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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Far from being a pastry chef, but had to confess this. When I make Cream puffs- I think that is what they are called, I fill then with: I take the instant vanilla pudding mix and instead of adding only milk, I add half milk half heavy cream, whip it up put in fridge till the pastry puffs are cool , fill them up and it is delicious and everyone loves it. Of course, none of them are pastry experts or anything.
  2. Cardinal chocolatier makes some chocoalte I got this from my local forum and decided to share it. Nothing really new or amazing, but nice. Eli of Cardinal Chocolates here uses only Valrhona and for some reason makes thin, thin plain bark from 70% Guanaja and 100% pate to get 80%. I am interested in knowing why he doesn't just use 80% . I guess it is a flavor thing. Well sorry that you can't understand the language but the pictures tell it all I think. editted to tell you that you have to scroll down to get to the video-sorry!
  3. Sure sorry it was so unclear! The is a mold from mol d'art of squirrels. 6 altogether. Now alon one side of the mold is the back of the squirrel and it is deeper than the other one opposite it, which is the fron of the squirrel and more flat although there is a small area in the flatter one that is a bit deep. So I don't know if these are to be fliied with something and then put together and also, what is the best way to put them together. I can take a photo if this is still confusing!! Here is the picture of it from Mol D'Art: Mol D'Art squirrel mold Thanks Kerry!
  4. Oh thank you for the advice! I will find out exactly what a paring knife is and if I don't have one I will get one and try.
  5. Well that is what my husband said- hand made should not look perfect. However mine are far too imperfect. I am always thinking of a solution. If I do I will let you know! editted to add: My husband keeps saying he will look at the instructions for the homemade guitar. I hope he does eventually. So, don't think that this wonderful effort (of the guitar instructions) and all is forgotten or ignored. I think it is incredibly nice of you to post it.
  6. wonderful! Don't the graham crackers crack or break when you cut them into 1"X1"? When I make mine I make the dimensions kind of cut into the dough before it goes into the oven and then they are just the right size. I wonder exactly how you do it so there is no cracking or crumbing. Wonderful inventiveness!
  7. excellent! Thanks! I will send you the site as soon as it is up- in Hebrew first, but the English one is nearly done as well. All my chocoalte names are written in English anyway.
  8. Chris, you really are amazing. I have been practicing on and off for 2 years and I believe you are better!! I was actually in a bad mood since I did not have a successful day chocolate -wise and then I come here and see your beauties!!! You are evidently a gut of multi - intelligences! Nowa question after all the compliments: How do you cut your bon bons? I am not doing an accurate job! It drives me crazy.
  9. Thank you. I have to make my g crackers cause they aren't available here! Your method sounds delicious. Do the grahams break into perfect quarters? And then I assume you cut it along those quarters? Oh well, I can't buy then anyway!! Thanks for the compliments!
  10. Oh, one more thing, can I call this chocolate "Caramel Mark"? I will use a link to your site on it. Is that good? That is pretty cool here, people love it when things have English names!!
  11. Thank you soooooo much! I used a recipe from Geerts' book and it was strange. After caramelizing the sugar I had to add the butter and the emulsion broke! I added some lemon juice and it helped. Then the cream and then lastly the glucose! I don't think it is the best. He said to caramelize to 175 C but at this temp my sugar was not completely caramelized... I will use your recipe, on Sunday. I really appreciate your sharing! Today was not a good day! My white choc vanilla ganache was too liquidy- and mt milk choc gamaches were too thick, and then the closing of the molds was not perfect.... Oish! Thanks again!
  12. Yes I could, I have recipes from greweling and JPW for cream caramel but greweling doesn't give the temp. WOuld 112 be good then for that recipe? Thanks!
  13. Hello all! I know that there was a thread on liquidy caramel to fill chocolate molds with a picture but I searched and can't find it. I want to make this today so if anyone is up and connected I would love some direction! Also, any suggestion on flavoring it? It will go with milk chocolate double heart moulds. Thanks!! OH and one more question: Does anyone have the squirrel mould? MIne is from Mol d'art and I am not sure how to use it? I think I should stick the two squirrels together as one is deeper than the other. I hope you know what I mean. If someone has this mold they will understand!!!
  14. I am working on a s'more confection too. I made my own graham crackers, regular marshmellows and then "glued the marshmellow onto the graham cracker with chocolate and dipped it all into chocolate. It was good but too large. I also had some problems with the graham crackers - at first they came out spongy and then I left them in the oven for much lomger than required and had them thinner and it worked. I still need to perfect it. Also, there was no melty marshmellow involved...
  15. Yes I also liked the article-thanks!
  16. Thanks so very much! Sorry about the Amedei mistake-oops! Are you in the states? To order would not I need some kind of importing license? I am excited to read your tips-thanks!
  17. Well you are right!! Thanks for the kind words!
  18. Very fascinating! I also have four kids and the youngest is also 10!! But I cannot imagine doing it with little ones around!! My 3 older are "old" 24, 21, 19. And they still come wandering down looking for goodies! I never ask for help-my fault- and so all the cleaning and arranging is on me. I need to perfect techniques, and there is soooo much to learn! I can't get all those kinds that you mentioned - I wish I could. I would be very interested in hearing more if you have the patience. If not, I really can understand!! I know a bit about Amano- brother and sister team.. right? From reading A Bittersweet Saga of Dark and Light. Well I thank you for sharing your story- a bit of it- with me, it does me good. Do you have an internet site? Well happy New year and thanks once again
  19. Not a good place for our humble dessert-next to those works of art by dystopiandreamgirl! My son and his g.f. made Banana brule for us
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