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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Rice paper uses

    As Kenneth noted they are great for fried rolls. I find them to be one of those use-specific items but always willing to learn. To me they are just a standard part of the wrapping meal
  2. Huge advocate of the KISS mantra. I used to over buy for rental houses and end up wasting time and money when I could have eaten interesting restaurant food for less money. I learned to embrace the adventure, often just playing with a single pan, good ingredients, and maybe one or two unfamiiars. One year it was some old anise seed in the cupboard and sweeter than sweet Santa Barbara spot prawns. Another year were ordinary bulk bin lentils and some tagetes lemonii growing in the yard.
  3. I like a mix of cornmeal and wheat flour or rice flour
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/22/opinion/sunday/food-sex-and-silence.html
  5. I think it is all bout distribution & volume. Here in So California produce is dirt cheap if you look around. At Asian markets where folks buy A LOT they are practically giving away greenery.
  6. Friend sent link - he is viewing April 21 this Friday - this is my food awakening era so I am interested http://www.fandango.com/jeremiahtower:thelastmagnificent_198135/movieoverview
  7. heidih

    Overnight Oats

    This immediately prompted a memory of Bircher Muesli from the 70's. Here is a lik to a Guardian article on more modern takes https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2014/oct/23/how-to-make-perfect-bircher-muesli-recipe
  8. Hope they keep their FaceBook up - always something interesting there
  9. This comes up when my favorite entomologist leads "bug talks" 1 - why are they there? - remove any speck of food and wipe all moisture 2 - vinegar is your friend and not toxic - they don't like it - spray on the swath o' bugs , wipe away some of the dead BUT leave some - walk away for several hours. They will take their dead home and not a trace will remain Trust me Pesticides - please no
  10. Yes they have nice plants. Also consider Laurel's Heirloom Tomatoes http://www.heirloomtomatoplants.com/ I think Kenneth has ordered from her. She is just down the road from me. The Berkeley Tie Dye is stunning. Field trip???
  11. In Southern California they are frequently growing alongside of mustard- and that is an edible - enjoyed some the other day - with the rains the yard is a magnificent "pick your own" salad bowl
  12. heidih

    Starbuck's Pies

    Unresponsive to the pie - I will admit to a current craving for their spinach feta wrap (spinach, feta and egg white in a whole grain tortilla) - crisped on edges and molten center - with squirts of Sriracha which they now have in packets - and a huge iced green tea cuz it is flippin 80 degrees F at 9am!!! I can't get it because the traffic is so bad - tree trimmers blocking roads trying to deal with rain fall-out....
  13. I like the beet salad and the idea of fluffed up cream but think I would have to add horseradish
  14. In furtherance of my vow to make small batch "jam" from local stuff this poor image is lemon rind from the tree I was going to remove but which popped back during our bizarre rains plus dates foraged from family fridge (years old) plus water and a hit of brown sugar; Texture is wrong but taste is nice
  15. It kinda snuck up on me so I went with lots of cheese in flour tortilla with wild greens and hot sauce. Soo good - waiting 40 days for another will make it so much better
  16. I am a long time follower of the author and think this will be a winner! Istanbul and Beyond: Exploring the Diverse Cuisines of Turkey
  17. heidih


    Oh no loquats are just a bit fruity and not something one craves. Kind of a watered down taste. We have a bazillion locally to pick in public spaces (it is a pretty tree) Best use we have found is to put them in a big bowl of water and ice and sit around to enjoy when it is very hot. Same thing we do with lychee. I have several loquat trees but the night creatures strip them before I can harvest
  18. heidih


    Not fair as I am in Southern California - will stick to Farmers Market local: apples, grapes, wide variety of citrus. Blueberries and raspberries - maybe greenhouse grown. Corner strawberry stands are starting up. Non-local and tempting are the street carts with cups of pineapple, various melons, and cucumber - with chili lime salt
  19. No I just peel off papery bark, pull off the long stringy bits and put sedds with their flesh is a MW proof container, add a touch of water and nuke to baby bottle temp. Let them soak while working on other prep for maybe 20 minutes and then massage off the flesh. The seed is smooth and pretty - I used to keep a small bowl of the seeds and loquat seeds on my coffee table. Every visitor wanted to handle them
  20. I always think of the Omar Sharif and Julie Andrews movie when using them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tamarind_Seed Here are 2 pods I just cracked open on my counter
  21. heidih

    Dinner 2017 (Part 3)

    Looks good Norm -do you ever do the lightly pickled daikon rounds as wrapper material? My local Korean marts haven them in cold section (3-1/2" rounds and thin). I prefer fresh but man the smell of my pickled daikon from fresh used to cause my son to scream "mom!!!" from several rooms away when I opened jar.
  22. And to go step further I use the pods (dry) and massage the stringy seedy paper bark amalgam - mild but definitely present
  23. After listening to 2 Serious Eats interviews with Frank Bruni I picked up his memoir Born Round from the library. Brutally honest and interesting
  24. Speaking of meatloaf - this Serious Eats interview with Frank Bruni has ideas that I think translate to balls http://www.seriouseats.com/2017/02/special-sauce-frank-bruni-part-2.html
  25. David - white pepper I usually flavor the broth or dipping sauce with the aromatics cuz store-bought are more about texture
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