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Everything posted by FauxPas

  1. Looks like it could be: https://www.google.com/search?q=chocolate+fountain+bellagio&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS768US768&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiiyNqb0LXZAhVU22MKHfqBBcgQsAQIUQ&biw=1175&bih=617#imgrc=_
  2. From Colorado State University Extension booklet, https://extension.colostate.edu/docs/pubs/foodnut/p41.pdf Deep-fat Frying The lower boiling point of water in foods requires lowering the temperature of the fat to prevent food from over browning on the outside while being under-cooked on the inside. The decrease varies according to the food being fried, but as an estimate: • Lower the frying temperature about 3 degrees F for every increase of 1,000 feet in elevation.
  3. FauxPas


    Thank you! I'll look for this the next time I'm at Costco!
  4. FauxPas


    How is this labeled in the Costco stores? As a ribeye cap? How do you usually prepare this cut? Similar to this link, perhaps? http://www.seriouseats.com/2012/05/meet-the-ribeye-cap-the-tastiest-cut-on-the-cow.html
  5. I'd never really thought about deep frying, because I don't do it myself, but I found this: http://www.geniuskitchen.com/about/high-altitude-adjustment-for-deep-fat-frying-964 Sous vide is cooking at a specific temp, so altitude might affect how quickly that temp is reached but not how long it cooks otherwise. Water boils at a lower temp at higher altitudes. I cook eggs a bit longer here in Tucson than I do back at sea level in BC. But I hadn't really thought about oil temps before. Edited to add: I should say I BOIL eggs a bit longer here. Other cooking methods may not change the same way.
  6. Hy's Steakhouse (which started in Calgary) has a seasoning salt sold as Hy's of Canada Seasoning Salt through McCormick Canada. It's still my husband's favourite when grilling a steak or burgers, but I don't think I've ever seen a full list of ingredients. You can buy it with or without MSG, though. Here's the bottle we currently have with us in Tucson, which shows a few of the ingredients. I don't think it's sold in the US except with huge mark-ups through Amazon or similar. We usually bring some with us.
  7. That was a fun read! I'm not sure I understand why they put the ice in with the parcels for the Instant Pot cook, I don't think they did that when they did the sous vide treatment. Is it to start the cooking more slowly and at a lower temp than the Instant Pot would usually provide? I don't think it's just to add water. Do you have any insight into that, @heidih?
  8. I hope that wrenched back is much improved. And that the cold/flu bug has cleared up, too. That's a nasty double whammy! I really look forward to hearing more of the travel and cooking/dining details when you have time. I love your tales of the road!
  9. @Smithy, I use Calibre to manage my ebooks and it does allow for more than one book to be open at the same time. I sometimes have two books open together side by side on the screen to compare. You can read about Calibre and see a demo here, if you are interested: https://calibre-ebook.com/
  10. @Eric Srikandan, it would be great if you could just let us know how well the microwave function works for you. Have you used one of the flatbed microwaves before? How do you like this one? Aside from any of the other functionality. And then I bet a few of us would love to hear more about all the rest of your new oven! It looks like you are the only test driver we have available right now.
  11. Or by some other technology + inverters, which appears to be the case with the newer flatbed models, such as those in several of the UK models.
  12. Microwaves don't have to have turntables, there are flatbed models.
  13. Hard to tell what is going on with this one's pricing and availability, yes? You can get what they call a discontinued model for $265US on the US Amazon site. I followed @Ann_T's lead and bought another one through Best Buy Canada when it was on sale for about $170 US.
  14. It should fit, right? Quarter sheet is 23 X 33 cm. But it would be nice to know for sure!
  15. Oh yes, I see it there on Amazon Canada, but no availability right now.
  16. I thought so, too. But after a few searches, I'm still not finding it on US sites. If this is the American version, it doesn't seem to be currently available: https://www.amazon.com/panasonic-steam-microwave-white-ne-s265-w/dp/b0092b4tyg
  17. I found a fairly detailed review on Best Buy Canada's blog. What are the four different cleaning functions, I wonder? How do they vary? Here's the review: https://blog.bestbuy.ca/appliances/panasonic-steam-microwave-oven
  18. I would consider it, but not right away. Did you buy it through Amazon UK? The Canadian one seems a bit pricey but the Panasonic site also offers 10% off right away and free shipping. But I have a new Cuisinart steam oven for our Canadian house and would be more likely to consider it for our place here in Arizona. I wonder if it is available in the US? Probably is.
  19. Have you tried it out yet? Will be interesting to hear how you like it! I like the idea of being able to combine MW with steam and convection!
  20. Looks very nice! I found this one on the Canadian Panasonic site, is yours similar? Is it a countertop appliance? What is the water source, is it 'plumbed' or does it have a water reservoir?
  21. It's great as a group activity if you want to make a lot of them, as it certainly helps to have several pairs of hands doing the repetitive bits! I'd absolutely make some on my own, but it would be a much smaller batch size. I might make some alone (or with the friend who joined me at the Amerind) next year for Christmas, probably just enough for us and a few neighbours.
  22. I haven't done it myself, but I see home versions of White Castle burgers/sliders around and they often involve baking in a pan, then cutting. Like this: http://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/almost-white-castle-hamburgers-109264#activity-feed Or this: https://www.favfamilyrecipes.com/our-version-of-white-castle-sliders/ Or this one: http://athriftymom.com/white-castle-burger-copycat-recipe-baked-in-the-oven-so-easy/ Do a search for White Castle burger recipe and you can see other approaches, also.
  23. It looks wonderful. I have a very bad case of drawer envy! @weinoo, when you open your fridge doors, does the left side open fully or does that little bit of wall limit it? I have a similar fridge and a partial wall on the right side prevents me from opening it wide and it drives me nuts.
  24. Soup looks wonderful! But I'll add my wishes for your mom's quick recovery!!
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