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Posts posted by Shel_B

  1. I'm looking for some vegetarian recipes from the Mid-East, Turkey, Pakistan, etc. It would be a bonus if you have any background on the recipe, such as where it's from, info on any hard-to-find ingredients, etc.

    Thanks for any help,

  2. Did you try to salvage the disappointing version of it? I would vote for pulling the chicken, defatting the sauce, and reducing to see how it is once you make it stronger. As long as there isn't too much salt, it seems worth a try!

    The problem was not in making a sauce, but the fact that the chicken was drowning in fat and the meat was greasy. Neither I nor my guests would enjoy such a dish.

  3. This weekend I made a test batch using some cheap, supermarket chicken.


    Because I wanted to see if the amount of chicken I was going to make would fit into the roaster, and to see if there might be any problems with the concept (which there was).

  4. I'm making dinner for friends later this week and want to make Olney's Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic. This weekend I made a test batch using some cheap, supermarket chicken.

    The test batch was disappointing because there was an inordinate amount of fat and liquid discharged from the chicken (all complete legs). I cannot recall seeing this problem in earlier preparations of this dish, but it's been quite a few years since I made it, and my memory may be faulty.

    Is this abundance of fat and liquid typical of the dish, or might it have been the result of fattier and water-logged chicken? If the latter, might better quality, perhaps air-chilled, chicken help the problem? If typical of the dish, any suggestions to minimize the effect of chicken pieces swimming in fatty water? One thought I had is to put the chicken on a rack along with the garlic, and let the bouquet garni rest on the vessel bottom to impart flavor and aroma via the liquid. Comments?

  5. My GF bought a jar of gefilte fish in a jelled broth. She is a very frugal lady and wanted to know what use there might be for the broth. My response was to shrug my shoulders, and then I thought that the wide and varied number of people here at EG might have some ideas. So, any thoughts on uses for the broth?


  6. I found a few sticks of light butter in the fridge this morning. I never heard of light butter. Is it butter with more water, or in some other way reduced fat? How does it work in cooking? Higher/lower smoke point, does it work well in baked goods?


  7. Over the past few months I've seen a number of episodes of this show. What drivel! What junk!

    It's nothing more than a paean to gluttony, and appears to be quite contrived as well. It seems that everything Adam Richman (I think that's his name) eats is "delicious!"

    However, what he devours appears to be little more than excessive fat and grease, poorly prepared, and overdone to the max.


  8. My family loves the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I find them addictive and can't eat them at all. My kids love tham and I can fool myself that they are more healthy because of the oatmeal.

    Well, I can't quite convince myself that they are healthier because of the oat flakes, but they do sound like they may be tasty. In fact, when I was at TJ's this past weekend,I picked up a carton along with some choc-chips and the 3X Ginger Snaps. I want to try the Meyer lemon wafers at some point.

  9. I wouldn't be so sure that the Triple Ginger Snaps would be too much for the people at the senior center.

    I asked a few people and most prefer a less intense cookie. They seem to like chocolate chip more than any other. Of course, I can get a couple of kinds, and keep some of the 3X Ginger Snaps for myself.

  10. Thanks for the suiggestions. I'll check them out at my next TJ's visit. I may get the Lemon Ginger cookies for myself as I like both flavors. Don't recall seeing them at my local TJ's though ...

    Turns out that those cookies are no longer available, at least in my area. <BooHoo>

  11. I've posted earlier about them but the Lemon Ginger cookies are quite good...Refreshingly lemony with a little spicness from the ginger.

    The Maple Leafs are OMG good and addictive.

    And at Christmastime for the last couple of years, my sister-in-law has given me the Chocolate Dunkers which look like biscotti but aren't. They're chocolate chip cookies in a biscotti-like shape with one side covered in chocolate. Come to think of it, they're almost madeleine in shape. I haven't looked at the ingredients but they taste like they also have some cocnut in them, as well.

    As for "healthier cookies"...I don't buy cookies very often so I don't mind that they're not healthy food items. I'm sure, though, that TJ does offer some sort of healthy cookie.

    Thanks for the suiggestions. I'll check them out at my next TJ's visit. I may get the Lemon Ginger cookies for myself as I like both flavors. Don't recall seeing them at my local TJ's though ...

  12. I LOVE the piquillo peppers. I stuff them with homemade cream cheese

    Thanks for mentioning this. My local grocery store doesn't carry so I stopped by a TJ on my way home from vacation and stocked up. Like to stuff them with goat cheese, warm them up, and just serve with sherry vinegar, oil , and parsley. Yum.

    Try stuffing with goat cheese, some ground cumin and orange zest. I saw that idea somewhere, tried it, and liked it quite a bit.

  13. What are your favorite TJ's cookies? I like the Triple Ginger Snaps, but rarely buy cookies. I want to bring s package or two of cookies to the local senior center so the good folks there might enjoy them with the free coffee in the morning. I'm thinking that the ginger snaps may be a little much for the folks there - looking for something everyone might enjoy. How are the chocolate chip cookies? Is there some kind of cookie that might be a little healthier - lower fat, less carbs or sugar?

  14. This morning I was given a beautiful lamb roast, and I'd like to marinate and grill it or braise it. I have a wonderfully, fruity red wine, an unlimited supply of fresh rosemary, and plenty of garlic. What other ingredients might you suggest for the purposes mentioned. A couple of recipes that I have (but have not tried) included some red wine vinegar in the marinade. That seems like a pretty heavy handed way to add acid - any thoughts on the vinegar?

    Also, I thought making some slits in the lamb about putting some garlic cloves and rosemary springs directly into the meat. However, I'm concerned that, if the lamb is grilled, the inserted garlic and especially the rosemary may burn or char, and cause an off taste. Any thoughts on that?


  15. Of course, it's easy enough to make that you can run a test batch and see how it does with your ingredients, which may be different than the ones I used. I don't know enough about making desserts and such to unequivically say your ingredients and technique will give the same results as mine, but then again, I don't know enough to say they won't.

  16. did you make it same day to serve? I'm thinking that would be good for Mother's Day dinner for my Mom, but I might need to make it a day before and I know sometimes yogurt "weeps"...

    I made it in the morning, early, for enjoying in the evening. Didn't notice any weeping. I suspect it would keep for a day, or even more, as the gelatin should firm up and hold the mixture. Come to think of it, about half the batch was eaten the next day, and there was no weeping, even though the panna cotta had been cut into.

  17. A caveat. Unless you have large burners on your stove, you will not get edge-to-edge even heat in this pan. There will be a hot spot in the center and it will be cooler toward the edges.

    Do you slowly preheat the pot? Le Creuset, and numerous chefs and cooks that have commented on this, all suggest a slow pre-heating to get even temps across the pot. It sometimes takes five or more minutes to get the temperature even depending on pot and burner size. Another suggestion is to pre-heat the pot in the oven.

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