that gets that crazy has got some deep down pain or frustration. Maybe a bad drug took him over the edge. Could have been bad acid, coke, or crack. Maybe PCP. Maybe hard liquor. But, it was pain that did it. Maybe Mr. Ramsay should look into himself before he tries looking into someone else's life.
  10. No wonder we threw off the British yoke so long ago. Some things never change. Do you still have a redcoat in your closet, Tony?
  11. Two birds in the hand are worth four in the bush?
  12. Varmint - are you telling me there's no place to pitch a tent or two on your property - that's not on concrete? Nero's got the right idea. It's a long way from Maine to NC, but if we were going to be setting up a tent city I might think about this a little more. There's nothing like having your tent nearby when the partying gets serious.
  13. prostitutes No prostitutes. Honey's. Flat tummy's with small breasts and perky nipples. And a dreamy look in the eye.
  14. How long did his engine and tranny last?
  15. Maggie, what's that average out to cookbooks/person? Oh, there have been 300 replies so that would average around 100 per person? If each cookbook averages say 200 recipies, that's 20,000 recipes and if you divided that by 365 days - that's 54 years of recipes. Then if each recipe takes 1 1/2 hours to put together and cook....... Oh, never mind.
  16. Harpoon IPA, brewed in Windsor, VT.
  17. That's a drag. Used to be a nice funky, local, family place. What happened? Kids get greedy? They sell out?
  18. Nick

    Delivery Pizza

    The thermal mass of masonry stores the heat from the fire and radiates it back into what is being cooked as well as keeping oven temp up. Cast iron can't compare. Has to do with specific heat of materials and mass.
  19. Nick

    Delivery Pizza

    Tommy, I actually bought some english muffins, linguica, provalone, and Contadina for lunch tomorrow. We'll see if those little pizzas are as good as I remember them.
  20. Cook's Illustrated and F&W. If I had to pick just one, I'd stick with CI.
  21. Usually nothing. Sometimes with lunch either water or V-8, depending on the lunch. Beer always goes good with pizza.
  22. Haven't been to Bar Harbor for ten years or so and don't know the present scene. But, it's a small town so you could just get there, park your car, and walk around checking places out. There are many places to eat and drink within a small area.
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