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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Hooray for P.J. He is going to grow up to be one fantastic chef...or whatever he wants to be.
  2. Alas no pans at Michael's and so my 40% off coupon went unspent. Hendrix, a Canadian restaurant supply store carries them but at a higher basic price and with no discount. Rats.
  3. I say...go for it, girl!!! A friend says the brownie pan is available at Michael's, so I am heading there this afternoon.
  4. I know very little about either city (they both leave a lot to be desired), but if you are actually WORKING in Windsor, I would also stay in Windsor. One thing I would NOT want to do is to cross the border twice every day. Sometimes the line-ups are horrendous. DH wants me to add that it can take an hour or more to cross. Edit #2: Ed remembered that you can buy a 'Pass' which allows you to cross the border in a special fast line...but would they sell one to a non-Canadian/American? I don't know.
  5. Our local bulk food stores has small plastic containers with lids for $.10 a piece. I use these with labels I stick on them. They stack well. Each holds one cup...just done...and I never keep that much of those powder/potion things at one time anyway.
  6. I'd be curious to know if you, Emily R, are European or something else non-American. Americans usually, now only usually , like their confections and baked goods sweeter than Europeans or Canadians. I don't know about Aussies. (We are expecting an onslaught of Aussies at the farm in April/May and will inquire.) I'm Canadian, and invariably cut the sugar content in American recipes. No sense of superiority there...just childhood experiences, especially as DH and I are War Babies...is, NO sugar. We drink our coffee VERY STRONG from the getgo and find commercial coffee providers with the exception of Starbucks and other local coffee places, make their coffee very weak. As one barista in a Colorado Starbucks outlet told me: "Most American coffee tastes like weak weasel p*ss". I couldn't say, never having tasted the aforementioned beverage. So, I used very strong brewed coffee and also added a bunch of ancient instant coffee too. Then a huge pinch of espresso grounds. Plus I didn't have enough condensed milk as noted above. Maybe that made the difference. I would suggest to Emily to make it again, put more coffee into it and replace some of the condensed milk with either heavy or half & half cream. It's hard to taste the mix when it's warm because of course the cold will reduce the sweetness factor. Good luck.
  7. So the American can and the Canadian can both hold 1 1/4 cups of condensed milk. Thank you for your help. Now I can rest easy.
  8. 4 legged variety, or in a bun type? How would a 4 legged dog get into the maple syrup? Our two dogs had just arrived and so were maple syrup-free, but their three dogs, two of them Goldens with long fur, had somehow gotten maple syrup on themselves, particularly their tails and hind feathers. Imagine a hot dog in a bun with maple syrup??? Strange pairings.
  9. I did have misgivings about making the Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream, as interesting as the ingredients were, because I could not stand a cup of coffee with sugar in it. WOW! The ice cream is terrific. Yummy. Even DH loves it. So good. Now for the small problems. In Canada at least, condensed milk comes in 300 ml = 1 1/4 cup cans. And the recipe called for 1 1/2 cups. a) I had only one can and b) what on earth would I do with most of an opened second can? Condensed milk is not something I have ever worked into my life. So I used 1/4 cup extra half & half, and my dollop of corn syrup which now was not problematic at all. Chalk up another success for DL's Perfect Scoop (with minor variations).
  10. We live in called east central Ontario (90 miles north and east of Toronto), Maple Syrup Land. Every hamlet in the area has a maple syrup festival. Last week we went to our neighbors round the corner (so to speak) and watched the operation -year old lath from our farm renovations, miles of plastic tubing, dogs covered in syrup...it was amazing. I had no idea what a huge operation our neighbors had. They gave us a bottle of fresh hot syrup to take home which I promptly screwed up making maple candy. (There is a tiny window in beating the candy between pourable and a huge solid lump on the receiving mold.) Then the ground-up maple sugar went into rolled biscuits with walnuts. Delicious.
  11. Wow. Three look-ups in one post. Zo, biga, and poolish. Who knew? So much to learn, learn, learn...
  12. Thanks Elsie. Nope, a woman cannot have too many recipes for the same thing. Elicits a lot of confusion, true, but still worth the trouble. You know, I have never had Challah with raisins in it.
  13. I can't give you any specific directions or bakeries to go to, but if you have never eaten a Montreal bagel, straight out of the oven, do this thing. Bagels will never be the same for you again.
  14. Just settling down to make DL's Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream, remembering that I had bought a can of condensed milk to make something or other which never got made. DL's recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups sweetened condensed milk. Naturally the Canadian can, Eagle Brand, is 300 ml. Why make it easy? So 300 ml is 1 1/4 cups: 1/4 cup too small. My question: what is the measurement of an American can? No reason, just curious, as usual. (I added 1/4 cup of half and half and a dollop of corn syrup.)
  15. Darienne

    Dinner! 2010

    Our dinner is at noon and today I made Fried Chickpeas with Chorizo and Spinach a recipe published by Mark Bittman on his blog, 19 February 10. I used 1/4 of his breadcrumb topping. As usual, I am seduced by the pictures. We added yogurt to our plates.
  16. Thanks for including the recipe, Steve. My Cuisinart booklet doesn't have that recipe in it. Strange. Wait. My booklet is Canadian: right...half in French...therefore half the recipes.
  17. This looks like one I can use. I have no starter for the RLB recipe. Thanks.
  18. Thanks Dan. Braiding IS important. I don't know about making breads outside of a machine. (I was a cook only from familial pressure until 2 years ago.) Thanks also for 'AFIK'...you do learn something every day.
  19. I am truly a bear of very little brain. DH bought me a monster Cuisinart stand mixer last year and of course it has a bread hook. And obviously I have never used it...or even thought about using it. Duh Thanks.
  20. Thanks Judiu. I should have said that I did get some from the Internet. Was just wondering if anyone on eGullet had tried to make Challah in a bread machine. This one does look good.
  21. As I have whined on occasion, we live in the frozen north's hinterland and a purchased loaf of challah is probably not a possibility. The other thing is that when one lives in the country, one does not easily make the trip to the city for one or two things...but does without. Assuming you could even get Challah in Peterpatch. For breakfast yesterday I made a Baked French Toast recipe which calls for Challah, of which I had none. Used a frozen french baguette instead. It was delicious. But probably not as delicious as it would be with Challah. Hmmmm... I have a bread machine. (I can't knead dough anymore.) What if I could find a good eggy Challah recipe for said bread machine.
  22. Thanks for the tip to look at the Vietnamese Coffee ice cream. Not really geared up yet to make ice cream...it's COLD here today in the frozen northland...but I am intrigued by the ingredient list and think I'll try it. Maybe even today. I'm wondering if my usual additions of pinch of salt and dollop of corn syrup should be added here. Will report back...
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