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Everything posted by Lior

  1. You can grate up fresh coconut and cook and then strain through a mesh strainer.
  2. Hmmm! thanks! Where are the nibs? In the caramel or inthe nougat? And the almonds?! Thanks so much. I will try Kerry's again as well as yours.
  3. I found it thru google-thanks. I also started going thru your blogs! Wow! But I need to do that slowly and thoroughly. This Friday I will try Zingerman's!
  4. Ha! funny! I am also doing nougat now and mine is dry and crumbly. I am trying Kerry's snicker bars. I think I overheated the syrup or mixed /whipped too long. I think Iw ill try without peanut butter as it is hard to mix it in without getting the crumbles! I thought to try plain nougat with a flavored caramel- with some pistachios and then dipped into dark. Keep us posted about yours!
  5. Hello! So sorry to hear about everyone's taste issues! A cold is one thing, but chemo and its effects... If only you could find find something stomachable, Rebecca! When I went through my pregnancies I had changes in tastes. I am a coffee lover, but coffee tasted like cheap metal coins- like licking metal-ugh! Eggs and their smell would send me out of the house no matter the time or weather. I suppose it is a hormonal thing. Wishing you all healthy appetites and smells and tastes!
  6. Thank you ever sooooo much!!! I just finished making the nougat - finally!! I have been wanting to do this for ever. Anyway, it became crumbly-boohoo!! I think I over heated the syrup-it started climbing up very fast allof a sudden! Then perhaps I over mixed the syrup with eggwhites (how long?) and then I tried not to overstir the pnut B in but in order to get it mostly in I had to gently mix... and then as I was plopping it in the frame-CRUMBLE!!! And it seems too sweet. I will try again-any tips? Then I will do the passion fruit/mango caramel and coat in I think dark chocolate.
  7. Hi Kerry! This week I want to work on caramels with fruit purees. I am not sure how to do it. Do I add the fruit puree after it reaches 123C? And do I change the amount of any liquid in order to replace it with the puree? And also,are there purees that come out better than others? Mango and passion fruit is what I have around... I hope you don't mind all my questions. Thanks a thousand times already!! Ilana
  8. Wonderful lovely pictures! The dumplings look so scrumptious! I am so enjoying all these pictures of foods I have never seen or heard of! And the gorge is breath-taking! I just love scenery! Thanks so much fior all the effort it took to post those pictures!
  9. Thank you both very much! Iwill try them! Is Zingerman's recipe available over the net?
  10. I made the Brownie recipe fom best ever Brownies from Baking with Julia-recommended on this thread/forum or somewhere. I used 85% Valrhona Abinao instead of unsweetened and some bittersweet.. After the recommended baking time they were still liquidy and after cooling them down I was unable to cut them. I popped them back into the oven, cooled, and then BACK into the oven. I think they baked for over an hour. They were eventually baked, but still not a clean cut. They were dense-too dense or heavy. I baked in a white pyrex-could this be a problem? What went wrong? I want a dark deep chocolate taste, not very sweet... Any advice? I need a brownie that I can take with me to a dinner party or give to a friend. The ones I made were "family" only cause they looked so disastrous!
  11. Hello! Why thank you so much! You are so supportive and kind!! It is lovely to see you on this thread! Best regards to your Kiddle!Let me know when she comes!!
  12. FYI chefrubber carries a natural color line of colored ccb- I use it, it is not so very"bright" but I don't like coloring that is not natural-a weird thing I guess.
  13. I bought them from Mol D'Art when I was in Belgium. I believe they are from chocolate world. I bet chocoate-chocoalte has them in Canada cause the dollar to the euro is not so good for you now. For me the dollar to shekel is great!! I suggest buying more than one if you buy as they are big so there are only 10 or maybe 12 hedgehogs!
  14. Thanks Mary! Yes I am having a few days rest. Today is my husband's bday so I sent about 50 chocolates with him to work to celebrate with his colleagues. I know they've been waiting to taste!!
  15. Rena! Thank you!! You know I had a local aluminum business make me stainless tables and it isn't too expensive. You just have to keep pushing ahead! But you have to want it!! I still have a looong way to go. Why don't you try some things? But thanks so much for the kind words.
