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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Hello. Besides my mol d'art melters I have a chocovision x3210. I use it on and off, probably once or twice a week if that. This morning I put 2 kilo of Valrhona Guanaja and the machine keeps going into Reset after I add seed or before sometimes and never finishes tempering. I wrote to Chocovision and am waiting for an answer. Has anyone had this experience? and if so, what happened? I assume I will have to ship it back and then pay to have it shipped back to me-disaster!!
  2. Aah! I can get those lids to fit my jars!!! The middle of the lid pops when you open it and then you can push it in? I am almost sure thisis what you both mean. If so, I can return unused lids and get these-good! Thank you for the link!
  3. Wow!Now if it is a regular lid, that you turn? Hmmm? I guess I can get jars with snap lids- those that have a metal thingie that you snap down tightly? Thanks ever so much! You are a clever one!!
  4. first: second: third: fourth: last cdh is right: I'd rather have pure but it doesn't exist. I guess humans have always eaten AT LEAST that if not much worse...
  5. Excellent!! My hubby is very handy-I am sure he can do it- in the few free hours he has... I will convince him... Thank you! There is always my home-made guitar cutter. If you or someone you know are moderately handy with simple shop tools, you can trade your time in building for quite a few dollars. This was built with a table saw, a hand drill, and a hand torch. After using JB-Weld expoy to attach the handle I'm wondering if the whole unit couldn't just be glued together. ←
  6. Yes, mom is my courier! She will have to bring me a large supple of bags. And yes, if they are so cheap, 2 or even 3 would be an excellent idea. I have a new product-chocolate spread made with praline that I keep in jars. Vacuum sealing would be good. Thanks
  7. I love the innovation of using all these tools! I hope I find them or similar at the hardware store here. I have so many palette knives and scrapers cause I am always looking for just the right one! Another thing I thought about is why isn't there an apparatus for cutting ganache besides the expensive guitar. I thought about a grid made up of lots of connected shapes, say squares. That is like a bunch of cookie cutters connected so I just place it over the ganache and press down and "walla!" I have a bunch of perfect squares.
  8. My thanks was in earnest. (in case it was misinterpretated!) I will have to have someone in the states get it and then get it to me. This is how I get a lot of my "supplies". I assume it would not work on jars...
  9. Wow! A drywall knife that wide!! Sounds perfect! That is exactly the problem-the palette knives are bendy. I will goon a search at the hardware stores. I hope I find one here! Otherwise my mom will have to add it to her very weird list of things to bring me from the states! Poor her! A Reynolds vacuum sealer, a compressor, natural colored cocoa butter, Elaine Gonzales' book, a pooper scooper(not for chocolate!!), and 7 seasons salad dressing packets... the list goes on...
  10. It looks delicious. Can you somehow use it? Like pry it out and use as a cup for ice cream? Or crumble it for a topping? Or as a base for a custard cake? I love doing stuff like that. I am good at it as I often end up with such cakes... It seems like the recipe is too liquidy...?
  11. yes, I suppose you are right. A large piece of something to drag across is also an excellent idea. Thanks
  12. Yes of course. However if the amount of slabbed ganache is wider than the palet knife? Do you see what I mean?
  13. Hi. I looked in the old threads but found nothing on this so sorry if it is a repeat. I would like to know how you guys get your ganache flat and even. I use caramel bars, but when it is a big slab itis hard getting it even and flat. I put a baking sheet over the top when it has set a little and then I put an oven tray on top to flatten. Then remove. There must be a more professional way! Any suggestions??
  14. DAVID! tHANK YOU VERY MUCH. Looks just right for me, I guess I will try them. I have been using plastic containers similar to tupperware that I buy in the supermarket. Then I wrap in Saran wrap type of wrap a bunch of times around the container to freeze. Thank you!
  15. For short term storage I use these handy Tupperware containers my wife spotted at a mall kiosk: They meaure 11"x6.75"x1.75" and stack nicely. For long term storage I now freeze using the new Reynolds vaccum bags. ← Hi! Do you reuse the bags or do you need to keep buying new bags? Oh and what size bag do you recommend? I would have to have someone mail them to me because they are not available here. Thanks!
  16. Well after being dipped in chocolate for 3 weeks- you are a nice chocolate gift!! Happy holidays to all. Tammy your chocolates look lovely! Everyone here amazes me!! The creativity, perfection, detail... Bye!
  17. Thanks for the lovely ideas. I am looking for something my son could take with him. He is in a situation whereby he does an incredible amount of physical activity in all weather conditions and does not get enough food. The important requirements, I think, are calcium, protein and energy. This can only be eaten at night and must be something quick. This is why I thought of a bar with ancient grains. Any others ideas would be very appreciated.
  18. Very interesting. My Instant-Read Candy/All Purpose Thermometer seems quite accurate according to my experiments. I will put the thermapen on my wishlist though!! I got a bit obsessive about accurate readings a few weeks ago!!
  19. I would love some advice about ancient grain granola bars if that would be okay of course!
  20. I just went though this trusting thermometers in Pastry and... forum a few weeks ago. In the end I found out what my altiude from sea level was in order to find out what the B.P. of water is at my altitude and then checked one thermometer after another. Was Interesting...
  21. Rob- about your cake: Well!! It does look yummy and one should not judge books by their cover (similar reactions to my delicious desserts-taken well by their maker-no worry) I must admit that I got this little evil smile on my face when I read about your cake!
  22. Hmmm sounds nice. I have lemon geranium in my garden so I thought to infuse it in the cream that I will use for the caramel. I have made rosemary caramel also from my garden. Thanks for the info! I hope soon to be at the point of a big (for me) order. In the meanwhile I am preparing for upcoming chocolate festivals in Jan and Feb, hopefully this will give me initial exposure.
  23. This is what I am thinking! I will try. I can even heat the chocolate more. Anyway there are cold infusions, often more recommended that hot ones, into the cream, so it should work-I hope!
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