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Everything posted by Lior

  1. I make a white chocolate strawberry ganache. I make a reduced puree- if I remember 100g puree to 100g cream to 340 g chocolate, I can look it up later. I add some balsamic which seems to bring out the strawberry. I think it tastes just right...
  2. Okay thanks! I always end up making my recipes! I will look for Alize but it is a small chance... Well thanks anyhow!!
  3. Hi. I usually use Wybauw's recipes but change them according to my needs. If I want a moulded chocolate I change the choc to cream ratio etc. Or I use it for idea combinations. But now: I want to make Arabe- page 110 exactly as is given. My problem is that I think I can't! First it calls for 30g of Sorbitol. I would rather not use this. So could I replace it with invert or glucose? It is reduced glucose I think- and if so how? Next it calls for Passoa Liqueur- passion fruit liqueur. I can't get it here! What else could be used? Brandy? A fruit liqueur? Another of his recipes calls for pistachio compound (amoretti No.5) It sounds yucky to me. I want natural pistachio. Could pistachio paste replace this gram for gram? This is on page 128. Quite a few customers asked for pistachio hence these two recipes. Thanks!!
  4. I have squirrel molds thatI have to "stick" together. My method works very well. I use the hairdryer to heat a smallpart of my stainless steel table and then gently rub both halves on this warm spot till I see signs of melting. Then I stick them together. The hot spot stays warm for about 4 squirrels and then I give it another blow.
  5. Whose bday is it-I am confused! Well happy birthday to you as well!!!! Your cake looks just amazing!! And the curry! You just had to do that to me!! I am sure no one would agree to make a cake for you- it would be a very scary experience... But they apparently are happy to contribute ingredients- eggs and such!! How lovely that you so enjoy life- may you be blessed with a long, healthy and happy one!
  6. Hi. I am starting to get ready for the pesach seder- I will have about 24 people. Today I bought a few kosher for passover things so I don't have to order a truck to drag everything home in one run!! This year there are some breakfast cereals- good for my little one as she starves for a week usually! Do you guys get these too? Probablt horribly sweet- "Pillows" filled with a chocolate hazelnut cream: Corn Flakes- also gluten free- why don't they make them all year?! The kids-young and old love these huge cookies especiallyy for dipping: Same taste different size and shape: Lots of matzas: Bye!!
  7. Happy healthy birthday to your spouse- and as we say here- till 120 years!
  8. Oish!!! TRi2cook!! It looks so incredibly delicious! My kind of texture and flavor I wish I could gobble it all up! Yummy!!!
  9. I personally prefer not adding extra sugar in any form unless I am making huge quantities for festivals and need the extra shelf life. I freeze in any case. Then again my turnover is far from needing lots of chocolate on a daily basis so my recipes try to leave out the sugar. 2 weeks or even 3 seems more than enough for me. Alcohol also helps keep it fresh and is nice for taste- but again not a lot.
  10. Everyone in my family likes them small and dense, dense and dense!!! If you want an interesting chicken soup take a look at my blog-there is a picture and I can get you the exact recipe but it is pretty straight forward- chicken (all parts), onions, potatoes, celery root or sticks if you can't get the root, some garlic, fresh parsley and coriander, some tumeric and cumin. When the vegies are soft and before they are mushy, take out of soup to serve separately. Of course, salt. After it is cold skim off the fat. ETA: Oh and we also take out the chicken before it gets mushy and also serve on table separately for whoever wants a piece in their soup. My SIL hates soup chicken and calls it "laundried chicken" as though it went through the wash... My husband loves it asit is yellow from the spices and he thinks it is very tasty!!.
  11. Lior

