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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Darienne

    Pomegranate Juice

    A teeny tiny food processor. Small sieve and not fine mesh. Couldn't bring it all, could I?
  2. Darienne

    Pomegranate Juice

    I'm far from home without a citrus juicer. I have a bowl full of pomegranate seeds and a sheath of recipes from the web on how to make them into juice. Don't much like any of the recipes. Who has a good method, please.
  3. Sorry, no advice here. Just to say that you are a good Mommy!
  4. I'm with Anna on the apron and also I never go anywhere without my Trudeau one-piece silicone spatulas.
  5. Bakery??? Diet be damned. We'll go there for sure.
  6. We took home Hatch chiles years ago. I'll phone Trader Joes ahead of time. Thanks.
  7. YES! This cooking thing is still fairly new for me, but I do love it and I love the things I am increasingly able to make.
  8. Andie, you are truly amazing and always come through. I found a Pros Ranch Market on Central at Atrisco and we should have no trouble finding that. Canned is no heck, but when you have nothing else, it's pretty good. Thanks again. DH, Ed, says thanks also.
  9. Just a bit too late for editing my post. Tomatillos brand: La Costena and green chiles: Ortega.
  10. We will be traveling home from Moab, via Albuquerque soon and want to take back canned green whole chiles and tomatillos. Well, really we want to take fresh ones, but that's impossible at this point. Please tell me where to buy these items in reasonably large cans. And I do mean specific grocery stores which I can look up on a map. Nope, we cannot go through Santa Fe. The other thing is: there are canned 28 oz tomatillos in Moab for about $2.69 or so (can't recall...didn't write it down...which seemed reasonable to me) but the 28 oz cans of 'green chiles' are almost $6. Is this about right? DH thinks it's unreasonable...but I don't know. I'll check the brands and report back and if they seem fine, well, I can buy them in Moab which is a lot less trouble than searching for a needle in a haystack in Albuquerque (although we have to go there anyway.) Sorry this was a bit ramlby...
  11. Dipping stem ginger pieces in chocolate and so disappointed that many of them have sprung a little leak. What to do? So I google the question and guess what I get? The last time I asked the question on eGullet with the answers of what to do. With luck I won't forget a third time. How stupid can I be? [Moderator note: The original I will never again . . . topic became too large for our servers to handle efficiently, so we've divided it up; the preceding part of this discussion is here: I will never again . . . (Part 3)]
  12. Darienne

    Favorite candy

    Lindt Raspberry Truffles. Enstrom's Toffee.
  13. Wonderful Kim!!! Why not make Royal icing for your colored parts?
  14. Dear Onrushpam, So far you take the prize!!! I won't begin to tell you of our childhood Halloweens, long before the days of razorblades in the apples. We were never bullied. Bullies were dealt with swiftly then. And of course we didn't have candy regularly. Canada during the war years was not a place of sugar and butter. Perhaps we were very lucky.
  15. Halloween in Moab UT means the Annual Pumpkin Chuckin' Festival. And besides the chucking of pumpkins...some very ingenious...one year a team came from I can't remember where with some amazing 'machine' which chucked the pumpkin one whole mile...or so I am told. OK. All the community organizations have booths and give out pamphlets, sell t-shirts, etc. I have donated 6 dozen lollipops to the Moab Humane Society to sell as my contribution. Otherwise, I just hide in whatever house I am living in...
  16. We have always called it the 'Cavan Mall'. So, did you take them both and now are saving one for me?
  17. Thank you so much...but a few towns/cities are missing in your list. Please.
  18. Yep, it is a tad far and we'll be home in the far frozen north by then and as for needing something...the only thing I need right now is time, energy, peace of mind and a new food processor which I'll buy back home...where at least I can return it if it breaks down in the first 30 days. But many thanks for thinking of me...
  19. Yippee for you. What a score. Do I need a food processor or what? Moab is not living up to its former reputation this time around.
  20. In the tradition started by Pastameshugana, I start a new topic on Utah. (Mostly in the hopes of finding somewhere to eat in Moab) Moab is not a place to go to eat in my humble opinion. Chains and a few pricey upscale places. There are three long time Mexican restaurants patronized by mostly Gringos. We have tried two out of three (the third is out of our snack bracket) more than a few times and are never very happy with the food. Small, excellent family run Hispanic restaurants have popped up and disappeared just as quickly. Imagine my joy when upon arriving in Moab this time we found a new restaurant, no decor, no ambiance, very few gringos, lots of hispanics, workmen coming for their lunch, etc, reasonable prices, paper plates, plastic cutlery...AND WONDERFUL FOOD. Mi Ranchito Mexicano at 812 S. Main. If the restaurant gods are just, it will still be here next time around.
  21. OK. They look just like the ones in the Nevada photo. The shells are not very hard at all. I looked for the information on roasting and toasting and temporarily gave up, defeated by the length of the article (I am not adept at reading on a monitor very well to begin with and this is a small laptop screen. I'll print it out later.) Thanks for all the information. Learn something new everyday.
  22. Good question HeidiH. My current thinking on the pine nut situation is that I should leave them in their current unshelled state, take them home and then unshell them. I can't possibly use them all before we leave Moab and I can't keep them frozen, or even cool perhaps, on the 5-day journey home. I hope this is going to work out.
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