  16. I made a creme brulee and then while hot poured it onto melted tempered milk chocolate- as though it was the cream. At the end I added Stock brandy and cacao nibs, which softened in time..... I piped it into a moulded shape and then after a membrane formed I closed it off with chocolate of course. It was well liked. I personally feel ,y invention far from perfect and really have no idea if that is the way to do it!! If you have any ideas I will be happy to receive them. I do the same thing with the Sahlav.
  17. Thanks Rehovot! Daniel Monster is named after my chocolatier friend in Rockford Ill- chocolate by Daniel. I always tease him...
  18. Thanks Gfron and cakewalk!!! Yes it was 2 weeks of morning to night, during "Sharavs" (Hot desert winds blowing- like a hot dry oven for at least 3 days we had 100F-horrible!!! And then the usual "IFO's" (Identified FO's...)I am quite pooped and my right side from head down aches!!! But did it and done!!!
  19. Yes I did quite well. And it was in my town and people were very surprised that there is a chocolatier (sort of?) here and expressed a lot of interest. So I will have to wait and see exactly what happens next. It is not simple because I can't have people knocking on my door and expecting all those chocolates immediately available. I told them that it is best by order. I have to work this issue out. I am still not ready to have a store and I still need more experience and perfection. Yes, the bark and bars did not seem popular. About sharing- that was interesting because when people needed help choosing I suggested 2 of the same kind and people said, "no. one bite me, one bite my wife..." Perhaps I should try small small bars... Yes I made tons of chocolate. And thanks for all your help, advice and surprises!
  20. Well these festivals are exhausting! After two days I am tired. It went rather well. The evening were very pleasant. There were booths of wineries giving explanations on the products and tastes. At the entrance people paid 30 shekels (1 $ is 3.48 shekels) and got a wine glass. Then they went around with their glass for tastes. There were olive oils and 3 chocolatiers. There was live blues and jazz playing in the background. In the center of the hall therewere high tables and chairs for people to sit and chat over wine and chocolate. So it was a nice atmosphere. Here are some pictures: My set up, son/helper on your far left and in the middle his friend who came to help out: Butterfly- white chocolate ganache with fresh mago puree: Capezzoli di venere (nipples of venus) - milk chocolate ganache with chestnut puree and Brandy My 100% line: Creme Brulee - milk chocolate and cremebrulee with brandy and cacao nibs: Daniel monster - dark choc ganache with chipotle and coriander Frog- also in milk coating- no picture- white choc ganache with fresh strawberry puree Hedgehog- milk choc ganache with praline: 75% dark maltitol line: Mendiants and squirrels: Passion - white choc ganache with passion fruit (pasiflora) puree Sahlav - also in dark-no picture- white chocolate and sahlav S'mores - strawberry marshmellow with homemade grahams Tapuz (orange) - milk choc ganache with kumquat puree and peels and brandy Wasabi - milk ganache with wasabi My t shirts: Bars - weren't too popular: Cherry- dark choco ganache with cherry puree and Cherry Heering Frangelico - milk choc ganache with praline and Frangelico Lollies Souris - white choc ganache with vanilla beans No pictures- palet d'or- picture didn't come out and to my disappointment for Mark- Bittersweet Mark also didn't come out. So sorry! I will make sure my husband gets that one next time. My Palet D'Ors didn't get pjotoed and many others.... I will get them eventually!
  21. I love your improvisation ideas of plastic legs!! I also make my own recipes at times and they usually turn out nice. Cutting your slabbed ganache into half and then dealing with each half sepately makes it easier to bottom and later to cut. I think that was Tammy's advice if I remeber correctly...or someone's... Tammy I loved your pictures! Thanks!
  22. Thank Kerry! It was a lot of fun. Although once again I need to perfect things.... Tell me, do you sleep?! Okay I am off to my festival. Thanks so much to all for the good wishes- it helps a lot. I get sooooo nervous! I will try to take some photos.
  23. I have been so busy this week preparing for the upcoming (now...) wine festival here that I only quickly looked at your pictures. After tomorrow I will go through it all. Just wanted to say thanks and wanted you to know I loved what I read and saw so far.
  24. I am looking forward to learning about life and food in China! What a move-from the U.S. (everyone's dream here) to China! Tell us as much as you can about wine!! I will go to your site! Thanks and I feel very interested!
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