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Everything posted by FauxPas

  1. I didn't either! Or if i did, it didn't really sink in. I just happened to be browsing on iGourmet and was looking at their Norwegian gift baskets and saw their description of it as a whey cheese. Remembering the discussion of what to do with whey, I looked a bit further and found several references to making the cheese.
  2. Back to whey. You can make other cheeses from it. I've never done this (and it looks time-consuming), but here are some references to making a Scandinavian style cheese (gjetost from goat's milk, prim-ost or mysost when made from cow's milk). We often had Ski Queen gjetost in the house when I was a kid, but not everyone liked it as it has a caramel-type flavour, sweetish rather than the usual salty cheese tang. Maybe you've had that cheese? The first link mentions making this style of cheese from leftover yogurt-making. There's also a mention (and a link) in the second article about making Mexican dulce de leche from whey. http://blog.cheesemaking.com/prim-ost-anyone/ https://joybileefarm.com/make-gjetost-whey/
  3. I'm intrigued by the Thermomix, but not sure I need one. But it's great that you give a heads up and a discount for eGullet, that's very generous! How would anyone here who is interested follow up? And are there model numbers, is it fairly new?
  4. A couple of books geared toward Japanese cooking on the Amazon US site and I'm a Prime member: Japanese Hot Pots: Comforting One Pot Meals for $1.99 US Ramen at Home: The Easy Japanese Cookbook for Classic Ramen and Bold New Flavors for $1.99 US I can't evaluate them really except to say that they both seem to get a lot of good reviews.
  5. I thought I'd mention that The Great Big Pressure Cooker Book: 500 Easy Recipes for Every Machine, Both Stovetop and Electric is on sale for $2.99 US for the Kindle version. It's written by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough, whom you may know from some of their other books - they are fairly prolific writers. And overall, it doesn't look like a bad book if you have an Instant Pot and are looking for some suggestions and/or guidance. It says 500 recipes, but some are slight variations on earlier ones.
  6. The Great Big Pressure Cooker Book: 500 Easy Recipes for Every Machine, Both Stovetop and Electric for $2.99 US By Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough, whom you may know from some of their other books - they are fairly prolific writers. And overall, it's not a bad book if you have an Instant Pot and are looking for some suggestions and/or guidance. It says 500 recipes, but some are slight variations on earlier ones. Edited to add: This is on the Amazon US site and I'm a Prime member.
  7. I also think it's good to get liquid out of the shredded cuke for tzatziki, but I am nowhere near as dedicated or patient as that! I usually just put a paper-towel lined sieve over a bowl and let the cuke drain there for 15 to 30 mins or so. Then lift the paper towel out and give a few squeezes and then shake the cuke shreds into a clean bowl. But then I don't mind the cuke adding a bit of liquid, especially if I start with a well-drained yogurt.
  8. Sounds good to me! But do you know how to make Nanaimo Bars or tourtière? If not, you should watch The Great Canadian Baking Show to up your credentials.
  9. Not sure anyone has mentioned but CBC has developed a Great Canadian Baking Show. The first season is almost over, but i think all the episodes can be viewed at CBC online, (geographic restrictions limit viewing, unfortunately). It's the same format as the British show, but slightly fewer contestants and episodes. Judges are Bruno Feldeisen and Rochelle Adonis. Doing Mel-and-Sue duty are Dan Levy and Julie Chan. I've watched a few episodes and enjoyed it enough that I really hope they bring it back for more seasons. Anyone interested can read about it or watch it here: http://www.cbc.ca/life/greatcanadianbakingshow
  10. Sorry to hear about the heater drama and hope it turns out to be an easy/quick fix! That hash looks really good though...
  11. That is a nice looking light. I see that Bega's address is in Carpinteria, CA. That's right on the edge of one of the big wildfires burning in California right now.
  12. OMG! Oh no, such a shame that you couldn't find the tiles locally. Too bad Amazon doesn't stock 'em, ha. Can you replace that bathoom ceiling light later on with something you like better, perhaps?
  13. Thank you for sharing! It looks and sounds tasty!
  14. Now I want to know what all goes into that mix!
  15. Oh, I hope this works out! Maybe things will pick up now. We had a big reno a few years ago where we had to be out of one house for almost five months, but that included raising the entire single story house and building a new lower level including a 2-bdrm suite (with kitchen and bath, of course) as well as some significant renos to the upper level (added a large deck and stairs, gutted and redid main bath, all new flooring and paint throughout, new kitchen countertops and appliances, custom built-ins, electrical updates, new water line, etc). The lot had to be significantly re-contoured to accommodate the work and bring the house level with the roadway. All new siding, new gutters and drainpipes, new driveway and more landscaping. Many other details, some too mundane to mention. A measurement error meant we could not place upper main bath shower where we had planned and the resulting changes required removing the original window and replacing it with a large skylight. We hadn't anticipated having to replace the siding. Once that decision was made, we should have had the other upper windows replaced as they were not terrific. After the new siding was on, we went ahead and replaced them anyway - at a much higher cost, of course. The original time estimate for the job was three months. It took longer, but it was pretty involved! Still, at the time it was annoying not knowing when we could move back in.
  16. Wow, those look delicious! You just laid them flat but overlapping, right? Can you summarize the best approach for these? I agree with you that the original recipe was not terrific. The chicken seasoning sounds very tasty, too!
  17. Another interesting article on Mr. Shapiro: https://www.newsday.com/lifestyle/restaurants/food-and-drink/8-hands-farm-s-julien-shapiro-makes-charcuterie-an-art-form-in-cutchogue-1.14058878
  18. I wish they had told us if he is competing again in this year's Championnat du Monde de Pâté-Croûte, which I believe is being held tomorrow in France: http://www.championnatdumondepatecroute.com/ Edited to add: Well, @Baron d'Apcher did say in the interview that he submitted for last year, so I guess he would have mentioned if he was doing the same for this year's competition.
  19. Serious Eats did an interview with @Baron d'Apcher recently. Very interesting read! Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere else. http://www.seriouseats.com/2017/11/obsessed-julien-shapiro-pate-en-croute.html#comments-301216
  20. It sounds like it turned out wonderfully! If you had found problems with the rice's texture after vacuum sealing, I see @Lisa Shock has a suggestion:
  21. @Smithy, over on the Cuisinart Steam Convection oven thread, there is a bit of a discussion about baking stones or pizza stones for toaster ovens and when I read the reviews for some of them online, people mentioned using them in their RV ovens. Do you use anything like that on your travels? If not, would it be useful for bread baking (and pizzas, of course)?
  22. There are also several fine carnicerias around town. I plan on checking out a couple that have been recommended recently, will let you know what I discover.
  23. Looks like the same one - Old Stone Oven - might be available on Amazon US, currently with a coupon that lowers the price to $12.32 or so. Also, an Aroma Bakeware stone looks similar, at $17.99. And this one, from Baking Stone. $16.99 They get slightly mixed reviews, but the people that like them REALLY seem to like them a lot. Anyone have any thoughts on which one is a better choice?
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