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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. I've been grill-less for quite some time, but yesterday I closed a deal on a gas grill. I've only cooked on gas once, and that was last summer on the very grill I just acquired. So, cookin' with gas is a new thing to me. That said, the grill I purchased is a Kenmore ... it doesn't seem to be a very high end grill, but the price was right: $45.00. In addition, it belongs to our tenants who are moving at the end of the month, and they don't want to move that puppy to Southern California. So, not only did I get it at a decent price, but it's already on the patio, so there's no need for me to move it at all. Here's a pic of the grill I purchased as it was when shiny new. I won't get a chance to snap a pic of the actual grill until later in the week. Any tips on using a gas grill? Accessories I should think about? Thanks!
  2. What a coincidence - I just bought a package of TJ's frozen mini croissants ... Sufficiently French on short notice?
  3. I'm going to try making some fried rice in the next week or two. It'll be interesting to see the results. Since I can't recall when I last made fried rice, it should be a good experiment. I'll try to take pictures, as well.
  4. Shel_B

    Le Creuset

    David Lebovitz visits the Le Creuset factory. Included in the article are pics and videos. I thoroughly enjoyed this little trip through history. Click Here for your visit.
  5. How "primitive" is the technique if it calls for a (modern) oven to do most of the work? Grilling a steak is, in and of itself, a primitive cooking method. Adding an oven to the mix removes it from the realm of primitive into the modern era. While CI/ATK have some great recipes, many are overly complex or time consuming for the result obtained. Perhaps this is one of those recipes.
  6. Actually, it's 90 to 150 minutes in an oven @ 200-deg F. for the meat to reach an internal temp of 120-deg. F.
  7. Don't forget to add 90+ minutes in the oven. Overall, it seems like a lot of time and energy to simply grill a steak.
  8. I'm a big fan of Joyce Goldstein's cooking. Here's a list of her books, and, from my spy in the business, I understand she's got a new one coming out pretty soon.
  9. I'm quite familiar with Google, and, in fact, searched for additional information relative to your assertion. You come across as an expert of sorts, and I thought you might have some inside or specific information to support your assertion. I guess you're not the expert I thought you were ... just another Googler putting forth what you discovered by searching. IOW, nothing special or unique from you. My mistake ....
  10. This link was sent to me by Thermoworks ... thought I'd share it. Would love to read any comments ...
  11. I made matchsticks and dressed them with lemon and olive oil, a little S&P. Very nice ... time now to start experimenting. Gotta read some of the other suggestions, too.
  12. Thanks so much. You've been most helpful.
  13. Is this considered a "little guy?"
  14. Are you suggesting to eat it raw? Are the leaves edible ... they seem very hard and chewy, so I'd think they'd need to be cooked a while, maybe like collards? I've used kohlrabi before, but didn't get the veg with leaves as it had already been trimmed. I used it in a soup.
  15. Can anyone tell me what this vegetable is? Toots grew it in her garden box but, alas, doesn't remember what it is. I've not seen anything like this before. Thanks!
  16. Because sometimes I am unimaginative, other times certain things escape me .... thanks!
  17. Often we get this bread (Pain Pauline) from TJ's and I often toast a couple of slices and then remove the crusts. What interesting uses are there for toasted whole wheat crusts like these: I'd hate to just toss them, although I suppose they could be fed to the pigeons and gulls at the park. Is there a better use?
  18. Excellent! You say "apparently," but do you have any stats to support that? I'd love to know more about this.
  19. Cool Tool ... I may have had one like that, but not as old as yours - not sure. Maybe I just wanted one ...
  20. Yesterday I was at Trader Joe's and double-checked to see if they were still carrying Tejava. It's still on the shelf. But, right next to it was a bottle of TJ's green tea. I didn't have the forethought to check the label, but here's the article in the Fearless Flyer.
  21. That's not exactly what I meant by my question. I was asking if any induction cooker can maintain a specific temp, over a period of time. For example, say 62-deg C for an hour. The NuWave only allows heat with 10º increments. Sorry for any confusion
  22. I had one of those Moulis ... great little tool. From my first kitchen I still have and regularly use a 2-quart All-Clad Master Chef sauce pan, a 4-quart All-Clad Master Chef sauce pan, an All-Clad Master Chef sauté pan, a 12-inch All-Clad "Ltd" skillet, and a 4 1/2 quart Le Creuset Dutch oven. The special Ltd coating has worn off from the 12-inch skillet, so, while it's ugly, it still cooks like a champ. I also have a Forschner-Victorinox boning knife that I still use - it was purchased around 1970 +/- Oh, I almost forgot, there's a Krups 203 coffee grinder which I've been using since 1976 or so. Still works perfectly, and although the top looks like it's been through a war, it still does the job. These have all been excellent investments ...
  23. Nothing is a waste of money if you use it and it works for you, gadgets or otherwise ... there are many on this forum who use "gadgets" frequently. A gadget is sometimes defined as "a small, useful device."
  24. Nope, just almond milk and blueberries. I usually add a banana, and this never happens, but this time there were no bananas in the house.
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