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Dave Parrott

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Everything posted by Dave Parrott

  1. Check out the Brown Derby. My nephew works in the kitchen there. Kevan Price.
  2. Scotch & lots of it. Otherwise how can you stand to eat it?
  3. I'm a caffeine junkie. The small size would be like eating one Lay's potato chip
  4. I remember reading about Tennessee truffles last year. Haven't tried them yet, but I'm gonna have to. Any idea on pricing? Are they more affordable since they are "domestic?"
  5. But I like "foodie." It's like "groupie" but you get to eat better
  6. I'd kick the bucket after binge drinking 143 espressos.
  7. Late last month Sholom’s Bistro opened in East Memphis. Spencer McMillin was hired on as head chef. Last night he prepared dinner for me and some friends. Here are some highlights. special menu the lox & chinese bbq sauce risotto croquette a suprise course duck on a bilini hanger steak I forgot to take a pic of the desserts. A very upscale bread pudding & Crème Brûlée
  8. I love food history. This is one I'll have to check out. Thanks for the post to make me aware of it..
  9. Dave Parrott

    Vile Recipes

    The worst I remember is when an instructor at the cooking school I used to work at put a clove of garlic in the milk along with the vanilla bean to make the Grenache for Chocolate truffles. He insisted it was correct because after all the recipe called for 1 clove .... He's was fired not long after that
  10. I copied your whole list Some of those I have never even heard of. I will have to watch them all. .... When I'm not at the bistro
  11. I love Mostly Martha. I bought it. I rate CHOCOLAT up at the top too.
  12. Between the entree & desert think about a cheese course with a port. A very traditional French twist to the whole thing.
  13. That's a shame Mark. Based on what you just reported I'll stear clear of them too.
  14. The Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA tops my list of what I saw there. But I AM a low taster. I go for heavy rich flavors or I hardly notice it. I had one just 2 days ago at the Flying Saucer as a matter of fact. I do think American brewers have come a long way in the last 15 years or so. It used to be you had to buy an import to get anything better than pale yellow water.
  15. Was it too watery? Was the meat fatty? Bland? I have never had Trader Joe's, but Shephards Pie is good down-to-earth comfort food. I order it at a little pub I frequent when the weather is cold.
  16. I guess I have been fortunate. The worst thing I have had happen is a dinner companion ask for blu cheese a cesar.
  17. I tend to use Ghirardelli. During my time at Viking it was brought in by the case & I just got accustom to using it. It is good chocolate.
  18. The timing sounds ok. But don't get too hung up on it. Look for that nice brown colour. I like to brush mine with a egg/water wash & make a few angled slits with a knife before baking the loaf. Let us know how it goes on your next try.
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