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Posts posted by Naftal

  1. I love the dessert at the end of a birthday banquet - the "peach"-shaped longevity buns that are filled with sweet lotus seed paste. My cousins and I would fight over them.

    The aren't that different from the lotus seed paste buns one gets at dim sum, but the shape evokes the longevity peaches in the Queen of Heaven's garden.

    Is sweet lotus seed paste red in color?

  2. Liuzhou- I have had durian turnovers  for dim sum.  I have also seen such things as egg tarts, red bean cake w/ coconut, lychee cake, pan-fried water chestnut cake, I know they are very different in appearance from Western cake, but I was wondering if one can buy them in a Chinese market? And, are they traditional dim sum fare?

  3. I live in a large urban area, so I have limited space (but huge plans!). I have two mulberry trees which I don't spray. One tree has low branches and I go out every day to collect the newly ripened berries. I really enjoy just eating them fresh. Most of the berries on the other tree are too high. My ultimate plan is to turn my entire "back-yard" into a real "garden".

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  4. I was interviewing the Executive Director of  local Chamber of Commerce, and I discovered that her favorite cocktail was the sidecar. Dedicated researcher that I am, I knew I needed to try one. It was amazing. And, I was further amazed to see that it did not have a thread on eG :shock: So...here I am to remedy that situation. And to ask: What is your favorite variation on this drink?

  5. I rehydrate and grind the shrimp then ferment it on the counter for a few days and then and keep that on hand  for all things umami, periodically I go through bouts were fish sauce is not "right" ..or enough to finish the flavor and yes it is one of those things when you need it ..it is just the thing you need. 


    not really cooking I guess but it will make a dinner  for me  grind it up or if they are little leave them whole and sprinkle in with buttered popcorn then add whatever else you want ..seaweed …chile …more butter …garlic …soy ..maggi ..whatever the dried shrimp and popcorn will change your mind about "Popcorn shrimp " that is for sure ..great beer snack ..if my shrimp are tiny and tender I just toast them in the melted butter before I pour it on the popcorn and I use a whirley pop so the popcorn is really greasy and good .


        Would I be correct in assuming that you ferment the shrimp in an acid of some sort?

    Also, I love the idea of shrimp and butter on popcorn. I wonder if this would work on baked potatoes, or (glory be!!!) on toast?

  6. huiray- It sounds like har mai are not used in inland cuisines. Is this because they are only used as a source of umami in those cuisines. Or, am I really off? Perhaps I have missed something?

  7. There are no hard and fast rules but the general principle is to cram as much mint as will fit into the pot, while the amount of tea is what one would normally put (few spoonfuls)

    Hassouni- I plan to eventually grow my own mint for this. So I was wondering, when cramming the pot with as much mint as will fit, do you (as I suspect) take the leaves off the stems first, or can you cram everything-leaf and stem-into the pot? I know this is probably a stupid question, but it's the kind of stuff I think about

  8. Fuchsia  Dunlop refers to dried shrimp as one of her "secret ingredients". I use it in my fried rice and congee. I found a wonderful smoked version that may not be authentic, but I love what it does. Do you use dried shrimp? What is your experience with this magical item?

  9. ...I am having one at this moment. There are many fine Middle Eastern restaurants in the Metro Detroit area, but...I have just finished lunch at what many consider the best place one of the best and I have had my second disappointing experience. I should add that this is one of the very few places that serves Iraqi-style food. That may explain its popularity. The good Lebanese places are truly delightful. 

        Also, IMHO Locum/Malban, the original Middle Eastern version of Turkish Delight is wonderful but very different from the version produced here.

  10. Thai Tea

    60ml milk washed jasmine tea vodka

    15ml honey simple syrup

    15ml clarified lime juice



    very resfreshing.

    I find this really interesting. Can anyone tell me what milk washed jasmine tea vodka is? I know what all those words mean individually, but I have no idea what they all mean together. Help! 

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