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Everything posted by kayb

  1. She’s exactly right. Three saucepans with lids, frying pan and Dutch oven that share a lid.
  2. Jeez. I feel inadequate. Three cast iron skillets, a 10-inch and a 12-inch nonstick saute pan, a high-sided stainless frying pan, my 9-piece set of 3 saucepans with lids, Dutch oven and frying pan that share a lid, and a cast iron Dutch oven. Half a dozen ceramic or Pyrex baking dishes, a taijin, and assorted metal baking containers. Oh, and the canners and the turkey roaster live in the garage, as does the cast iron grill pan @Kerry Beal gave me on the condition I clean it up and reseason it, which I will…someday. And I suppose I should count the three or four grill baskets.
  3. kayb

    Air Fryers

    I also have a Cosori. I don’t use it a great deal, and I do begrudge the counter space it takes up.
  4. It was a manicure that badly needed replacing. @Annie_H — Confession. I have never cooked or eaten a zucchini flower. How do you cook your baby ones with flowers attached?
  5. kayb

    Dinner 2022

    And herein lies a quandary. In this part of the world, it’s crawfish. Elsewhere, crayfish. Which is correct, or is it merely a dialectical difference?
  6. kayb

    Lunch 2022

    Well, why not?
  7. I harvested two six-inch zucchini, flowers attached, yesterday.
  8. A very worthwhile celebration of 25 years!
  9. I love the classic pot roast treatment — red wine, sautéed onions, potatoes, carrots. Salt, pepper, rosemary.
  10. kayb

    Dinner 2022

    FWIW: Start the youngster out early on pickles. When mine was 9months old, I could take her to anywhere with a salad bar, give her a dill spear and some crackers, and she was happy for ages. Burgers look good. I couldn’t interest anyone in burgers, so mine are in the fridge, yet to be cooked.
  11. kayb

    Dinner 2022

    Happy birthday to Moe!
  12. The notion of lemon lavender crème brûlée makes my eyes roll back in my head. I love the combo of flavors; I love crème brûlée.
  13. someone here locally is ahead of me. I bought summer squash at the farmers market today. Think I’ll grill them with tomorrow’s steaks.
  14. Crop report: Zucchini blossoms Cucumbers blooming as well A baby crookneck squash.And two tennis ball sized green tomatoes. I expect these are Early Girl. Not pictured, but the basil is loving the cool weather. May have to make pesto soon.
  15. One tip if you’re using corn tortillas for enchiladas…use the very freshest ones possible. Stale tortillas tearwhen you try to wrap them. Have done very little with cassava flour, so I’ve no idea how tortillas made with it will hold up. I find either King Arthur or Bobs Red Mill gf flour, which is brown rice, white rice, and potato starch works fairly well in most applications.
  16. This one’s the keeper of the trip. Gorgeous.
  17. We’ve had really good strawberries this spring. I’ve taken to buying two quarts a week for the two of us.
  18. What is the white stuff atop the tuna? It looks for all the world like a crumpled piece of cheesecloth.
  19. Looks like it turned, sure enough!
  20. kayb

    Food Funnies

    I am personally astounded to learn scallops can jump.
  21. I downloaded and saved it a year or so ago, against the day mine goes out.
  22. Never traveled enough to have much of an opinion on airline food. But I have fond memories of SWA’s peanuts.
  23. kayb

    Breakfast 2022

    They weren’t, I don’t think, native to my part of the world when I was growing up, but my best friend lived across the street from an old barn that had one growing beside it. We’d “camp out” in the loft and just reach out and pluck mulberries to eat. As I recall, one could eat enough of them to send one back across the street I the wee hours in stomach distress. Bing cherries will do the same thing, I recall from a trip across upstate PA and NY that entailed a stop at orchards…
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