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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Wonderful, Dave. You may be new, but you will certainly catch up quickly, being so prolific.
  2. Thanks for going to that trouble on my behalf. They look delicious. What's not to love about cheesecake?
  3. I would love to see a photo of your cheesecake lollipops. Sorry about your problem. Can't be of any use to you there.
  4. Lunch today was a breakfast dish - or supper, for that matter - and I didn't think about photographing it until we had eaten most of it and the remnant looks a mess. How it would ever feed 12-14 people as noted on the recipe is beyond me. W, two, ate more than half and we did not 'pig' out. It's a Blintz Souffle and not incredibly rich. It puffed up beautifully...and then fell down soon after. Still, with yogurt and raspberry sauce in stead of the called for sour cream and fresh fruits, it was delicious. Quick to make. Could be served easily as a brunch dish. Couldn't possibly have it for breakfast in my life because it baked for 50-60 minutes. Perfect for a light lunch.
  5. Excellent idea. Presented in this light, the thought of weighing ingredients is not in the forefront. DH weighs the dogs' portions all the time. But then we own several sets of scales and they are constantly used. Wonder how I ever managed without scales????
  6. Thank you tino27. Looked at both websites and then went back and read this thread again. It sounds like a wonderful weekend. I'm looking forward to coming now. ps. Voted OK for both dates, because there was no 'prefer' choice. Would prefer the earlier date.
  7. Is there a description of what goes on at these gatherings that I could look up? I might be able to make it to Ann Arbor in August. That would be incredible to take part in an 'eGullet' event at last.
  8. Lovely cupcakes with swirly and generous icing and they look so nicely presented on your cupcake stands.
  9. No photos, but I had smoked salmon and fried eggs. Yummm.
  10. Strong agreement from me. I wouldn't even suggest scales to your friend at this point.
  11. Wow Tracey...thanks for helping me waste about half and hour. I loved the brownie pan with with the divider especially.
  12. I have put a hold on the Taubes book at our local library. Doing my duty, sir.
  13. llc45. Merci mille fois. Shall show this to the DH and then go back to making yoghurt.
  14. Slowly I am trying to work my way through this immense and interesting file. Unless I am mistaken, I don't see any reference to using flax oil instead of ground flax. Is this not a useful item?
  15. I can appreciate that you don't want to get into all the theory behind this, but I just don't get this about yoghurt. Is it somehow different when made commercially? It's no problem to make yoghurt and the creme fraiche/soft cheese stuff either and I would be glad to do it.
  16. I would like some crockpot recipes. I have three and they are used for candying everything I candy, and for large potluck kinds of meals and they keep everything warm. And for Chinese feasts where they hold the Hot and Sour soup. Never cooked a single recipe in one yet.
  17. I had to add a note about my new Cuisinart can opener. Sits on the counter and takes up a bit of space, it's true, but it's the first can opener in my entire life that I have fallen in love with.
  18. As far as I understand, an important change occurred when we began to drink the milk of cattle. Until then, man had used goat and sheep milk. We drank goat milk for a long time,...and then like most things...slid back into cow milk. I don't actually 'drink' milk, but my DH still does. However, he had no weight problems at all and I do. Besides I never was a 'milk' drinker even as a child.
  19. For us, the hardest meal is breakfast. IndyRob, Do you eat yoghurt and berries every day? Today I had a shake with whey protein powder in it. DH does not like the taste of the powder. Bit of a problem. What else is good for breakfast? (I haven't had time to read all the stuff I downloaded last night so I haven't looked up breakfasts yet, but personal stories and recipes are always useful.) Thanks.
  20. And there are some of us who simply cannot live on the no-carb diet. I become very distressed, emotionally and physically, on that diet. It's quite weird. I'll second Heidi's statements. Thanks for all the information...I have saved quite a bit of it to read later and have asked for the newsletters available. To be able to look up the GI index of foods quickly would be a boon.
  21. Yes, I do find that my popularity has increased over the past two years. The best pieces of the toffee are off to the vets (canine) tomorrow. Never hurts at all.
  22. Today confectionery partner, Barbara, and I made our first marbled chocolatey bits and Enstrom Copycat Toffee (which is to die for). The toffee was not a complete success as the chocolate did not stick well to one side...both were wiped and dusted with cocoa. Next time, we will score and break the toffee into pieces and then dip them separately. However, I don't expect the recipients of this largesse to refuse to eat them because the coating lacks perfection.
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