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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 6)

    Tonight we had chicken wings à la Norm Matthews. I made two changes to the recipe in that I used sesame oil rather than vegetable oil and I added a tablespoon of gochujang because we love the stuff. These were amazing. They stayed crispy even after the sauce hit them. We really, really liked them. Thanks, Norm!
  2. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 6)

    Magic browning powder?
  3. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 6)

    Roasted chicken legs, roasted asparagus and couscous salad.
  4. Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I didn't see it until I got up this morning at which point they had been in their water bath for 14 hours. I Wil make a note of your response for next time.
  5. Today I bought three top sirloin roasts, 3.5 to 4 pound each, graded triple A. I am planning to cut them in half and then cook them sous vide @132F. I had thought to cook them up as I would a chuck roast, that is, cook for 48 hours as I think of it as a tough cut of meat. However, since returning home I have done some googling and the prevailing wisdom seems to be to cook it for about 12 hours, at most 14. Has anyone cooked this cut and if you did, how long did you cook it for? Thank you.
  6. ElsieD


    I can't answer all of your questions, but when you buy the chocolate that is stored with the baking supplies in the grocery store (Hershey's?) It comes in squares. It has been quite a while since I bought them but there used to be 6 or 8 squares in a package.
  7. Very nice. I'd be happy too if my bread looked like that.
  8. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    One of us here is on a diet and the other should be. So, I too use those noodles for certain things as it provides bulk with very few calories. If I am making an Asian sort of soup, I'll use the noodles in that. If lunch has been a calorific meal, I might make a stir fry of some sort for dinner and use the noodles instead of rice. You don't eat them because of their taste as they have next to none but if you are counting calories, for us, they are acceptable for the reasons stated.
  9. Rotuts, I mean to reply to your suggestion and forgot. I did check them and they all work. I am starting to find that the fan when the oven is on convection is fairly loud. Anyone else have that problem?
  10. I saw that recipe and wondered what they were like. Aside from their "staying power" were they tasty? They look like a soft cookie, are they?
  11. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    Yes, that would be Yorkshire pudding. Love those things. I swear I could eat them for breakfast slathered with butter and jam.
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    I picked up a 3 pound chuck roast a couple of days ago and cooked it sous vide for 48 hours at 132 degrees. It was cut from triple AAA or higher which is just about as good as it gets when buying beef in the supermarket. So, that was dinner tonight along with some overcooked carrots, potatoes roasted in duck fat and beets in a balsamic/olive oil dressing. The beef was incredible - very, very tender and tasting of beefy goodness. From the picture it looks like it was cooked to medium, but it was medium rare. This tablet doesn't like taking pictures of red beef.
  13. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    Panko'd pan fried pork loin chops with katsu sauce, (tonkatsu without the deep frying) brown rice medley from Trader Joe's, roasted sweet potatoes and roasted asparagus.
  14. Apologies to Anna N and rotuts - i'm having trouble posting and can't seem to get rid of the above. I did Asian beef short ribs in the IP last night. They cooked for 50 minutes on high with a 10 minute natural release. Next time I will add 10 minutes to the cooking time. That said, they were still very tasty.
  15. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    Asian beef short ribs with white rice and roasted vegetables.
  16. For those of us for whom 2 cheesecakes at once would be one too many, have you ever halved the recipe? Also, can I use gelatin powder instead of sheets? If yes, would I just use the equivalent weight? I have never used gelatin sheets. Thank you. This looks delicious.
  17. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    Thank you so much! I just read through the recipe and all the comments. Wouldn't you know it, he said the Lee Kum Kee Chu Hou paste was too salty and that is the one I bought. It was also the only one there. Most of the ingredients I have, much to my surprise and a visit to Chinatown should provide me with the rest. Do you let hours sit for 6 hours?
  18. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    That picture made me go out and buy some chu hou paste, something I had never heard of. So I picked some up today and am sitting here looking up recipes on the Internet that use it. The Asian store where I bought it also had brisket for sale and I almost bought some but then I decided i'd better find a recipe first. That plate of food looks sooo good.
  19. Thanks again, everyone. I am going to try some of the suggestions and see how it works out for me. The aim is to reduce calories, neither of us is diabetic nor pre-diabetic so that is not an issue. If reducing the amount of sugar what effect does it have on baked goods? For example, does it make a normally chewy cookie less chewy? Does less sugar have an effect on browning? I don't mind reducing the level of sweetness as I find some stuff much to sweet anyway but I am curious about the end result.
  20. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 5)

    Red curry chicken risotto.
  21. Cakewalk, I just bought 4 random apples, although I do know there was a golden delicious and a granny smith in the mix. There was a lot of apple but the apples seemed to me to be a normal size. I am going to make it again and give it an extra 10 or so minutes and see what happens. Too bad she doesn't give a weight for the amount of apple needed. I do appreciate your responding to my query. Thank you.
  22. Has any one made the recipe for Marie-Helene's Apple Cake from Around my French table by Doris Greenspan? It calls for a baking time of 50 to 60 minutes in an 8" springform pan. I baked mine for 65 minutes, and the batter is not quite cooked through, even though it seemed to be when I did the knife test. The cake is delicious even if underbaked, but I wondered if any one else had trouble with it baking in the alloted time.
  23. Interesting article. There is this quote "Many are sidelining famous chef's. ....". I wonder if Mark Bittman is one of them?
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