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Everything posted by SauceRobert

  1. well yes, kind of makes sense, but also have some humility. chef is not going to be happy that you fucked up and if you show too much enthusiasm he may just tell you to get the f*ck out! Basically, go in, put your head down, do the best you can and PAY ATTENTION! even if you dont land the job if you PAY ATTENTION you will learn a lot!
  2. I once saw a line cook raise a knife at a sous and the sous picked up a spoon and the guy scoffed at him like, what are you gonna do with that? and next thing you know the guys nose was bleeding from a good thwap from the spoon... it was awesome. then the guy whined and quit but you know, he did threaten with a knife so I think he had it coming.
  3. Sure is, for a while on his tasting menu Jake was paring foie with Mt. Hood Strawberry's. ← Carlyle was protested last year on valentines day... a night when they had no foie on the menu!
  4. Last night Le Pigeon was the first to get hit, protesters stood outside pounding on the windows until the police came. Then they moved on to Sel Gris. the police once again were called as they were blocking the entry way and the public sidewalk. they stood around for about an hour screaming at the top of their lungs before disbanding... neither business has any plans of removing foie from the menu!
  5. Do you wash the kitchen aide paddle attachment in the dishwasher? if so try rubbing the paddle attachment and see what happens... they tend to oxidize
  6. Yeah Clyde Common can be good but they have a bit of a problem with consistency...
  7. Always remember a sharpie!!! nothing worse than having to ask another cook or worse the chef for a sharpie!
  8. I'm just curious as to what you would want that for...?
  9. While it is not a good idea to leave them in a sealed bag, they may still be alive, the only way to tell is to shuck one and smell it, if it smells like anything but the ocean or is completely dry it is dead... also if they are open and dont close on their own (which oysters only occasionally do) they are dead.
  10. wow this has gone a bit off topic... basically, like the man or don't, no one else cares what you think about him thats YOUR personal opinion!
  11. Market Restaurant in Del Mar is a must. Check it out at its website: www.marketdelmar.com You will not be disappointed. However, they are always full so make sure you have your reservation before you go and they are not cheap - starter around $10-15 and entre $28-40. ← Place looks great, and $68 for a 10 course tasting is actually a great price! thanks for the tip ← $68 is for a 4-course tasting menu. Market is overall a good but not outstanding restaurant. ← huh, guess I had a few too many glasses of wine before I looked at the menu cause that is definitely only a 4 course menu! thanks for pointing that out... also I would love to hear what you would call great! anyone have any comments on Hash House-A-Go-Go?
  12. Market Restaurant in Del Mar is a must. Check it out at its website: www.marketdelmar.com You will not be disappointed. However, they are always full so make sure you have your reservation before you go and they are not cheap - starter around $10-15 and entre $28-40. ← Place looks great, and $68 for a 10 course tasting is actually a great price! thanks for the tip
  13. oops i made a typo.. it should have said "cheap, expensive whatever!" Ill staying in La Jolla but will have a car and am just looking for ideas in the general area of san diego
  14. Anyone have any must eats in the San Diego area? Cheap, inexpensive whatever! where must I go? It will be in august so patios would be great but not necessary.
  15. Thats great! start early (I wish i had started earlier)if you can find someone who will pay you great, if not work for free! you are young and thats how you get into the kitchen young. just make sure to watch EVERYTHING. you will learn a lot... always be willing to do what needs to be done, show up early, stay late (if they tell you to come in at 3, show up at noon (for free) and do whatever they want. always say yes chef for the good the bad or the ugly... very important in a lot of kitchens... and read, read, read!
  16. There also is the fact that when you are new they may yell at you just to be sure you can take it... want to weed out any thin skinned people... not saying that this is a good thing to do, but it happens.
  17. Cuts don't happen very often for me, burns are part of working the line they happen once a week or so. But my best one was last night at home... I have space above my cabinets where I store some lesser used kitchen items. I opened my spice cabinet and down comes a two burner cast iron griddle right onto my arm just above my wrist... Im not sure if I fractured it but it sure hurts like heck... my arm broke all of its momentum as my arm was on its way up as it was on its way down (it fell about 2.5-3feet)
  18. Its common to do in a place that doesn't realize that their clients wont come back just for that little dessert. It is terrible customer service. One question, did you eat the entrees? If so they probably thought you were just trying to get a free meal (its not that uncommon of a thing to see).
  19. I suggest that you cook it just like you would anyother crab accept on a larger scale (eg. a really big pot!) bring a large amount of water to a boil, add some aromatics (onion, celery, carrot ect.) maybe a little white wine (or a lot in this case) throw in the crab(s) alive (you may need to push them down into the water as some crabs will push back up to get out of the water) and simmer until it turns bright red. I am not sure about the body meat on one of these guys as I have not actually worked with one whole and have only seen the legs for sale so the body meat might not be very good or easy to get at but it seems like it should be there. good luck and please take some pics!
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