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Paul Kierstead

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    Ottawa, ON

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  1. I think it's fairly clear that top surface and bottom surface temperatures will have a difference depending on a lot of factors, and pan loading will change that again, so it will always be somewhat of an estimate in any case. In real world use, with liquids, I find it can be pretty accurate after stabilizing, though can run higher covered. For things like retherm or simmering it does the trick nicely. For things without a liquid load it definitely varies, but is accurate enough for *cooking*. Some pots, like cast iron, seem to have more trouble with large temperature variations across the pan. The weirdest one I see is I quite often use mine for pressure cooking, and I'm pretty sure my Kuhn Rikon has correct pressure (reasonably) but a pan temp of 110 will easily hold 15 psi, which makes no sense ... you would expect the bottom surface to be *higher* not lower, I don't get it. It is a very thick bottom though and an odd situation. Or maybe the PC is way off and I just don't notice.
  2. Consistency of process means your outcome is due to your changes, which means you can experiment and know that your mistakes are your own. Inconsistent process is surprises, not adventure (Though, tbf, surprises can definitely be adventurous!)
  3. I'm not sure I follow the problem here. It hit your temperate quite accurately. The pan was, in fact, at 50 and eventually the contents followed suit.
  4. Did crepes today @ 335 F on a dubuyer crepe pan (mineral B IIRC). Did a quick pre-heat to 400 with some oil in there, wok style. It worked very well, browned but not overly so, quickly cooked. The dubuyer pans seem to overshoot quite a bit on the initial heating, so letting it go back down a bit to stay out of butter burn zone is good idea (I use butter to cook them, with that very thin film of oil from the initial heating left in there). This is much better the trying to move the gas knob a hair or two back and forth. I think breaking out the big crepe pan and hitting up some galettes might be in order.
  5. Yah, but I don't have them I'm certainly not desperate or anything, but it would be nice to be able to use the ones I do have (quite a few), even if only in probe mode (I do expect a thick interference layer to make havoc with pan control, though I'd bet with a specific pan you would work up an offset..). I used it to re-therm something yesterday ... damn it brings a small pot of water to 60 C quickly and accurately (pan control). It will be my goto retherm now.
  6. An induction plate isn't a lot different then the thick plates attached to the bottom of some pots. Of course the thermal transfer isn't quite as good, but it isn't radically different. I don't use copper for appearance.
  7. Just got a control freak. So far primary use has been deep frying I'm curious if anyone has experience using induction plates. I have a fair bit of lovely copper cookware that would be nice to use with it, even with probe control. I tried a cheap SS induction plate and it basically didn't work at all, even with probe control. The plate got hot, but the burner refused to put enough energy into the plate/pan combo to really heat up. Maybe if I had waited an hour I might have got a small pan of water to 80 C. It *seems* that the induction plate gets too hot too quick and the burner backs down, even though the probe is showing low temps. I tried pans in a variety of sizes to see if an interaction with the burner matter. No change really. Falk (my pan brand) sells a quite thick cast iron plate for induction. Its quite pricey (it is Falk...), so before I put down the money in an experiment, I was hoping someone had tried it, and the burner didn't object so much.
  8. I still use mine very regularly, particularly when the weather turns. Realistically, most of the searing in summer is done on the grill.
  9. They likely see no reason to increase their cost base when the vast majority of consumers would not perceive any benefit.
  10. As noted, 500 is extremely hot. With food, if whatever you are cooking isn't burning, then the pan isn't 500. As long as the pan isn't empty, or very near empty, and your food isn't burning, it is very unlikely you are anywhere even in the the vicinity of 500. Just don't leave it a long time on the burner empty (or almost empty, oil alone will not suck away enough heat).
  11. One thing I do is put a timer on you machine so it is up to temp when I get home. For smaller cuts that I'm gonna sear hard, I often re-warm them in tap water before searing, just to take off the chill. Less effective with steak I think.
  12. I recently used a hock (fresh) in a pot of cassoulet. It definitely added something. I think just about any braisd/stewed dish with pork that calls for shoulder can use it as a supplement or possibly the primary pork bit.
  13. Made Pork Belly Ssam with mustard sauce last week, and it was truly excellent. Made something from it a couple of weeks ago, but for the life of me cannot bring it back to the top of the brain.
  14. No, it isn't a logical assumption at all, unless you start with the assumption that GMO lacks integrity. By your logic, a vegetarian would assume they have no meat or meat products in their food. This thread, with its pejorative "admits" is pretty much the exact reason companies don't want transparency. If you refuse to eat anywhere that does not disclose its sources, and then refuse to eat at Chipotle's because it is GMO, that's ok. If you eat elsewhere and punish Chipotle because they disclose, then what you are telling us is that you would prefer not to know.
  15. They suggest to stop basting when the butter stops foaming,which is basically when the water is gone and the temp of the butter temperature will shoot up. You can go a little further then this, but you might get browned butter, which is a nice flavour but may or may not be what is desired.
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