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Everything posted by lamb

  1. Hi Tommy, Some recommendation in the PPB area: Tardi's 618 Bay Avenue, PP (just off Arnold) Small, with limited seating. Forget ordering from the menu and listen to the specials (lots of them). BYOB and Cash only Spano's on Arnold - BYOB and I like this better than the one on Ocean Ave. Spano's on Ocean in White Sands - same menu as Arnold Ave., slow service and no BYOB Scarborogh Fair 1414 Meetinghouse Road, Sea Girt not a large menu, but good food - don't remember if its BYOB Beach Cafe - 300 Broadway PPB good for breakfast, lunch and a quick dinner. Outdoor seating - no liquor license. Rockafellas Inlet Drive PPB great inlet views from upstairs tables - great cold seafood salad. They have a liquor license. And, of course, there's always the Tiki Bar!
  2. lamb

    Roasted Cauliflower

    I haven't been on this thread in a long time, but needed to add that my 16 year-old hates vegetables in any form son has recently put roasted cauliflower on his things he eats lots of list. It has replaced french fries as his typical side dish. Usually a head just for him. He's a growing boy.
  3. lamb


    I gave up chocolate. In any form. I'm about to go insane. Counting the days till Holy Saturday. My kids, instead of giving something up. do something "extra". Donate their lunch money to the food bank. Actually try to be nice to one another. Do a chore without my asking. Tell me "Mom, you look skinny in that outfit". The good deeds usually carry over well past Lent.
  4. lamb


    Zowie! Do you need a license to drive that?? Seriously, it is beautiful. Happy grilling.
  5. By the end of 2009, I may be making recs to you!
  6. Thanks for all the recs guys - wanted to update on our choice. Don't yell, but... we ended up in Legal Seafood. We were set to go to Abe & Louie's, then realized it was a Friday during Lent. Oh well. We stopped by Legal while we were in the Prudential Center earlier in the day and made a 7:30 reservation. Good thing we did, because the place was packed when we arrived. We were seated immediately. One of the specials was filet of Dover Sole, fileted tableside. Our waiter did a great job of fileting for my husband. He really enjoyed the dish. I had a mahi dish, and 16 year old son and a pecan crusted salmon. Hubby and I topped it off with a Cakebread SB. Not cheap, but a good meal. BTW - my son LOVED Berklee. Guess my husband and I will be making a lot more trips to Boston over the next four years.
  7. ludja, don't know where you live, but my local grocery in NJ still carries the Toasted Almond bars. See the Good Humor Website and they are still listed too ICE CREAM Keep on looking and you will find!
  8. A pound is a pound is a pound . However, a pound of muscle is smaller in size, so more muscle can be packed into one place. When replacing fat with muscle, that's basically what you are doing, which is why you may not notice a weight loss. And muscle doesn't jiggle like fat does.
  9. I have had the same experience of late. I started about 2 months ago working out about 3 times a week. I Life Cycle about 30 miles weekly, along with adductor and abductor toning (inner and outer thigh). Although I haven't lost any weight, my pants are loose! Although I'd like to drop about 10 lbs, I'll take the reshaping! BTW, love the blog. My hubby cooks for me, but not nearly as gourmet as Sam. It's still better than me having to cook when I arrive home from work.
  10. Ah, another Exit 109er... I'm 123
  11. LNorman - you can't go wrong with Joe & Maggie's Bistro. Has great seafood as well as selection for non-fish lovers. Joe & Maggie's website The Reef Club in Long Branch is also good - more of a seafood geared menu. If I can find the website for Reef Club, I'll edit and post it later. reef club website Doris & Ed's, IMO, is about 5 years past its prime, there are many other options to choose from. Edited to add website
  12. I'm starting my dinner early. My hubby picked up Dungeness Crabs at $3.99/lb at the Costco in Hazlet, NJ. I will make them in a spicy red sauce and serve with pasta. YUM!
  13. Can I trade my bags in for the wraps??
  14. Oh my gosh, what memories that just brought back. My aunt would prepare her lamb cake every Easter, and my brothers and I couldn't wait to get through dinner so we could gobble it up! Anyways, I am cruising this year with my family for Easter. Wonder what Holland American Lines serves on Easter Sunday?
  15. Robyn, My f-i-l was hospitalized for most of 2003 with congestive heart failure also. His main compliant was that he was constipated. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers to this because of the inability to consume liquids. What worked for him one week, seemed not to work the next. Sometimes too, he would get himself so worked up about it and it made the problem worse. Prunes were the most effective. Stewed, every other day or so, along with a softner was usually his best course of action. His dietician and physican worked well together to help him get through it. Good luck to you and your family. It can be a difficult time. My thoughts are with you.
  16. lamb

