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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Hi! Here are the pictures I said Iwould post forwhoeveris interested: The sukkah The kids-mine is in the retro tunic... Some of my fam: The cabbage salad: The bean salad: The egg-radish salad: The mini quiches - mushroom: http://forums.egullet.org/uploads/11908359..._4944_96685.jpg The spinach ones -slight well done... http://forums.egullet.org/uploads/11908359...4944_125802.jpg Fresh stuffed tomatoes: Hope it isn't boring for you! Thanks for all the help!!
  2. Well in a while my "guests" will all be here! I made everything for tonight, as planned. Including the delicious cabbage/cranberry salad. I took photos of the slad and the sukkah which I will post as soon as I can. My son in law made fresh stuffed tomatoes, with a squished mush of white rice, mayo and tuna. They look lovely, with an olive on top of each one. It also tastes great, despite my hesitance! I will take a photo of these also!! Tomorrow I changed the soup from cucumber to asparagus curry cold soup. It is different! Thanks to all who helped motivate me and gave me ideas!! Bless this forum!!!
  3. Hi! Well I have a few minutes before a crowd comes for dinner in our little "sukkah"- for a holiday called sukkot. My course is aT cALLEBAUT - nothing major, just to see experts do it! I was promised private attention to see how I temper and to watch over my techniques, learn a few techniques, some decorating. If I am allowed I will take photos. I plan on going to Bruges to tour and visit the chocoalte museum, as well as check out chocolatiers such as Pierre Marcolini in Brussels. Any advice or suggestions? The lovely Jozef Vanelven of Mo d'Art will actually come to Wieze to pick me up and take me to the factory for a tour, and I will buy two melters and a bunch of animal shaped moulds, and then back home to this crazy country. A breather will be just great!! Jozef will arrange an internship for me next fall at a small chocolatier nearby them for 2 or three weeks. I will have to learn some Flemish... Anyone interested in joining me??
  4. Your chocolates look great! Did you put a gold leaf on top? Or what is it called? I want some for my palet d'or but I don't think I can find any here. Your dipping also looks very nice in my opinion. I kinda like it when things don't look machine made, and yet look professional and not amateur-that is my goal anyway, but I still need more practice. Next week I will be in Belgium for a short course.
  5. Hi! FeedmecOOkies- sorry! I did not see the links to cold soup recipes... I don't know why! I guess my brainhasbeen fried, roasted and baked! And gifted gourmet, Iwill check out the links as soon as my kid is off to school-the only one still at home-luckily we have her!!! Lior
  6. If you happen to have a nice recipe for the cold soup-I would really love it!! Thanks so much!! Iwill grill/broil in the oven- with vegetables as it is so hot in the middle of the day outside. I will think about what to do with figs- sounds nice. Any ideas? Thank you verrrry much!
  7. Hey great! Thanks! I will use it!!!
  8. Yes that is what he did- drank oil.!! I went to buy apple juice during the week, which he then used to fry his egg in!!
  9. I had to add mine! I will never put used oil into the empty apple juice bottle - and into the fridge. Teen boys tend to gluk juice down while in the fridge straight from the bottle. So the next time, I bought the poor kid apple juice ,he couldn't understand why the "oil" splattered so much while frying a very "sweet" egg! No, I should not even save used oil-I know... Lior
  10. Rob! The mini cheese cakes are just lovely! I wish I were your neighbor!! Yummy!!
  11. hello all! I am usually in the pastry forum... Anyway, I have made meals over the last few weeks for my extended family (we are easily 16 people) for the Jewish holiday season. And now once again another holiday! I am out of ideas. I need two meals. I thought about the evening one: 1. Orange soup (sweet potatoes, pumpkin etc) 2. Egg and radish salad 3. Fresh salad 4. Cole slaw 5. mini quiches (mushroom, spinach, plain 6. What else?? Do I need another dish? 7. Someone else will do dessert Main lunch meal the following day: 1. I want a cold soup - any ideas?? It is still kinda hot here !! No meat-there are semi-vegetarians 2. Artichoke salad 3. 3 bean salad 4. fish- grilled/baked in oven ?? Ideas? 5. What else?? I appreciate any help as I am out of ideas and motivation! Thanks! Lior
  12. I can't control my environment when it gets so hot and humid ,as I only have a room unit and the area is too big. So at 23C and high humidity, forget it. Batch after annoying batch gets white and gray spots, no shine-total loss. I am nearly done renovating my basement/bomb shelter so that should improve things a lot!! It will be a kitchen for my chocolate.
  13. Yes it is annoying that it stops by those huge rolls of, what are they ? Maybe criss crosses of milk chocolate?! But it did clear things up for me as well!