    Passover Baking

    Hi. Well I know there are different rules for Sephardic and Ashkenazi (Spnaish/middle eastern and East European origins). We go according to Sephardic. Anyway here is my input- nothing as fancy as some of the previous AMAZING recipes (THAT DELICIOUS LOOKING CARROT CAKE...): Pesach Halva Cake: 100g Halva 3 Tbl quality cocoa 3 Tbl water 1/2 cup sugar Melt the above in a pot on a low flame until a it thick. Add 2 sticks of marg or butter to the pot and some wine or other kosher for pesach alcohol Now soak matzohs in liquid like wine juice or water even. Now spread mixture over matzoh to make a layer cake but leave some of the sauce for the end. At the end cover allthe cake withthe sauce and put in the fridge Pesach Kamishbroit: 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup oil 3 eggs grated lemon about 1 1/2 cups matza meal (make it firm enough) Combine all and make 4 long skinny loaves. Put in oven at about 350-375. When they brown take out, cut slices and lay on sides and return to oven for a bit till you get the color you like. If anyone is interested I will get my MIL recipe for her killer Yemenite haroset. You can't stop eating it!! Thanks to everyone for all their recipes. I will have to find time to slowly go through this thread and decide what to choose to make something new and different! Then I will thank that contributor!!
  12. Okay. So I put it in fridge before cutting as suggested. It qwas then kind of hard to cut but I managed. The ends were a bit squashed from the cutting. Now before dipping into 64% Valrhona Manjari, I let them sit out to get to room temp while I tempered the chocolate. When everything was ready I noticed that the caramel had warmed up and started to flow over the nicely cut rectangles and kind of slide off! So I turned them upside down and cut off the sliding parts. I was left withl ess caramel and less almonds since I had sprinkled the almonds on the top!! But there was a good side to this- less sweet! I had thought the caramel layer too thick so now it was thinner. I must remember this for next time- thinner layer and perhaps cook the caramel longer soit won't pool down the sides??? After cutting and before the great "slide" up close: After dipping - notice the thinner caramel layer... I was very happy with the chocolate balance - right choice...
  13. I have been working on this now and after a flop or two here is where I am at. I am going to call it my Kerry Rose Bar. Tomorrow I will finish and post more pictures. I roasted some sliced almonds and instead of peanut butter I used almond praline, similar to mrose's suggestion-yum- then I made passion fruit caramel and sprinkled some nuts on top- Caramel went on top of nougat. Tomorrow I will dip in 64% Manjari. I roasted the almonds in some Kirsch and sugar. Wish me luck! And thanks for all the help !!
  14. Okay! Got it! You see I only read about many of these things and have never seen them so I experiment and have no real idea if it is right. I have read about Kee's famous creme brulee pralines and would love to taste one to see what is all about! So technically my creme brulee is creme anglese! It was well liked and that is also good! Thanks David!
  15. Kerry B recommended using a pinch of citric acid powder (lemon salt around here). This cuts the sweetness. You can replace all the water with guava puree also. This is what I did with the Tamarind and strawberry marshmellows I made.
  16. Got it! Thanks so much! I love learning new techniques.
  17. Hi. I am not sure I understand your part about " I don't think you could add the Brulee since it doesn't contain any carmalized sugar. I'm thinking of adding that but would probably have to coat it in cocoa butter not to melt. And yes, I also liked their upside mould of 2 colors. I guess I may purchase it... When I made mine it was quite similar to the Tomric recipe and I treated it like any other ganache and had no problems.
  18. Hi! I found this if you haven't yet seen it:
  19. Yes I see it adds and is also time consuming a bit I suppose. But it seems like a must try! Any tips? I imagine it is done like the bars on the video!
  20. Oh now why didn't I know that?! Thanks! Do people turn them over and look? I must try this!
  21. Just lovely! How did he keep those points and manage totake off the umwanted parts-at the end?! And Iassume the reason for putting the "plastic foil" on the closing of the bars is for shininess? Have you tried this? I guess you could do the same for all moulds. I love this stuff!! Thank you so much!
  22. Perhaps here will give you some ideas
  23. Thanks mrose! I love the way it sounds! What a brilliant idea - to use almond butter! I guess the possibilities are great-nut butters!!!
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