    Roasted Cauliflower

    Had friends over this weekend and made roasted cauliflower and brussel sprouts as sides. They were gobbled up. Also made citrus glazed carrots Citrus Glazed Carrots (see third recipe down) to offset all the roasted veggies. They went over great too! Was able to make them before hand, and just nuke them for 1 minute to warm. I'm on a veggie roll.
  17. I would also call that the Teenage Boy Syndrome. Have a few of them in your house for any length of time and watch the contents in your fridge and pantry disappear!
  18. Steakas - was at Martini's several years ago for a V-Day dinner. The specials were recited without prices. When the bill arrived - WHOA - $42 for the osso bucco entree. They also had a strolling violinist. Lovely touch, but the first time he came by our table (we were a party of 4) we were listening to our waiter recite the specials. Violinist was visibly upset that he could not play for us then. He proceeded to come back three or four different times during the evening to make up for it. We've been back a few times since that dinner, but have not been bowled over. I hope you have better luck. BTW, it's not BYO, and their list is ok but pricey.
  19. Bigwino - you've been very helpful - I appreciate your response. I also love your screen name We're going next month, I'll be sure to post and let you know what we chose. We'll do dinner Friday evening, and lunch Saturday after the tour before we drive back home to NJ.
  20. My husband and I are pretty adventurous, but we will have our 16 year old son with us. No sushi - Italian and seafood are ok. He's not a big fan of Thai. I'm also thinking that he would like to see where some of the younger crowds hang, although we'll probably cramp his style.
  21. Other than Vivre's post in December, I didn't see any other recs for this area. My hubby, I and my 16 year old musically gifted son are going to tour Berklee College of Music. We will arrive on a Friday and have the evening to ourselves before the tour on Saturday. Can anyone recommend a casual place for us to dine within walking distance of the Sheraton Back Bay Hotel located in the mall? I know there are restaurants located in the mall, but they are probably chains. Would appreciate any feedback. Edited to say that the College is located in the Back Bay Area - not the Bay Bay area. Duh!
  22. My co-worker and his fellow Wall Street traders were there last evening. He has declared it his new favorite NYC restaurant. Of course, that is being said with an expense account paying the way.
  23. lamb

    Roasted Cauliflower

    Since I loved the cauliflower roasted, thought I would try this recipe from Wegmans Brussel Sprouts (go to the second recipe - Roasted Brussel Sprouts) I also added a little freshly ground black pepper. I think I may like it even more than the cauliflower. Wegmans had fresh brussel sprouts in stock the week the recipe came out, and have been well stocked since then. I love that store!
  24. Pasta
  25. Oh yes! Go toothpaste! 1) A dab will dry out a zit faster than Clearasil. 2) If your tarnished silver necklace is upstairs, you're in a rush to get to work, and your silver polish is downstairs --use toothpaste. I find it actually works better than silver polish. 3) CDs skipping? Gently rub a coating of toothpaste on the silvery side with a soft cloth (or toilet paper if you're drunk and desperate.) Rinse under the tap. Gently dry with a soft dry cloth (Or the guest towels in the powder room if you're drunk and desperate. ) Just don't leave the disc linty. Substitute Windex for the toothpaste, and you’ve got scenes from “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”!
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