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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. No kidding! I'll have to look for it. I can't believe that my love Melinda has been cheating on me. ← http://www.belizemagazine.com/edition04/en...05questions.htm This'll give you a pretty accurate overview of the story, leaving out some of the gory details. Marie's sauce can be found on line if you can't find it in your local markets. Marie Sharp's sauces are some of my favorites ... Shel
  2. Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions ... Shel
  3. I've been enjoying Melinda's since around 1990. However, the current Melinda's is actually a copy of the original, now sold under the name of Marie Sharp's. It was Marie who made the original Melaindas, and than, as I understand it, got ripped off by her US distributor. Based on that, I no longer buy Melainda's and stick to Marie Sharp's. They are quite similar but Sharp's has, imo, a fuller, richer, fresher taste. Shel
  4. Recently I tried buffalo wings for the first time. Pretty good stuff. However, I want to eat a lot of them, and I'd like to find a recipe or technique that will provide something close to the original in taste but with lower fat, calories, and salt. Playing around with chicken breast meat and tenders seems like a good place to start, and developing a nice, thick sauce shouldn't be too hard. There are numerous recipes available, including the original. So, anyone got some ideas for healthier wings? I though that the tenders could be breaded, baked, and then given a nice soak in the sauce and heated to caramelize the sauce a bit. The original sauce recipe supposedly contains cayenne pepper, vinegar, salt, garlic and margarine, although for wings I may want something with a little sweetness in the background. I think the margerine helps the sauce to stick to the breaded meat, but if one is baking the sauce on to the wings, I wonder if the margerine is really needed. Shel
  5. Shel_B

    Organic beer: list

    Bison Brewing, Berkeley, CA Goose Island Brewing , Chicago Lakefront Brewing in Milwaukee Fish Brewing Company, Olympia, WA Butte Creek Brewing Company, Chico, CA Shel
  6. Shel_B

    Hakka cuisine

    Ton Kiang on Geary Blvd in San Francisco.
  7. Shel_B

    Jowl Fat

    Recently I heard the term used in reference to sausage making and for salumi in general. It was said that it's the best fat to use in sausages, salami, and similar meat. So, what is jowl fat and what makes it so good. BTW, the salami I've had that's been made with jowl fat was really very, very good. Shel
  8. Shel_B

    Peanut Butter

    That's the only PB I'll eat - I'll grind my own or use the fresh, organic peanuts and grinder at one of several stores in the area. I can't stand the commercial brands that use hydrogenated oils, sugar, and (usually) to much salt. Shel
  9. I frequently look for certain vinegar and oil pairngs when making salad dressings and vinaigrettes. So, what are some of your favorite vinegar/oil pairings? It would be great if you could provide specific vinegars and oils, and perhaps even a situation in which you'd use them. Shel
  10. IMO, yes. I still shop at some "Asian" markets, but only for specific products. And Whole Fods isn't always the best choice either. The last time I checked, al fair number of their frozen and canned veggies were from China. Shel
  11. Both - I don't care about the saliva. It's mine, and I'd be using the cobs for my own use. People save chicken bones all the time ... Shel
  12. I don't care much for dogs, but for someone who does, it's a good idea. Shel
  13. Thanks! That was, indeed, helpful. Shel
  14. Corn stock .... hmmm, I'll have to look into that. Tks! Shel
  15. Yes, that's a good idea, one that I'd forgotten. Shel
  16. Well, that's a nice idea, but there's no composting here, no lawn mower either. Shel
  17. The corn is as high as an elephant's eye ... and there will be plent of it in the coming weeks. Any ideas about what to do with the leftover cobs? Shel
  18. I transfer any unused peppers and sauce into a jar and keep them around for quite a while with no problem. ← It's always been my understanding that it's best to store the contents of partially used canned goods, whatever they may be, in a clean glass container with a tight fitting lid. Shel
  19. I really don't need a lecture ... and I didn't ask for low carb/no sugar, just to set the record straight Shel
  20. I've made my own tahini by lightly pan toasting some sesame seeds and then puréeing in the blender or food processor. The texture has been a little "rougher" than prepared tahini, but the price was SUBSTANTIALLY lower and, I liked the additional texture, especially in hummus. I was wondering if anyone else has made their own tahini and what tips or techniques they can offer. Kind regards, Shel
  21. Thanks! I'll see if it can be found locally. Looks like a nice solution to my quest . Shel
  22. I saw a show in which Paula Deen made fried butter ... so http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/re...6_34925,00.html
  23. Here's a unique presentation suggestion: serve a fish filet over (jasmine rice) using, of all things, a flowerpot. Platefish on the terra-cotta saucer, flip the pot over and cover the fish/rice with it, and plug the drain hole with a bundle of fresh herbs, cook for appropriate time/temp in the oven. Shel
  24. http://www.torontopics.com/co/rachel2.jpg Shel
  25. Why? Regardless of what anyone may think of her, it seems to be in her own best interest to have returned and getb another shot at something she seems to want very much. Shel
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