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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. @BonVivant If you have time, the Jean Talon market is worth a look, especially the stores around the perimeter. If you are a pastry person, Patisserie au Kouign Amann has excellent ones.
  2. Yes, I too have read many reviews where they really "hated" or "loved" a recipe when they have made so many changes the review is totally irrelevant. I also wonder about the types who give a single star to a recipe and they haven't even made it yet because the recipe calls for something they don't like, thereby dragging down the overall rating. And the ones who give 5 stars because it "looks good". You sure gave me a good chuckle reading about the person who made "your" recipe.
  3. I just went back and read all the comments. It seems a lot of people had problems with the cake as written. Which makes me wonder how it earned a 5 star rating from 312 people. Sorry I wasn't more helpful.
  4. You probably thought of this already but did you read the comments about this cake on the NY Times Cooking site?
  5. I too remember eating sugar on bread. My parents did not have a toaster in post-war Holland so it was sugar on bread. I doubt we had a lot of sugar because I remember it as being a treat and the sugar was very carefully (and meagerly) distributed on the bread. When we arrived in Canada and they got themselves a toaster, we had sugar on toast. Sugar and bread were then plentiful and while I still liked it, it wasn't the treat it was in Holland, probably due to the scarcity of sugar there. Franci, thanks for dredging up that memory.
  6. I came across the IP circulator as well and if I didn't already have one, I'd buy that one. I really like those little red mitts. I used to have a similar pair but they weren't nearly as flexible. These are great and I use them with my BSO also. One interesting thing about the steamer set is that it is shown on Amazon.com but not on the Canadian Amazon. What's up with that?
  7. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    Anna, that looks soooo good. I love short ribs cooked sous vide. But, I only do mine for 48 hours. Do you know how the texture of a 48 hour rib compares to a 72 hour one?
  8. Just read that the IP people are coming out with a steamer set. This consists of a silicone trivet with long handles, silicone steamer basket designed to fit on the trivet and a silicone broiler pan which will have a gloss finish and which stacks on either the trivet or the steamer basket. Available for pre-order on Amazon with a release date of Dec. 1.
  9. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    That looks delicious. What's in the topping?
  10. I am totally in awe of someone who can get up and put this together for breakfast?!!? I can barely crawl into the kitchen to put my tea on.
  11. I love beans (except for some inexplicable reason limas), husband does not = we never have them. Once a year I make baked beans using navy beans to a family get-together. That's about it.
  12. My SIL hs a hobby farm and has a dozen or so heritage chickens that roam around pecking at bugs and whatever else they eat. Every now and again I get gifted with some of their eggs and they are incredible with deep, orange yolks. We eat them one way only - poached. For us, they are special and deserved to be served as plainly as possible to fully appreciate how much better they are than the eggs we usually eat.
  13. ElsieD

    Steamer or microwave?

    Thank you! I will try that next time I do spuds.
  14. That looks good! Is the bread a sweet bread?
  15. One of the very few occasions in my life I am stuck for words. Beautiful presentation and dishes. Incredible. Thanks for posting this.
  16. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 8)

    Much. I never have any luck linking or I would have done so. Thanks you.
  17. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 8)

    Sorry, rotuts, that's the wrong one. The right one has "crisp" in the title.
  18. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 8)

    I did see the other day that Breville has come out with something called the Breville Quick Touch Crisp Microwave. In addition to the microwave functions, it will also crisp and brown foods such as pizza. List price $600 Canadian.
  19. ElsieD

    Dinner 2016 (Part 8)

    Tried our a new recipe last night called "Chicken with Chanterelles, Raspberries, Laliberté cheese and Lemon Thyme". After the chicken was cooked, it was sliced into three pieces and the cheese inserted between them. Didn't have raspberries for the garnish so used strawberries. Served with potatoes mashed with sour cream and chives, carrots and a cucumber and tomato salad.
  20. ElsieD

    Steamer or microwave?

    I'm curious......why do you cook your potatoes in a steamer?
  21. Anna, I usually cook either 1 cup or 3/4 cup of rice. Would that amount work using your method or are you talking about lesser amounts? Also, I often rinse my rice but don't soak it. How long do you soak it for?
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