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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. ElsieD

    Dinner 2025

    @Shelby. What's in the broccoli salad? It looks really good.
  2. I'm not @DesertTinker but I did do up a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches in the A4 a couple of weeks ago.. That was my first time using it. I had the lid on, but the temperature i started with was way too low so it was taking forever to toast and melt the cheese. Once I cranked the heat up, it worked well. Nice and toasty, cheese melted.
  3. Here in Canada, Costco Business centres sell chicken wings that are 6 - 8 wings per pound.
  4. Thanks for taking us along. I find your travel blogs fascinating as they take me somewhere I'll never get to.
  5. Are you related to @JoNorvelleWalker ?
  6. ElsieD

    Dinner 2025

    Thank you. Can you tell me the company's name? Maybe I can contact them and find out who they supply in Ottawa and go from there.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion but I'm trying not to buy alcohol that I might use once a year or less. I have a cupboard full of various kinds, most of which was accumulated when I drank the stuff. Now I only drink white wine so most of it just sits there. I do use marsala and spiced rum and the occasional something else like black currant liquor. Here is my collection of seldom used liquors:
  8. I used Lillet. Since I'd not made the recipe before, I can't compare it to using dry vermouth but the sauce was very good and went well with the lobster ravioli. I'm going to see if i can find an airplane size dry vermouth to use the next time I make it.
  9. As mentioned, I don't have the Paradice but do have the dicing kit. I've used it to dice vegetables before dehydrating them, such as squash, carrots, celery, etc. I hate chopping onions so bought a 5 pound bag one day, diced them, packaged them in 1 cup amounts, and froze them flat. That way, though admittedly I have to eyeball it, I can break off 1/4 or a half cup.
  10. I spent a fair bit of time this afternoon acquainting myself with onigirazu. I've put nori and sticky rice on my shopping list. Thank you for bringing it to my attention as I had never heard of it before.
  11. Sorry I'm a bit late. I have the dicing kit, not the paradice 9.
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner 2025

    Easy when I am able to buy puff pastry tart shells! @Dejah. Where do you buy puff pastry shells?
  13. No, but i do have dry marsala that I use as a dry sherry sub. I was in a hurry when I posted my question (dentist) but now that I'm home, read the responses to my question and did some googling myself, it seems Lillet can also be substituted as it has citrus undertones. I have white Lillet. I've never had any, the bottle was given to me and has not been opened.
  14. I wantt to make sauce for lobster ravioli that requires dry vermouth. I don"/ have any. Can I use Lillet? Something else? The,sauce,calls for tomato paste, onion, whipping cream, pasta water and red pepperflakes so is not a heavy sauce.
  15. Does anyone know what this is for?
  16. Got it, thank you.
  17. Thank you. I looked at their site and they make no mention of a manual.
  18. Anyone use the A4 lately?
  19. Only if there is a user manual🤓
  20. I just got mine today but won't be doing anything with it until at least to tomorrow. (thank you, @Kerry Beal). Can someone tell me if there is a user manual?
  21. And?
  22. I liked this last line under Breakfast Burritos: "Drop on the floor, and serve. (more authentic flavor)"
  23. I looked at most of the items and I did make a gazpacho jellied salad back in the day and I still like it. Pickled herring? Yes please, though I never made it. My mother cooked plain food but it was very good. She would not have dreamt of buying, let alone making, any of these dishes. They never appealed to me either. My mother never taught any of us how to cook (5 girls) so when I moved out of home I was a pretty lousy cook.
  24. We have one of those installed in the cupboard under the sink to hold cleaning products and the like. Works well. When we moved here, there was a pantry with deep shelves that we converted to pull-out drawers. Where we could, we changed all the rest of the cupboards to pull-out drawers as well. We have a couple of corner cupboards that we couldn't convert and except for the very front, they are a P.I.T.A.
  25. Does anyone have any of the other Edd Kimber books?
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