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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I'm not Linda but I have the dicing kit. I used the 8 mm disc to make almost 1/4" cubes of onions. It is the smallest disc.
  2. ElsieD


    My order from Goûter arrived a couple of minutes ago and I just unpacked it. 3 panetonne, 2 chocolate, 1 traditional, 3 various meat pies and a dozen kouign amman. Looking good!
  3. I've never had blueberry (or any other fruit) pierogis. Are they boiled or pan fried?
  4. @Smithy. What a wonderful surprise. So very thoughtful.
  5. How does setting a temperature to 220F get to 450F? Pardon my stupidity, but how do you do this? If bacon is to be smoked using a temperature of 220F to get the bacon to 150F, when does the wood get to 450F?
  6. I wonder, using my Control Freak, if I could use it and my Camerson stove stop smoker to smoke bacon? The range of the CF is 77F to 482F.
  7. Too bad it doesn't go down too 100F
  8. Ruhiman says hot smoke to an internal temperature of 150F/65C. I have a note that says dome temp 220 - 240 for 3 hours.
  9. ElsieD


    Never having had one until this year, then having eaten that one and ordered 3 more, I'd say yes you should.
  10. I used a recipe from Michael Ruhlman & Brian Polcyn's book "Charcuterie". It was for Maple Cured Smoked Bacon, cured for 7 days, smoked for 3 hours.
  11. @rotuts. Do the instructions say anything about smoking bacon? I used to smoke my own bacon at the house but condo living won't allow me to do this on our balcony.
  12. Is it okay to feel a tiny bit jealous?
  13. I had asked this question in the Sous Vide topic as I wanted to cook a turkey crown sous vide. Since then, I killed my Polyscience professional circulator so I'm trying to figure out if I can sous vide it in the APO. This is what it looks like. It is about 6 pounds, it is intact except the legs and wings have been lopped off, the breast bone can be removed if necessary. My questions are, if using the APO: Does it need to be bagged? What temperature? 142.5 as @rotuts suggested And for how long? Do i need to insert the probe? TIA for your help.
  14. ElsieD


    Yup. 3 panetonnes, 2 chocolate, 1 fruit, 2 tourtieres, 1 pot pie and 12 Kouign Amann. Overnight shipping Monday, arriving Tuesday.
  15. ElsieD


    I'd have e put a laughing emoji on your post except I'm gearing up to do the same thing.
  16. Nice work! Did you make the wreaths on the cookies too?
  17. I'm interested.
  18. What time is dinner?
  19. Caving, are we?
  20. I tried before @Kerry Beal gifted me hers and the message I got was they ship only within the US. But that is ordering outside of the US. I don't know if you buy it in the US if they would then ship to Canada.
  21. So if we wanted to cook something at 350 say, you'd just have to guess where that would be? Other than knowing it falls somewhere in the medium range?
  22. What are the temperature graduations?
  23. ElsieD


    And proud of it!
  24. ElsieD


    En jij ook!
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