  14. Hi! On http://www.callebaut.com/en/2616 they have a video and demo on chocolate curls. And cigarettes: http://www.callebaut.com/en/2619 Lior
  15. Very interesting! So it is 1 part water to two parts suger and about (per kilo of sugar) a gram of tartar or lemon or citric? And then boil for half an hour? Does that sound correct ? Thanks for the article!
  16. We get milk in plastic bags, which are placed in a hard plastic container with a handle at home. These are one liter. Then we get cartons of 1 liter and 2 liters and plastic bottles of 1 liter. For kids there is a mini plastic bottle. Here is a site to see pics: http://www.tnuva.co.il/site/he/tnuva.asp?pi=84
  17. Hello. An update on my fridge! Well we just spoke to this technician. He also has a fridge business, new and used.He says that it is not o problem to "fix" the fridge. He puts in a different temp control-he says 14-18 C and that this is simple. Then he does something with the air circulation inorder to take care of the humidity, and keep it below 55%. He did it for someone here, who is happy with the results, so I think I will go on this. He thinks a good used one with a glass door will be good for me. We are going to meet with him. He also said he can install the compressor outside of the fridge, so wewill discuss this when we meet. As more info comes along Iwill let you all know. He is a mechanical engineer and seems to know the field. I hope it will all work out! Thanks!!
  18. Hi! A colleague/friend of mine in the U.S. uses absinthe. He is a wonderful guy, and I am sure would be happy to share his recipe. check him out. His site is www.http://www.chocolatbydaniel.com - I am sure his email is there. He calls it "poison"! Good Luck!
  19. OMG!!! I just love it!!! I am mad about India and Indian food and all the spices!!! I just came back Eilat, and to get there you have to drive through desert - so I thought about you!! Actually the dry heat is better than humid heat! But whew! You get thirsty all the time! Any info on your dish would be welcome! You are such an artist - I absolutely adore looking at your works of edible art. That marshmellow is great- the shape!!!!! I just love it! You made my day!! Thanks.
  20. Well, thanks!! compressors in basements, on roofs!! I hardlyknow what a compressor is! A small display fridge of a meter long would let off so much heat? This is very important to know! And what about upright ones - I assume the same problem? And Pam, you were here in Ashkelon?! May I ask when? I am certainly surprised! SO I guess I will look into uprights, I also want the storage space. I will have to find out more about the compressor issue. Are your uprights for pastry? We just came back from a few days holiday in Eilat- and the hotel had these display fridges all over the place. The workers thought it odd that I was checking out the fridge -back and front, wrote down the manufacturers' names and etc. My husband even wanted to ask if they want to sell one, as most were empty!! Fridge obsession! Thanks to all!! Lior
  21. Thank you so much! I have gone over most of the threads you sent me. I loved the idea of mugs, plates etc with chocolate sayings on them, as my site (soon to be up) will have this also. But mugs will have to wait a bit - priority... Pre-prepared gifts/baskets is also a fantastic and logical idea. I need a display that is a fridge. My husband thinks an upright one is better as it is bigger and less costly- one with a glass door. Someone suggested to get a used one and have a technician alter the temp and humidity control. It is hot and humid here during the long summer. I am starting from the bottom of the ladder, from my basement (literally!) and hope to slowly work my way up. It is a bit scary, as I am not from a business background, but an academic one... I will go back and review once again all the posts you sent me. Thanks again. I will let you know as it happens!! Lior
  22. Hello all. I am sourcing a display refrigerator for chocolates. I have found patisserie ones, where the temp is around 4-8C. No info on humidity control. I found a greatsite in the UK-Norpe- which offers special ones for chocolate-15-18C and humidity control to 50%. I was wondering if anyone knows about this topic? What is used, can I use a patisserie one or not, any suggestions would be very helpful. These refrigerators are expensive so I want to make sure I do the right thing. Thanks, Lior
  23. beautiful! How creative! Now why didn't I think of that!!
  24. I also checked them out , if I recall it was for melters, and they were more expensive. If anyone is in need of custom made PVC moulds, I had mine done through galaxyindia. . I think their prices are good, but shipping costs... They have some nice structured sheets - www.ipfco.com/ Do you know chocolateworld? I am sure you have... and martellato is also good I think.
  25. The 6Kg melters are the smallest you can cleanly flip a mold over. The 3Kg melter is round instead of rectangular and would give you the same trouble as your x3210. I've got a pair of the 6Kg Mol d'art melters and I'm quite happy with them. ← Hi! That is what I thought, so Iwill get the 6kg. I think I will be there in Oct for a course so I will buy them and save on shipping and customs! I hope this is what will happen... Thanks1
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